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Criar valor para os clientes é difícil e exigente; requer um monitoramento constante da vantagem competitiva do seu negócio. Para se manter no topo, identifique áreas para melhoria, aumente a eficiência e amplie as margens de lucro com nossa apresentação Análise da Cadeia de Valor 100% editável. Use este deck para criar uma robusta cadeia de valor, construir os sistemas e atividades mais focados no cliente e deixar seus concorrentes muito atrás.

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Value Chain Analysis (VCA) is a business analysis framework that focuses on identifying areas of a business where value can be added and efficiency can be increased. It's a tool for understanding how activities within a company create value for its customers. Other business analysis frameworks such as SWOT Analysis, PESTEL Analysis, and Porter's Five Forces also provide valuable insights but in different ways. SWOT Analysis focuses on internal strengths and weaknesses and external opportunities and threats. PESTEL Analysis looks at the macro-environmental factors that affect an organization. Porter's Five Forces analyzes the competitive forces within the environment in which a company operates. Each framework has its own strengths and is used based on the specific needs of the business.

Starbucks could benefit from Value Chain Analysis. By analyzing their value chain, they could identify areas where they can improve efficiency, such as their supply chain management or their in-store operations. This could lead to increased profit margins. For example, they could find ways to source their coffee beans more efficiently, or streamline their in-store processes to serve customers faster. This would not only increase their profits, but also improve customer satisfaction.

Value Chain Analysis in the retail industry can be used in several practical ways. It can help identify areas for improvement, boost efficiency, and increase profit margins. For instance, it can be used to analyze and optimize operations, from procurement of goods to customer service. It can also help in identifying the most cost-effective activities and systems, enabling the business to offer competitive pricing. Furthermore, it can aid in understanding how to create more value for customers, which can lead to increased customer loyalty and higher sales.

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Destaques do slide

Este slide ajudará você a explicar a principal diferença entre a cadeia de valor e a cadeia de suprimentos para sua equipe. A diferença é que a cadeia de suprimentos abrange atividades em torno do produto ou serviço físico, mas a cadeia de valor abrange fluxos de informação.

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Empregue a ferramenta Cinco Forças de Porter para analisar as forças competitivas do mercado e definir novas oportunidades e identificar potenciais riscos. Estes incluem a atual competição dentro da indústria, novos entrantes no mercado e negociação do cliente.

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Com este slide, utilize o Modelo de Análise da Cadeia de Valor de Porter. A força do modelo reside no fato de que se concentra principalmente em sistemas e atividades centrados no cliente, em vez de se preocupar com categorias de negócios gerais.

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Porter's Value Chain Analysis Model focuses on customer-centric systems and activities by breaking down the company's activities into strategically relevant tasks. These tasks are then analyzed in terms of their potential to create customer value. The model emphasizes the importance of activities that directly contribute to creating and delivering a product or service that meets customer needs and expectations. It encourages businesses to look beyond their internal operations and consider the entire value chain from the perspective of the customer. This customer-centric focus helps businesses identify areas where they can improve efficiency, increase profit margins, and gain a competitive advantage.

The strength of Porter's Value Chain Analysis Model lies in its focus on customer-centric systems and activities. Unlike other models that may be more concerned with general business categories, Porter's model emphasizes the importance of creating value that directly benefits the customer. This approach allows businesses to identify areas for improvement, boost efficiency, and increase profit margins, thereby gaining a competitive edge.

Porter's Five Forces tool allows businesses to identify new opportunities and potential risks within their industry. The five forces include: competition in the industry, potential of new entrants into the industry, power of suppliers, power of customers, and threat of substitute products. By analyzing these forces, businesses can identify areas where they have competitive advantage and areas where they are vulnerable. For example, a high threat of substitute products may indicate a need for innovation and differentiation. Similarly, strong competition may push a company to improve its operations and reduce costs.

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Visão geral

Charles H. Fine, professor do MIT Sloan School of Management e autor de "Clockspeed: Winning Industry Control in the Age of Temporary Advantage" foi entrevistado sobre análise de cadeia de valor para "MIT Sloan Management Review."

Ao explicar o termo, ele disse: "[..] Dois dos principais modelos [de análise de cadeia de valor] para pensar são chamados de 'arquitetura de cadeia de valor integral' e 'arquitetura de cadeia de valor modular'. Esses modelos confrontam as empresas com uma das maiores questões: Trabalhamos com os players em nossa cadeia de valor de maneira colaborativa com objetivos de longo prazo que são de certa forma comuns, ou cada um de nós está por si mesmo no curto prazo? É ganha-ganha ou soma zero?"

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Value Chain Analysis can help in boosting efficiency and increasing profit margins by identifying the key activities within your organization that add value to your product or service. This analysis allows you to understand the cost and value associated with each activity, enabling you to optimize these activities to reduce costs, improve efficiency, and increase value to the customer. By doing so, you can increase your profit margins. Furthermore, Value Chain Analysis can help you identify your company's competitive advantages and leverage them to outperform competitors.

The concepts of 'win-win' and 'zero-sum' play a significant role in the decision of value chain architecture. In a 'win-win' scenario, companies work collaboratively with other players in the value chain, aiming for long-term objectives that are mutually beneficial. This approach is often associated with an 'integral value chain architecture'. On the other hand, a 'zero-sum' scenario is where each player is out for themselves in the short run, often associated with a 'modular value chain architecture'. The choice between these two approaches depends on the company's strategic objectives and the nature of its relationships with other players in the value chain.

Apple Inc. is a prime example of a company that has successfully implemented an integral value chain architecture. They design, develop, and sell their own products, maintaining control over the entire process. This allows them to ensure high quality and seamless integration of hardware and software.

On the other hand, Dell Computers is an example of a company that has successfully implemented a modular value chain. They assemble computers using components from various suppliers, allowing them to offer a wide range of customizable options to their customers.

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Fine continuou: "Se uma empresa trabalhando com um fornecedor diz, "Se eu posso forçar um corte de preço na sua garganta, eu ganho, você perde", é soma zero. Se uma empresa está dizendo aos seus trabalhadores, "Eu posso forçar um corte de salário em você, ou eu posso terceirizar no exterior para encontrar taxas de salário mais baixas", também é soma zero. Soma zero é arquitetura modular. Ganha-ganha é arquitetura integral. Entre outras coisas, empresas que constroem cadeias de valor integrais estão incentivando seus fornecedores a compartilhar inovação, porque a atitude dos players é, estamos todos juntos nisso e nos beneficiamos coletivamente da inovação, e há uma relação de confiança de longo prazo de tal forma que eu sei que se eu te der uma inovação, nós compartilharemos a riqueza."

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Outsourcing overseas can significantly affect the dynamics of a value chain. It can lead to cost savings due to lower labor costs, which can increase the company's profit margins. However, it can also introduce new challenges such as communication barriers, cultural differences, and quality control issues. These challenges can disrupt the smooth operation of the value chain and may require additional resources to manage. Furthermore, outsourcing can also affect the relationships within the value chain. For instance, it can create a zero-sum situation where one party's gain is another party's loss, as opposed to a win-win situation where all parties benefit collectively from innovation and shared success.

Trust-based relationships play a crucial role in value chain analysis. They foster a win-win situation, promoting an integral architecture as opposed to a zero-sum, modular architecture. Companies that build integral value chains incentivize their suppliers to share innovation, under the belief that all players are in this together and will collectively benefit from innovation. There's a long-term trust-based relationship such that if one party brings an innovation, the wealth will be shared. This approach enhances efficiency, promotes improvement, and can lead to increased profit margins.

Companies incentivize their suppliers to share innovation in a value chain by building long-term, trust-based relationships. They foster an attitude of collective benefit from innovation, creating a win-win situation rather than a zero-sum game. This integral architecture encourages suppliers to share innovations, knowing that the wealth generated from these innovations will be shared. This approach is in contrast to a modular architecture, where one party's gain is another's loss.

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O autor de "Competitive Strategy: Techniques for Analyzing Industries and Competitors," Michael E. Porter, disse: "Estratégia competitiva é sobre ser diferente. Significa escolher deliberadamente um conjunto diferente de atividades para entregar uma mistura única de valor."

Para determinar como sua empresa pode entregar essa "mistura única de valor", primeiro, sua equipe precisa descobrir quais atividades ajudam a agregar à vantagem competitiva da empresa e quais são um assunto para uma atualização séria. Para completar isso, você precisa realizar uma análise de cadeia de valor completa.

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Ao conduzir sua análise de cadeia de valor, comece com estas etapas simples:

  1. Liste todas as atividades primárias que criam valor para seus clientes
  2. Liste todas as atividades de suporte que criam valor para seus clientes
  3. Avalie o papel que cada atividade desempenha na adição de valor ao produto ou serviço
  4. Liste todos os fatores causais impactantes
  5. Liste todos os padrões e dependências
  6. Liste todas as oportunidades de economia e melhoria de valor
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The impactful causal factors in Value Chain Analysis are the various activities that add value to a product or service. These can be primary activities like inbound logistics, operations, outbound logistics, marketing and sales, and service. Supporting activities like procurement, technology development, human resource management, and firm infrastructure also play a crucial role. Other factors can include the efficiency of these activities, the relationships between them, and external factors like market trends and economic conditions.

Value Chain Analysis can boost efficiency and increase profit margins by identifying all primary and supporting activities that create value for customers. By rating the role each activity plays in adding value to the product or service, businesses can identify areas for improvement. This can lead to cost savings and value improvement opportunities. Additionally, understanding the impactful causal factors, patterns, and dependencies can help businesses optimize their processes and eliminate inefficiencies, thereby increasing profit margins.

In Value Chain Analysis, each activity plays a crucial role in adding value to the product or service. Primary activities directly create value for customers. These include inbound logistics, operations, outbound logistics, marketing and sales, and service. Supporting activities, while not directly involved in production, improve the effectiveness or efficiency of primary activities and include procurement, technology development, human resource management, and firm infrastructure. Each activity is rated based on its impact on the overall value of the product or service, with the aim of identifying opportunities for savings and value improvement.

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Estudo de caso

Abu Dhabi National Oil Company (ADNOC)

A empresa estatal de petróleo, ADNOC, trabalhou com uma plataforma de soluções de software, AVEVA, para alinhar totalmente o valor de sua cadeia de operações, reduzir o custo de produção e maximizar o lucro líquido.

No decorrer da cooperação, a AVEVA utilizou sua solução de Gerenciamento Unificado da Cadeia de Suprimentos, que permitiu a otimização completa da cadeia de valor e melhorou a colaboração, eficiência e lucratividade, de acordo com o site da AVEVA.

Como resultado da colaboração, foi gerado um plano operacional mensal integrado e centralizado para a ADNOC, e o Centro de Operações Unificadas Panorama ADNOC conseguiu economizar entre $60 a $100 milhões através de operações otimizadas.

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