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¿Desea agradecer a su equipo antes de que termine el año? Utilice nuestro recurso Apreciación del Equipo para destacar sus mayores logros. Felicite a sus colegas ejecutivos por su sobresaliente rendimiento anual. Muestre un crecimiento trimestral excepcional y dónde sus KPIs superaron las expectativas. Además, utilice este recurso para medir el compromiso de los empleados, los esfuerzos de diversidad e inclusión, el aprendizaje y el desarrollo, y mucho más.

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Apart from the usual KPIs, team performance can also be measured by assessing employee engagement, diversity and inclusion efforts, and learning and development. Other metrics could include team cohesion, individual skill development, and the ability to meet deadlines.

This resource can be used to highlight exceptional quarterly growth by showcasing where your KPIs exceeded expectations. It can be used to congratulate your fellow executives on outstanding performance and highlight the biggest wins of the year.

Some other ways to measure exceptional quarterly growth could include tracking the increase in customer base, the expansion of market share, the growth in sales volume, the rise in net profit margin, or the improvement in operational efficiency. It's also important to consider qualitative factors such as customer satisfaction, employee morale, and brand reputation.

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Destacados de la herramienta

Focos de atención del equipo

Destaque a un ejecutor excepcional junto con barras de progreso que muestran cuánto han logrado. (Diapositiva 6) Resalte su alcance y escala para este año junto con informes de progreso sobre iniciativas específicas. (Diapositiva 17) Comunique los criterios para las recompensas en excelencia laboral, servicio al cliente, rendimiento ejemplar y trabajo en equipo. Utilice la rúbrica de calificación en el lado derecho para que todos los interesados internos sepan cómo se llevará a cabo el proceso de premiación. (Diapositiva 20)

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Teamwork can be evaluated through various methods. Some of them include observing the level of communication within the team, assessing the ability of team members to resolve conflicts, measuring the team's productivity, and evaluating the team's ability to meet deadlines. Feedback from team members can also provide valuable insights into the team's performance.

Other ways to evaluate exemplary performance could include peer reviews, self-assessments, 360-degree feedback, and setting specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) goals. Regular check-ins and feedback sessions can also be beneficial. It's also important to consider both quantitative and qualitative measures of performance.

Some other ways to evaluate customer service include customer surveys, mystery shopping, social media monitoring, customer complaint analysis, and feedback from focus groups. It's also beneficial to track key performance indicators (KPIs) such as first response time, customer satisfaction score, and net promoter score.

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La jerarquía de Maslow de compromiso de los empleados

Demuestre a todos los interesados cómo se ve el compromiso para que todos puedan alcanzar su máximo potencial. Cuando todos los interesados hablan un lenguaje compartido para la realización personal en el trabajo, el potencial puede ser liberado a través del descubrimiento de las causas raíz detrás de los desmotivadores.Por separado, se pueden identificar y activar motivadores para fomentar una mayor satisfacción. (Diapositiva 21)

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Creating a presentation to congratulate a team with a hierarchy of one manager, four teams, and 17 team members can be done in several steps:

1. Title Slide: Start with a title slide that clearly states the purpose of the presentation. For example, "Celebrating Our Team's Success".

2. Introduction Slide: Introduce the manager and highlight their role in the team's success.

3. Team Slides: Create four slides, one for each team. On each slide, list the team members and highlight their contributions.

4. Individual Recognition Slides: If possible, create a slide for each team member to individually recognize their efforts.

5. Conclusion Slide: Conclude the presentation with a slide that summarizes the team's achievements and expresses gratitude for everyone's hard work.

Remember to use visuals like photos, diagrams, and charts to make the presentation more engaging. Also, keep the tone positive and celebratory throughout the presentation.

An Appreciation deck can be used to measure employee engagement by providing a platform for recognizing and acknowledging employees' efforts and achievements. It can help identify what motivates employees, thereby increasing their engagement and fulfillment at work. However, it's important to note that the effectiveness of an Appreciation deck in measuring engagement may vary depending on the organization's culture and the employees' perception of the recognition system.

Some ways to address the root causes behind demotivators include understanding what engagement looks like for all stakeholders and ensuring everyone is working towards their highest potential. It's also important to identify and activate motivators to encourage higher fulfillment. Additionally, creating a shared language for personal fulfillment at work can help unlock potential and discover the root causes behind demotivators.

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Panel de aprendizaje y desarrollo

La incorporación es solo el comienzo del proceso de aprendizaje y desarrollo. Esta visualización del panel puede ayudar a mantener un seguimiento de dónde se encuentran todos los ejecutivos en su proceso de educación continua. (Diapositiva 26)

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Encuesta de diversidad e inclusión

Es importante entender cuán inclusivo es su lugar de trabajo. Esta encuesta de diversidad e inclusión se puede utilizar para sondear a los empleados y evaluar cuán exitosos han sido sus esfuerzos de inclusión en áreas clave como la equidad en el lugar de trabajo, el crecimiento profesional, la voz y la toma de decisiones. Si logra una equidad favorable en toda su organización, puede fomentar un sentido de propósito más amplio y conducir a una mayor motivación en el trabajo entre todos los interesados.(Diapositiva 25)

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Some ways to increase motivation at work include fostering a sense of broader purpose, ensuring workplace equity, providing opportunities for career growth, and giving employees a voice in decision-making. These can be achieved through successful inclusion efforts. Regularly conducting diversity and inclusion surveys can also help in assessing the success of these efforts and identifying areas for improvement.

An organization can foster a sense of broader purpose among its employees by ensuring inclusive practices in the workplace. This can be achieved by conducting diversity and inclusion surveys to assess the success of inclusion efforts across key areas such as workplace equity, career growth, voice, and decision-making. When employees feel that there is equitable treatment across the organization, it can foster a sense of broader purpose and lead to higher motivation at work.

There are several ways to give employees a voice in decision-making. These include: creating open communication channels where employees can share their ideas and feedback; involving employees in decision-making processes; setting up suggestion boxes or online platforms for idea submission; conducting regular meetings where employees can discuss their thoughts and concerns; and implementing a diversity and inclusion survey to assess the success of inclusion efforts across key areas like workplace equity, career growth, voice and decision-making.

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