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¿Qué pasaría si pudieras comunicar la estrategia general de tu empresa a cada empleado en una sola página? Bueno, puedes hacerlo con nuestro Mapas Estratégicos deck modificable. Crea mapas de estrategia que mantengan a todos de acuerdo sobre la dirección del negocio y permitan a los equipos ver dónde encajan y cómo sus trabajos afectan los objetivos estratégicos generales de la empresa.

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Strategy maps can be implemented in different industries by first understanding the strategic objectives of the industry. The map should reflect the key goals and objectives of the industry, and how different departments or teams contribute to these goals. It should also highlight the key performance indicators (KPIs) that will be used to measure success. The map should be communicated to all employees to ensure everyone understands the strategic direction of the industry. Regular reviews and updates of the strategy map are also important to keep it relevant and effective.

Using a modifiable deck for creating strategy maps has several benefits. Firstly, it allows for easy communication of the overall business strategy on a single page. This ensures everyone in the organization understands the direction the business is heading. Secondly, it enables teams to see where they fit in the larger picture and how their roles contribute to the company's strategic objectives. Lastly, because it's modifiable, it can be easily updated or changed as the strategy evolves.

Strategy maps visually represent a company's strategic objectives, making it easier for teams to understand their role in achieving these objectives. They show how different parts of the organization contribute to the overall strategy, helping teams see where they fit in and how their work impacts the company's goals. This clarity can improve alignment, engagement, and performance across the organization.

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Destacados de la diapositiva

Esta diapositiva te ofrece completar los cuatro pasos en el camino para crear tu mapa de estrategia. Estos incluyen especificar objetivos, listar tus estrategias financieras y de clientes e identificar las propuestas de valor de tu empresa.

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Utiliza esta diapositiva para comunicar tu estrategia para la mejora del valor financiero. Esto se puede lograr hablando con tus clientes, cuantificando tu valor, encontrando diferentes canales para ofrecer valor y compartiendo tus historias de éxito.

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Con esta diapositiva, demuestra tu mapa de estrategia completado al equipo y a los stakeholders. Un aspecto importante a tener en cuenta es que la mejor práctica es mantener el número de tus objetivos por debajo de 20 para una mayor claridad y una implementación de estrategia más fácil.

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A strategy map can help in identifying a venture's value propositions by providing a clear and concise visual representation of the business strategy. It allows you to specify objectives, list your financial and customer strategies, and identify your venture's value propositions. This process can help in understanding how to improve financial value, which can be achieved by talking to your customers, quantifying your value, finding different channels to offer value, and sharing your success stories. It also helps in keeping everyone in agreement about the business direction and enables the teams to see where they fit in and how they contribute to the overall strategy.

Keeping the number of objectives under 20 in a strategy map is important for clarity and easier strategy implementation. Too many objectives can lead to confusion and dilute focus, making it harder for teams to understand and execute the strategy. A limited number of objectives ensures that each one is meaningful and contributes significantly to the overall strategy.

Some effective ways to communicate your strategy for financial value improvement include:

1. Talking to your customers: Understand their needs and expectations to align your financial strategy accordingly.

2. Quantifying your value: Clearly define and measure the financial value your venture brings. This could be in terms of revenue, cost savings, or other financial metrics.

3. Finding different channels to offer value: Explore various platforms or mediums to communicate your value proposition. This could be through presentations, reports, or digital platforms.

4. Sharing your success stories: Highlight instances where your strategies have led to financial improvement. This not only validates your strategy but also builds credibility.

Remember, the key is to keep your objectives clear and concise, ideally under 20, for easier strategy implementation.

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Según Spider Strategies, un mapa de estrategia es un diagrama que muestra la estrategia de una organización en una sola página, lo que ayuda a comunicar rápidamente los objetivos generales a todos en la empresa. Un mapa de estrategia muestra los objetivos estratégicos en un cuadro de mando equilibrado representado por una forma (generalmente, un óvalo) con flechas que muestran la cadena de causa y efecto de los objetivos. Ten en cuenta que seguir demasiados objetivos complicará la entrega de tu mensaje general al hacer que tu estrategia sea difícil de seguir e implementar.

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Almost any company can benefit from using a strategy map, but let's take the example of a tech startup. A tech startup could use a strategy map to clearly communicate its objectives to all team members. The map could include objectives like improving product quality, increasing customer satisfaction, and boosting market share. The cause and effect chain could show how these objectives are interrelated. For instance, improving product quality could lead to increased customer satisfaction, which in turn could boost market share. This would help everyone in the startup understand the big picture and see how their individual roles contribute to the overall strategy.

The main components of a strategy map, according to Spider Strategies, are strategic objectives represented by a shape (typically, an oval) and arrows that show the cause and effect chain of these objectives. It's important to note that tracking too many objectives can complicate the delivery of the overall strategic message by making the strategy difficult to follow and implement.

A strategy map aligns with a company's digital transformation initiatives by providing a clear visual representation of the strategic objectives that need to be achieved for the transformation. It helps in communicating the big-picture objectives to everyone in the company, enabling teams to understand their role in the transformation. The cause and effect chain shown in the strategy map can help in understanding the interdependencies of various initiatives and their impact on the overall digital transformation.

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Los mapas de estrategia tienen cuatro áreas de objetivos: financieros, orientados al cliente, procesos internos de negocio y aprendizaje y crecimiento. Y según Soren Kaplan, autor de "The Invisible Advantage" y consultor de estrategia para Disney, Visa y Colgate, las siguientes categorías deben incorporarse en un mapa de estrategia:

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Strategy maps can play a crucial role in a company's digital transformation initiatives. They provide a clear visual representation of the company's strategic objectives, which can include digital transformation goals. By aligning these goals with financial, customer-oriented, internal business processes, and learning and growth objectives, companies can ensure that their digital transformation initiatives are integrated into their overall business strategy. This can help to ensure that all teams understand the role they play in these initiatives and how they contribute to the company's broader strategic objectives.

A company like Amazon could benefit from using strategy maps. Amazon has multiple business units such as e-commerce, cloud computing, digital streaming, and artificial intelligence. A strategy map would help Amazon to align these diverse units towards a common goal. For instance, in the financial perspective, the goal could be to increase overall revenue. The customer-oriented objective could be to improve customer satisfaction across all units. The internal business process objective could be to streamline operations and reduce costs. The learning and growth objective could be to foster innovation and employee skill development. Thus, a strategy map would provide a clear direction and help in decision making.

Strategy maps are practical tools used in business processes for various purposes. They help in communicating the overall strategy of a business on a single page, ensuring everyone understands the business direction. They enable teams to see where they fit in and how their work contributes to the overall strategy. Strategy maps have four areas of objectives: financial, customer-oriented, internal business processes, and learning and growth. They help businesses to align their activities to their strategic objectives, monitor their progress towards these objectives, and make necessary adjustments. They can also be used as a communication tool to explain the strategy to all levels of the organization.

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  • Visión – ¿qué mundo quieres crear en el futuro?
  • Enfoque estratégico – ¿cómo necesita cambiar tu estrategia con el tiempo?
  • Objetivos estratégicos – ¿qué objetivos específicos apoyan tu estrategia?
  • Mercados y clientes objetivo – ¿qué mercados o clientes abordarás con el tiempo?
  • Soluciones – ¿qué ofertas proporcionarás y cómo cambiarán estas con el tiempo?
  • Riesgos y barreras clave – ¿qué riesgos o barreras podrías encontrar?
  • Indicadores clave de rendimiento (KPIs) – ¿cómo medirás el éxito?
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Strategy Maps can play a crucial role in digital transformation initiatives. They provide a clear visual representation of the strategic goals and objectives of the digital transformation. This includes the vision, strategic focus, target markets, solutions, key risks, and KPIs. By aligning these elements, businesses can ensure that all teams understand the direction of the transformation and how they fit into it. This can lead to more effective execution of digital transformation initiatives.

Companies can implement Strategy Maps in their operations by first defining their vision, which is the world they want to create in the future. This vision should be communicated to all employees. Next, they need to identify their strategic focus and how it needs to shift over time. They should also set specific strategic goals that support their strategy. Identifying target markets and customers is also crucial, as well as the solutions or offerings they will provide. They should also anticipate any potential risks or barriers they might encounter. Lastly, they should establish Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) to measure their success. By doing all these, everyone in the company will be aligned towards the company's general strategic objectives.

The key topics covered in Strategy Maps enhance a business's overall strategy in several ways. The vision sets the direction for the future and provides a clear goal for the entire organization. The strategic focus helps the business to prioritize its efforts and resources in the areas that are most critical for achieving the vision. Key performance indicators (KPIs) provide a measurable way to track progress towards the strategic goals. Together, these elements help to align the entire organization around a common strategy, ensure that resources are being used effectively, and provide a way to measure success.

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Aplicación proporciona una guía detallada paso a paso para crear un mapa de estrategia fuerte y efectivo.

Paso 1. Especificar un objetivo primordial

Muchas declaraciones de misión y visión a menudo se representan erróneamente como el objetivo final a alcanzar, por ejemplo, clientes satisfechos, excelencia en el servicio, líder en el campo, proveedor de bajo costo. Estos son, por supuesto, resultados críticos y son muy deseados por todas las organizaciones, pero para las organizaciones con fines de lucro, el objetivo primordial debe ser económico, dicen los expertos.

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Paso 2. Identificar la propuesta de valor

El segundo paso en el mapeo de estrategias es elegir la propuesta de valor que ayudará a la organización a ganar el mercado. Elige una propuesta de valor dominante y proporciona un valor al cliente revolucionario en ella.

Paso 3. Listar las estrategias financieras

Después de establecer la propuesta de valor, las organizaciones formalizan sus planes y estrategias en torno a los ingresos y los costos. Las estrategias financieras se pueden categorizar en tres áreas clave: crecimiento de ingresos, productividad y utilización de recursos y activos.

Paso 4. Elegir las estrategias de clientes

Formaliza tus planes y estrategias para ganar en el mercado. En otras palabras, establece y articula claramente tus estrategias de clientes. Las estrategias de clientes se pueden categorizar en tres áreas clave: retención y crecimiento de clientes, crecimiento de ingresos por cliente y reducción de costos por cliente.

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Paso 5. Ejecución de la estrategia a través de la perspectiva interna

La perspectiva interna se trata de elegir y ejecutar los procesos correctos para alcanzar los objetivos financieros y de clientes deseados que la organización cree que conducirán al logro del objetivo primordial. "En consecuencia, las organizaciones deben elegir conscientemente los procesos internos de negocio que se vinculen directamente con los pasos anteriores", dicen los expertos.

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Estudio de caso

Wikigear Inc.

WikiGear Inc. (WG) es un fabricante y vendedor de ropa deportiva y casual que opera principalmente en América del Norte con un enfoque en hockey, béisbol y running. Para mejorar sus operaciones y crecimiento, WG contrató a una consultora de estrategia para estudiar y proporcionar información sobre los planes estratégicos de la empresa. La consultoría presentó un mapa de estrategia integral al equipo de alta dirección y destacó dos áreas principales que necesitaban acción inmediata, a saber, estructura y comunicación. En conjunto, el mapa de estrategia demostró tanto los impulsores resilientes como adaptativos en la estrategia a largo plazo de la empresa, lo que permitirá a WG resistir y adaptarse a las demandas disruptivas y en constante cambio del mercado.

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"La cultura siempre ha sido muy positiva en WG. El plan es explotar esto a través de una mejor comunicación de la estrategia y, más específicamente, de las siete directivas estratégicas. El plan a largo plazo es vincular los bonos al Cuadro de Mando Integral", afirma el sitio web de la empresa.

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