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What's the best way to tell your company's story? Every company needs a trusted set of corporate resources that clearly and effectively communicate its vision. Whether for a presentation to stakeholders or a pitch to a new investor, slides with consistent design and concise information are important to grab and keep your audience's interest. Stories are one of the best ways to grab an audience. Just look at the most-watched YouTube presentations or Ted Talks, and you'll see that all the presenters are telling a story of some kind. In order to tell the best story, it needs to be direct, to-the-point, and most of all: unique and true to your vision.

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Onboarding a new partner involves several steps:

1. Identification: Identify potential partners who align with your company's vision and goals.

2. Outreach: Reach out to potential partners with a clear proposal outlining the benefits of the partnership.

3. Negotiation: Discuss terms and conditions of the partnership, including roles, responsibilities, and revenue sharing.

4. Agreement: Once terms are agreed upon, formalize the partnership with a legally binding agreement.

5. Integration: Integrate the partner into your business operations, including sharing necessary resources and information.

6. Monitoring: Regularly monitor and evaluate the partnership to ensure it's beneficial for both parties.

Remember, effective communication is key throughout this process.

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Our Corporate Brand ("Clarity") provides customizable resource slides which you can download and customize for any business need. It includes slides for mission vision, core values, social proof, net promoter score, user growth charts, plus many more.

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Mission and vision

Start your presentation with the key messages right at the start. Busy, time-poor stakeholders don't always have a lot of time on their hands. They need to know exactly what the business does, or what the product can do. You've probably heard the phrase "cut to the chase" before. And that's exactly what the mission vision does.

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The necessary resources and information for onboarding a partner typically include:

1. Company Overview: This includes the company's mission, vision, and values, as well as its history, products or services, and target market.

2. Partner's Role: Clearly define the partner's role, responsibilities, and expectations. This can include sales targets, marketing activities, and customer service expectations.

3. Training Materials: Provide training materials to help the partner understand your products or services. This can include product guides, sales scripts, and marketing materials.

4. Support Resources: Provide resources for ongoing support. This can include a dedicated partner manager, access to a partner portal, and technical support resources.

5. Legal and Compliance Information: This includes any contracts, agreements, and compliance requirements that the partner needs to be aware of.

Remember, effective communication is key during the onboarding process. Make sure to provide clear, concise information and be available to answer any questions the partner may have.

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This slide is mostly a blank canvas with a lot of negative space, so that the vision is front and center. This helps stay focused on the core mission statement instead of getting bogged down with distractive visual elements. The background can be easily swapped out, so different images tailored to your industry can be added. We've created a lot more slides like this, with room for users to add images unique to their business. (Slide 3)

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When considering onboarding channel partners, there are several key factors to consider:

Firstly, you need to ensure that the partner aligns with your company's values and goals. They should be able to effectively represent your brand and products.

Secondly, it's important to provide comprehensive training and support to your channel partners. This includes product knowledge, sales training, and ongoing support to help them succeed.

Thirdly, clear communication is crucial. Establishing regular check-ins and providing updates on product changes, marketing initiatives, and company news can help keep the partnership strong.

Lastly, consider the financial aspects. This includes setting up a fair and motivating compensation structure, and ensuring that the partner has the financial stability to support your business.

Remember, a successful channel partner relationship is a two-way street. Both parties need to benefit from the partnership for it to be successful.

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Core values

Think of the mission statement as the introduction to the story. The mission statement alone won't be sufficient to tell the story, you need to show support with the core values. A company's core values are a collection of the most important beliefs that guide its actions. This helps clarify the mission and define the brand for customers.

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A company's mission statement is important because it serves as a guide for all the company's actions and sets the overall direction. It is the foundation for the company's goals, strategies, and plans. A unique and true mission statement helps differentiate the company from its competitors, and it communicates the company's purpose to its stakeholders, including employees, customers, and investors. It also helps in building a strong brand identity. If the mission statement is not unique or does not reflect the company's true vision, it can lead to confusion, lack of direction, and loss of credibility.

A company's mission statement and core values can be effectively communicated in a presentation by integrating them into the narrative of the presentation. Start with the mission statement as the introduction to the story. Then, support the mission statement with the core values, which are the guiding principles of the company. Use real-life examples and stories to illustrate these values in action. Make sure to keep the presentation concise, engaging, and consistent in design to maintain the audience's interest. Lastly, ensure that the mission and values are clearly defined for the audience to understand the brand's identity.

Core values play a crucial role in defining a brand for customers. They are a collection of the most important beliefs that guide a company's actions. These values help clarify the mission of the company and shape the perception of the brand in the minds of the customers. They communicate what the company stands for and what customers can expect from it. In essence, core values help to build trust and loyalty among customers.

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Examples of core values include learning, supporting, perseverance, or embracing failure. This slide allows the user to clearly list out the company's core values. The boxes can be deleted as needed if there are less than four core values. (Slide 5)

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Social proof

When you introduce the company to stakeholders, or even if you want to give an internal presentation to the team to share what customers think of you, user quotes are a great way to provide that evidence. Think of it as "social proof". Choose to share individual quotes, or multiple quotes with user photos. Think of the user quotes as supporting characters in the story you tell. These characters can share evidence for what makes your company great and help support your company's mission. (Slide 13)

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User quotes can be effectively used in internal team presentations by incorporating them as supporting evidence to your main points. They serve as "social proof" that validates your company's mission and achievements. You can choose to share individual quotes or multiple quotes along with user photos. These quotes act as supporting characters in the story you're telling about your company, providing tangible evidence of your company's value and success. Remember to select quotes that are relevant and impactful to your presentation's objective.

Using user photos along with their quotes in a presentation adds a personal touch and makes the content more relatable. It provides a face to the quote, making it more credible and impactful. This strategy can evoke emotions and create a connection between the audience and the user, enhancing the overall effectiveness of the presentation. It also serves as a form of social proof, reinforcing the message or point being made.

User quotes can support a company's mission by providing real-life testimonials that validate the company's claims and values. They serve as social proof, demonstrating to stakeholders and potential investors that the company is achieving its mission and is valued by its users. User quotes can be used in presentations, marketing materials, and other communications to reinforce the company's mission and show its impact on its users.

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Net Promoter Score (NPS)

The net promoter score allows for more quantitative support of the mission vision. Think of it as the quantification of the social proof that's been shown from the quotes. The slide tracks the scores for each quarter, with a different number in each circle to track user satisfaction throughout the year. These can be changed to individual months, or even years, instead of quarters. Users can also choose different metrics to track, such as revenue. Choose key metrics that are most relevant to your company's success. (Slide 27)

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Tracking user satisfaction throughout the year can contribute to a company's success in several ways. Firstly, it provides quantitative data that can be used to measure the effectiveness of the company's products or services. This data can be used to identify areas of improvement and to make necessary adjustments. Secondly, tracking user satisfaction can help a company understand its customers better. This understanding can lead to improved customer service, which can increase customer loyalty and retention. Lastly, tracking user satisfaction can provide valuable insights into market trends and customer preferences, which can inform strategic decision-making.

Some examples of key metrics that can be tracked using this method include the net promoter score, which quantifies user satisfaction, and revenue. These metrics can be tracked over different periods such as months, quarters, or years. It's important to choose key metrics that are most relevant to your company's success.

The slide tracking scores can be customized to suit different time frames by changing the time intervals. Instead of tracking the scores for each quarter, you can change it to individual months or even years. Additionally, you can choose different metrics to track, such as revenue, depending on what is most relevant to your company's success.

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Progress tracking and timeline

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Show the main focus in a compelling way with progress bars that can be easily dragged. Track the progress of key projects or show how far along your business is to meet its strategic goals and fulfill its core values. (Slide 10)

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Timelines can be visualized quarterly, yearly, or by milestones. Use this slide as a storytelling tool to show what the company has accomplished so far, the trajectory of its progress, and where it plans on going next. (Slide 25-26)

User growth chart

User growth charts are another great way to show how the company has made progress, to provide more validation and proof of your claims. Choose between a bar chart, a pie chart, or a line chart. The simple-to-read charts are useful to quickly express what the numbers mean. This is much more important during a presentation than including every single detail or piece of data. (Slide 21-23)

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Data visualization plays a crucial role in conveying a unique and true vision of a company. It helps in presenting complex data in a simple and easy-to-understand manner. This aids in better comprehension and decision-making. It can effectively demonstrate the company's growth, achievements, and future projections. It also helps in validating the claims made by the company. However, it's important to keep the data visualization direct and concise to maintain the audience's interest.

Customizable resource slides can enhance the effectiveness of a business presentation in several ways. Firstly, they allow for a consistent design throughout the presentation, which can help to keep the audience's attention. Secondly, they allow for the inclusion of concise information, which can help to get the point across more effectively. Thirdly, they can include user growth charts or other visual aids, which can provide validation and proof of claims, making the presentation more convincing.

Keeping charts simple and easy to read in a business presentation is crucial for several reasons. Firstly, it helps in quickly conveying the intended message or data to the audience. Complex charts can confuse the audience and dilute the impact of the information being presented. Secondly, simple charts are more visually appealing and can hold the audience's attention better. Lastly, they aid in better comprehension and retention of information among the audience.

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If the company has a product, it's always good to demo what it looks like. Use this slide to show images, or if it's a digital product, plug in a screenshot of what it would look like on a phone or tablet. If the company offers a service instead, the space could be turned into a gallery of images, to help consumers understand what you offer. (Slide 35)

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To customize a presentation slide to align with a company's vision, you can incorporate the company's branding elements such as logo, color scheme, and typography. Use images, infographics, or screenshots that reflect the company's products or services. Incorporate the company's mission statement or core values into the slide content. Use storytelling to connect the content of the slide with the company's vision. Lastly, maintain a consistent design and concise information to keep the audience's interest.

Images can be utilized to enhance the understanding of a company's offerings in several ways. They can be used to visually represent the product or service, making it easier for potential customers to understand what is being offered. For instance, if the company has a physical product, images can be used to show what it looks like. If it's a digital product, screenshots can be used to give a glimpse of the user interface. For services, images can be used to depict the process or the results of the service. Images can also be used in presentations to stakeholders or investors to provide a visual representation of data, concepts, or plans. They can help to grab and keep the audience's interest, making the presentation more engaging and effective.

To present a service-oriented company in a slide presentation, you can use several strategies. First, clearly define the services your company offers and explain how they solve customer problems. Use compelling visuals to illustrate your services. If possible, include images that show your team in action, providing the service. Second, include customer testimonials or case studies to demonstrate the effectiveness of your services. Third, highlight your team's expertise and qualifications to build credibility. Lastly, make sure your presentation is well-structured, clear, and concise to keep your audience engaged.

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Corporate resources such as these provide clarity and focus to your company's vision. Use them as the foundation of your story, and let the mission statement transform each slide. The visual elements in each slide are appealing but not overpowering, which allows your unique story to take center stage.

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