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Per raggiungere gli obiettivi, è necessario articularli, monitorare e misurare i progressi e rivalutare regolarmente. Tutto ciò può essere fatto con una strategia di definizione degli obiettivi - Obiettivi e Risultati Chiave (OKR), utilizzata da Bill Gates, Larry Page, Mark Cuban, Bono e altri leader di spicco nel mondo degli affari e della filantropia. La nostra presentazione Obiettivi & Risultati Chiave (Parte 2) scompone i dettagli degli OKR e sono stati sviluppati per essere le vostre guide fedeli nella definizione di obiettivi ambiziosi e nell'esecuzione meticolosa ed efficace.

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The OKRs (Objectives and Key Results) strategy is a powerful tool for setting and achieving ambitious goals. It involves setting clear, measurable objectives and then defining key results to track progress towards these objectives. This strategy encourages meticulous execution by providing a clear roadmap of what needs to be achieved and how success will be measured. It also promotes regular reassessment, allowing for adjustments and improvements to be made as necessary. This approach has been used successfully by many business and philanthropy leaders, including Bill Gates, Larry Page, and Mark Cuban.

The OKRs (Objectives and Key Results) strategy assists in tracking and measuring progress towards goals by providing a clear framework for defining objectives and key results. The objectives are the goals you want to achieve, and the key results are the measurable ways you plan to achieve those goals. By setting clear objectives and key results, you can track your progress and measure how effectively you are moving towards your goals. This strategy also encourages regular reassessment, allowing for adjustments and improvements as needed.

The steps involved in implementing the OKRs strategy in a business setting are as follows:

1. Define clear and measurable objectives: These are the goals that you want to achieve.

2. Set key results: These are measurable ways to track the progress towards the objectives.

3. Regularly track and measure progress: This helps to ensure that you are on track to achieve your objectives.

4. Reassess regularly: This allows you to adjust your objectives and key results as needed.

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Punti salienti della diapositiva

Spiega la differenza tra OKR aspirazionali e operativi. Un OKR impegnato può essere "consegnare un miglioramento a un'infrastruttura entro una data stabilita" e gli OKR aspirazionali possono essere obiettivi con risultati aziendali impensabili.

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Utilizza questa diapositiva per passare in rassegna specifici OKR per diversi dipartimenti o anche squadre e individui all'interno della tua organizzazione. Ricorda che prima di definire gli OKR per i vari dipartimenti, devi prima definire gli OKR dell'intera organizzazione.

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Defining organization-wide OKRs before setting departmental ones is crucial because it ensures alignment and coherence across the entire organization. It sets the overall direction and priorities for the company, which then guides the setting of departmental OKRs. This way, every department's objectives and key results contribute towards achieving the organization's overall goals. It also prevents departments from working in silos or pursuing conflicting objectives.

OKRs (Objectives and Key Results) can be set for different departments or teams within an organization by first defining the organization-wide OKRs. These overarching goals provide a clear vision of what the organization as a whole aims to achieve. Once these are established, departmental or team OKRs can be set. These should align with the organization-wide OKRs and contribute towards achieving them. Each department or team should have its own specific OKRs that reflect their unique roles and responsibilities within the organization. Remember, the key is to ensure alignment and contribution towards the overall organizational goals.

Aspirational OKRs, also known as "moonshots", are designed to push the boundaries and aim for extraordinary outcomes. Here are a few examples:

1. Google's famous OKR: "Organize the world's information and make it universally accessible and useful."

2. LinkedIn's OKR: "Create economic opportunity for every member of the global workforce."

3. Tesla's OKR: "Accelerate the advent of sustainable transport by bringing compelling mass market electric cars to market as soon as possible."

These OKRs are not tied to specific metrics or deadlines, but they set a visionary goal for the entire organization to strive towards.

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Gli OKR possono essere utilizzati in qualsiasi aspetto della tua vita: dalla gestione aziendale ai percorsi di fitness, ma cosa fanno esattamente? John Doerr - un venture capitalist e l'autore di Misura Ciò Che Conta, spiega lo scopo dell'OKR in tre semplici punti:

  • Gli OKR aiutano a suddividere grandi, audaci missioni in obiettivi realizzabili e traguardi;
  • Gli obiettivi sono il "cosa" (gli obiettivi);.
  • I Risultati Chiave sono il "come". Sono i benchmark con cui seguirai i progressi verso il completamento dei tuoi Obiettivi.
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Consigli degli esperti

Larry Page

Larry Page, CEO di Alphabet e co-fondatore di Google, ha scritto nel Measure What Matters: di Doerr: "Per quanto io odi il processo, le buone idee con una grande esecuzione sono come si fa la magia. Ed è qui che entrano in gioco gli OKR, gli OKR ci hanno aiutato a raggiungere una crescita di 10 volte, molte volte. Hanno aiutato a rendere la nostra folle missione di 'organizzare le informazioni del mondo' forse persino realizzabile. Mi hanno tenuto e hanno tenuto il resto dell'azienda in orario e in pista quando era più importante."[/test]

Bill Gates

Gates ha utilizzato gli OKR per gestire contemporaneamente Microsoft e avviare la Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. Il guru degli affari ammette che il metodo OKR lo ha aiutato a prendere decisioni difficili.Ci sono stati due casi in cui ho rifiutato un finanziamento alla fine perché gli obiettivi non erano abbastanza chiari. Il sistema OKR mi ha fatto sentire sicuro che stavo prendendo la decisione giusta," scrive nello stesso libro di Doerr. Menziona anche che gli OKR possono aiutare a distinguere tra missioni e obiettivi. "Una missione è direzionale. Un obiettivo ha un insieme di passaggi concreti in cui sei intenzionalmente impegnato e stai effettivamente cercando di andare lontano," scrive Gates.

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The OKRs (Objectives and Key Results) framework aligns with digital transformation initiatives by providing a clear and measurable way to track progress towards specific goals. This framework allows organizations to set ambitious objectives and then measure their success in achieving these objectives through quantifiable key results. In the context of digital transformation, this could involve objectives related to the implementation of new technologies, the digitization of business processes, or the development of digital skills within the workforce. The key results would then provide a measurable way to track progress towards these objectives, ensuring that the digital transformation initiative is on track and delivering the desired results.

Yes, there are several case studies that demonstrate the effectiveness of the OKRs framework. For instance, Alphabet CEO and Google co-founder, Larry Page, has credited OKRs for leading Google to 10x growth many times over and for keeping the company on track. Similarly, Bill Gates used OKRs to run Microsoft and start the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. He has acknowledged that the OKR method helped him make difficult decisions and distinguish between missions and goals.

Businesses can implement the OKRs (Objectives and Key Results) framework in their operations by first defining clear and measurable objectives. These objectives should align with the company's mission and strategic goals. Each objective is then paired with 3-5 key results, which are specific, time-bound, and measurable actions that help achieve the objective. The progress towards these key results is tracked regularly, often on a quarterly basis, to ensure the company is moving in the right direction. It's also important to foster a culture of transparency and accountability, where everyone in the organization understands the OKRs and their role in achieving them.

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Studio di caso

"OMG: Quando TED ha adottato gli OKR"

Le aziende che hanno già un senso consolidato della loro missione, a volte, non rispondono bene alle nuove idee di gestione. Questo è esattamente ciò con cui Rose Kuo, Senior Technical Project Manager presso TED Conferences, ha dovuto confrontarsi quando ha introdotto gli OKR al team TED.

  • Obiettivo – al momento, gli OKR erano percepiti dalla famiglia TED come aziendali ed era difficile allinearli con l'ethos di libero pensiero di TED. Per renderlo indiscutibilmente ispiratore, gli OKR dovevano essere "TEDificati," racconta Kuo all'organizzazione What Matters, fondata da John Doerr. Il capo di TED, Chris Anderson, ha consigliato gli OMG – Obiettivi e Obiettivi Misurabili, che Kuo ha definito come: "Io [stato obiettivo], come misurato da [specificare obiettivo misurabile]." Poi, Kuo ha portato la sfida al livello successivo e l'ha risolta mettendo al lavoro un classico novella francese, Il Piccolo Principe di Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, come modo di introdurre gli OKR al team
  • Risultato chiave - utilizzando il libro di Saint-Exupéry, Kuo ha spiegato che l'idea dietro gli OMG non era quella di stabilire metriche e aderire scrupolosamente ad esse, e che non raggiungere un obiettivo era accettabile purché l'obiettivo fosse ambizioso. "Non si tratta di raggiungere numeri ma di sognare in grande", ha detto Kuo al team.
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The concept of OKRs (Objectives and Key Results) aligns with the idea of dreaming big and setting ambitious goals by encouraging individuals and organizations to set high-reaching objectives. The key results are the measurable steps needed to achieve these objectives. The idea is not to set easily achievable goals, but rather to aim high, even if the objective seems challenging or even unattainable. The purpose is to inspire and drive progress, even if the objective is not fully met. This aligns with the concept of dreaming big, as it encourages thinking beyond the current situation and striving for significant improvement or change.

The idea behind OMGs (Objectives and Measurable Goals) as defined by Kuo is not about strictly adhering to set metrics or hitting numbers. Instead, it's about setting ambitious goals and striving to achieve them. Falling short of an objective is acceptable as long as the goal was ambitious. The emphasis is on dreaming big rather than just focusing on hitting specific numbers.

Kuo used 'The Little Prince', a classic French novella, as a creative and engaging way to introduce OKRs (Objectives and Key Results) to the TED team. He used the book to explain that the idea behind OKRs was not just about setting metrics and strictly adhering to them. He emphasized that it was okay to fall short of an objective as long as the goal was ambitious. Kuo's approach was to inspire the team to dream big, rather than just focusing on hitting numbers.

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Di conseguenza, il capo di TED, Anderson, ha utilizzato gli OMG per forgiare "la prossima versione di TED". Uno dei più grandi esempi di implementazione degli OKR è l'obiettivo di alto livello di TED di identificare e aiutare a scalare le soluzioni climatiche. Questo obiettivo ha portato alla partnership con il leader della Convenzione Quadro delle Nazioni Unite sui Cambiamenti Climatici. In altre parole, ciò che è iniziato come un modo per cambiare gli OKR di TED, ha portato a uno sforzo per salvare il pianeta. Il Piccolo Principe sarebbe orgoglioso, dice Kuo.

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OKRs (Objectives and Key Results) can have a significant impact on global issues like climate change. They can help organizations set clear, measurable goals related to these issues and track progress towards them. For instance, TED used OKRs to identify and scale climate solutions, leading to a partnership with the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. This shows how OKRs can lead to tangible actions and partnerships that address global issues.

TED's OKRs (Objectives and Key Results) played a crucial role in forming a partnership with the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. TED's top-level objective of identifying and helping to scale climate solutions led to this partnership. The OKRs served as a roadmap, guiding TED towards this significant collaboration aimed at saving the planet.

Yes, a great example of successful implementation of OKRs (Objectives and Key Results) is by TED. TED's top-level objective was to identify and help scale climate solutions. This objective led to a partnership with the leader of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. This started as a way to change TED's OKRs and eventually led to an effort to save the planet.

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