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Ever wondered how Jeff Bezos or Elon Musk stays so productive? What about how Google, Asana, or LinkedIn plan their own productivity? In this explainer, we're going to review the techniques top companies use to increase their productivity. You'll learn how to run meetings, plan your day, schedule your week, and manage projects on a month-to-month basis just like the top business leaders in the world do.

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The key components of a successful daily and weekly planning strategy include setting clear goals, prioritizing tasks, allocating time effectively, and regularly reviewing progress. It's important to start each day with a clear understanding of what needs to be achieved and then prioritize tasks based on their importance and urgency. Time should be allocated to each task based on its complexity and importance. At the end of the day and week, it's crucial to review what has been accomplished and what needs to be adjusted for future planning.

Proper meeting management can significantly enhance productivity by ensuring that time is used efficiently. This includes setting a clear agenda, keeping the meeting focused on the topic, and ensuring that all participants are prepared. Additionally, effective meeting management can help to foster a culture of collaboration and engagement, which can lead to more innovative ideas and solutions. It also reduces the likelihood of miscommunication and misunderstandings, which can slow down progress.

Effective ways to manage projects on a month-to-month basis include setting clear goals and objectives, creating a detailed project plan, and regularly reviewing and updating the plan. It's also important to communicate effectively with the team, track progress against the plan, and adjust as necessary. Using project management tools can also be helpful in organizing tasks and deadlines.

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With this framework, you'll gain insights into the top tools for productivity management and how productivity planners can impact your day. Unlike quarterly or annual goals, these productivity planner tools are for immediate action, whether it's per day, per week, or per month. These tools can not only be used for yourself but shared across teams so everyone can plan their days accordingly, especially as remote work and digital nomad work styles become more common.

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The Productivity Planner can be effectively applied in the context of remote work and digital nomad work styles by providing a structured approach to task management. It allows individuals to prioritize tasks, set daily, weekly, or monthly goals, and track progress over time. This can be particularly beneficial for remote workers and digital nomads who may not have the traditional office structure to guide their day. The planner can also be shared across teams, enabling everyone to plan their days accordingly and stay aligned on team goals and tasks, which is crucial in a remote work setup.

The main components of the Productivity Planner framework are the tools for productivity management. These tools are designed for immediate action, whether it's per day, per week, or per month. They can be used individually or shared across teams. The framework is designed to accommodate various work styles, including remote work and digital nomad work styles.

While the content does not provide specific case studies, it does mention that the Productivity Planner uses techniques employed by top companies like Google, Asana, and LinkedIn. These companies' success can be seen as an indirect testament to the effectiveness of the productivity techniques in the planner. However, for direct case studies, you may need to refer to the companies' individual reports or third-party research.

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Tool highlights

Day planner

So how do you stay productive on a day-to-day basis? As the CEO of two major companies, Elon Musk needs to maximize his time management, which is why he uses a framework called MIT.

MIT, or the most important task, requires that you triage the day to begin with the tasks that are most critical. Then, you multitask less important tasks that can be done simultaneously. In 2018, a leaked email to Tesla employees revealed some additional advice on productivity. Musk advised Tesla employees to avoid excessive or frequent meetings and even suggested walking out of a meeting the second it stops providing value.

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Top business leaders like Jeff Bezos and Elon Musk use several productivity techniques. One of them is prioritizing the Most Important Task (MIT) of the day and starting with it. This helps in focusing on the critical tasks first. They also advise against excessive or frequent meetings and suggest leaving a meeting as soon as it stops providing value. Multitasking is also used for less important tasks that can be done simultaneously.

Multitasking can be effectively applied in a work environment by prioritizing tasks based on their importance and urgency. Start with the most critical tasks (MIT) and then move on to less important tasks that can be done simultaneously. However, it's important to note that excessive multitasking can lead to decreased productivity and errors. Therefore, it's crucial to find a balance and avoid multitasking when it involves complex tasks that require full attention. Also, avoid excessive or frequent meetings and feel free to leave a meeting if it stops providing value.

Some strategies to avoid excessive or frequent meetings in a business setting include:

1. Clearly define the purpose and objectives of each meeting. If the objectives can be achieved through an email or a quick chat, then a meeting may not be necessary.

2. Limit the number of attendees. Only invite those who are directly involved in the meeting's purpose.

3. Set a strict agenda and stick to it. This helps to keep the meeting focused and efficient.

4. Encourage open communication. If team members feel comfortable sharing their ideas and concerns outside of meetings, there may be less need for frequent meetings.

5. Evaluate the necessity of recurring meetings. Sometimes, these become a habit rather than a necessity.

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To plan your own day, use this day planner visualization to view your day's schedule in a list format. List your responsibilities and meetings in an hour-by-hour format with a section to add any notes that are relevant to the task. To follow Elon Musk, start the day with your most important task. (Slide 3)

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Companies can implement the techniques from the Productivity Planner in their daily operations by first understanding the productivity techniques used by successful individuals and companies. They can then adapt these techniques to their own context. For instance, they can start the day with the most important task, as Elon Musk does. They can also visualize their day's schedule in a list format, listing responsibilities and meetings in an hour-by-hour format with a section to add any notes that are relevant to the task. It's important to remember that these techniques should be adapted to the specific needs and context of the company.

Yes, a startup company can greatly benefit from the Productivity Planner. It can help in organizing tasks, prioritizing important work, and managing time effectively. By starting the day with the most important task, as suggested by Elon Musk, startups can ensure critical tasks are not neglected. The planner can also assist in visualizing the day's schedule in a list format, which can be beneficial in managing meetings and responsibilities.

The Productivity Planner enhances business strategy by providing a structured approach to managing tasks and responsibilities. It allows businesses to prioritize their most important tasks, ensuring they are completed first. This can lead to increased efficiency and productivity. The planner also provides a visualization of the day's schedule, which can help in better time management and planning. Furthermore, it allows for note-taking related to each task, which can be useful for tracking progress and identifying areas for improvement.

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On the sidebar, you can write a brief summary for your goal for the day so you stay focused on your main objective even as you tackle a series of often unrelated tasks.

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Weekly plan

So you've got your day to day planned out, but what about the week to week? How do you stay productive as you juggle daily tasks and weekly meetings? Jeff Bezos has an idea...

In 2018, the Amazon CEO shared some insights into the company culture around meetings. For starters, he uses a "two-pizza rule" to keep meetings small. If two pizzas won't feed the room, there are too many people at the meeting. Bezos also requires all meetings to provide a six-page memo that everyone reads together in silence at the beginning of each meeting before discussing the topic in depth. This is to provide a high-quality conversation where everyone has the same key details to work from, like a study hall.

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Elon Musk is known for his "time blocking" method, where he breaks his entire day into 5-minute slots and plans everything ahead. He also follows the "critical path" method, focusing on tasks that directly affect the company's goals. Jeff Bezos, on the other hand, is known for his "two-pizza rule" for meetings, meaning if two pizzas can't feed the entire meeting room, there are too many people in it. He also requires a six-page memo to be read at the start of each meeting to ensure everyone is on the same page.

The 'two-pizza rule' can be implemented in other business environments to enhance productivity by limiting the size of the team or meeting attendees. The idea is to keep the team or meeting small enough that two pizzas could feed everyone. This encourages more focused and efficient discussions, as fewer people means less time spent on managing differing opinions and more time on problem-solving. Additionally, it promotes a culture of inclusivity where everyone's voice can be heard. It's important to note that this rule is not a one-size-fits-all solution and should be adapted based on the nature and needs of the business.

Amazon's meeting strategy, as shared by CEO Jeff Bezos, includes the "two-pizza rule" where the size of the meeting is kept small enough that two pizzas can feed the room. Bezos also requires a six-page memo to be read in silence at the start of each meeting to ensure everyone has the same key details. Google, on the other hand, encourages an open culture where employees at all levels are encouraged to voice their ideas and opinions. They also use data-driven decision making in their meetings. Asana's meeting culture focuses on mindfulness, clarity, and transparency. They have a practice of setting the intention at the start of the meeting and a closing round at the end to ensure everyone is on the same page.

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Amazon teaches its execs to write and rewrite these memos for weeks at a time before they are ready to present. The narrative presentation focuses the attention on what's important over what's not, and the high standard of the memo creates a culture where meetings are held only for the most important topics.

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To plan your week, you can use a weekly plan to focus your attention like Bezos. Highlight your top four most important tasks on each given day along with the associated time you plan to work on each. You can apply Bezos' meeting technique to limit meetings only to the most important topics. (Slide 18)

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For instance, if a topic of discussion doesn't relate to your top 4 most important tasks for the day, it might not be important enough to schedule a meeting. This will help you reduce your attention and time being taken away from what's most important to your business.

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Weekly timeline

So you've got your day and your weekly plan. How do you make the most of the week to maximize your productivity?

Google pioneered the concept of the five-day sprint as a way to design, prototype, and test ideas in a quick and efficient process. The five-day sprint is used by product managers and product developers to build and launch a prototype that typically takes months to develop as an MVP over a five-day period instead. On Monday, you map out the problem you want to solve. On Tuesday, you come up with an idea. On Wednesday, you decide to move forward with the test. On Thursday you develop it, and on Friday you launch it as a test with customer interviews to get feedback.

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While Google designed this process around launching a product in a week, you can also use the SCRUM Sprint process to tackle backlogged features or assignments over a week to week period.

A weekly timeline view helps highlight the top priority each day. Using the sprint framework, you can highlight each day's priority with a sub-heading to expand on the task that needs to be accomplished. This visualization can be the source of truth for your team as you navigate the sprint process. (Slide 10)

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Gantt charts

Weekly sprints are a great way to maximize productivity on a week to week basis. So how do you track your progress on longer term tasks?

Asana is a productivity SaaS tool that many businesses use for team management, and publishes a blog with productivity tips provided by its team. The company's Engineering Manager Greg Sabo recommends not to do any work before you have a task assigned for it, which includes checking your inbox. He also says you should always set a due date for every task. On or before a task's due date, you should either complete it or assign a new due date. This conscious focus on due dates helps you stay productive and focused on completing tasks in a timely manner.

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To track your productivity across these multiple tasks and assignments, a monthly Gantt chart with progress bars can help. The tracker bars can be extended as progress increases over a set period of time, so if you do find yourself moving a due date, you can extend the incomplete bar accordingly. (Slide 21)

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Monthly assignments

So you've got your month-to-month productivity down. But what about when you want to track your progress towards long-term, more aspirational goals?

In 1999, Google was the 18th search engine to arrive on the web. The company needed to make tough choices, keep its team on track, and measure what mattered; Google used a tool called OKRs, or objectives and key results, as the key tool that helped lead the company to 10x growth many times over, according to Co-Founder Larry Page.

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By 2017, Google had built seven products, each with a billion or more users — Search, Chrome, Android, Maps, YouTube, GooglePlay, and Gmail.

While you can use Gantt charts to simply track progress towards completion, you can use this monthly assignment visualization to track your OKRs. In this instance, your progress is measured against your objective with the benchmarks for success set by your key results metrics.(Slide 24)

As LinkedIn CEO Jeff Weiner says, these objectives are "something you want to accomplish over a specific period of time that leans toward a stretch goal rather than a stated plan." Even though the goals are aspirational, they should have short duration timelines to create "greater urgency and greater mindshare"

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Additional tools

For more tools to increase your productivity, download this Productivity Planner (Part 2) presentation. You'll gain more variations and visualizations to help plan every type of productivity, with daily, weekly, and monthly views.

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