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Eleve el valor de su marca e impulse iniciativas que beneficien a su cultura, al medio ambiente y a la comunidad a la que sirve. Utilice nuestra presentación Informe de Sostenibilidad para ilustrar el equilibrio logrado entre el rendimiento financiero y la devolución a la comunidad.

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Destacados de la diapositiva

Utilice esta diapositiva para evaluar los problemas y definir los objetivos. Determine qué significa la sostenibilidad para su equipo, empresa, industria y cliente. Luego identifique los problemas esenciales que cada uno de estos grupos considera una prioridad.

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Esta diapositiva será útil para compartir la estrategia de sostenibilidad. Una estrategia de sostenibilidad sólida puede ayudar a su empresa a desarrollar una identidad de marca atractiva y presentar oportunidades para un impacto positivo en el medio ambiente.

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A strong sustainability strategy can present several opportunities for positive impact on the environment. It can lead to the reduction of waste and pollution through efficient use of resources. It can also promote the use of renewable energy sources, thus reducing the reliance on fossil fuels and decreasing greenhouse gas emissions. Additionally, it can encourage the conservation of biodiversity and natural resources. Furthermore, a sustainability strategy can foster innovation in developing environmentally friendly products or services.

A Sustainability Report presentation can demonstrate the balance achieved between financial performance and giving back by showcasing the company's initiatives that have both economic and social impact. It can highlight the financial gains from sustainable practices and how these gains are reinvested into the community or environmental initiatives. The report can also present the company's sustainability strategy and its positive impact on the brand identity and the environment.

The essential problems in terms of sustainability can vary greatly depending on the specific context of the team, company, industry, and customer. However, some common issues might include reducing carbon footprint, waste management, energy efficiency, sustainable sourcing, and social responsibility. For a team, it might be about implementing sustainable practices in daily operations. For a company, it could be about aligning business strategies with sustainability goals. For an industry, it might be about setting standards for sustainable practices. For customers, it could be about choosing products or services that align with their personal sustainability values.

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La elaboración de informes de sostenibilidad se ha convertido en una tendencia cada vez más importante en el mundo corporativo, ya que beneficia tanto a los interesados internos como externos. Demuestra la importancia del rendimiento y las métricas más allá de las finanzas y ayuda a su empresa a operar de manera más eficiente y a mantener estándares más altos. Como resultado, tiene el poder de influir en la percepción pública y las expectativas de la empresa, con la esperanza de mejorar la lealtad y la reputación de la marca.

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Sustainability reporting goes beyond financial metrics and includes environmental, social, and governance (ESG) metrics. These can include energy consumption, greenhouse gas emissions, water usage, waste management, employee safety, diversity and inclusion, and corporate governance practices. Additionally, companies may report on their community engagement and philanthropic efforts. These metrics help stakeholders understand a company's broader impact on society and the environment.

Sustainability reporting helps a company operate more efficiently and uphold higher standards by providing a comprehensive view of the company's impact on various aspects such as the environment, society, and economy. It allows companies to identify areas where they can improve their operations and reduce their environmental footprint. It also encourages transparency and accountability, which can lead to improved trust and reputation among stakeholders. Furthermore, it can help companies comply with regulations and meet the expectations of investors, customers, and the public.

Sustainability reporting can improve a company's brand loyalty and reputation in several ways. Firstly, it demonstrates a company's commitment to not just financial performance, but also to social and environmental responsibilities. This can enhance the company's image and reputation among its stakeholders, including customers, employees, and investors. Secondly, it can help a company operate more efficiently by identifying areas for improvement in its operations, which can lead to cost savings and improved performance. Lastly, it can help a company differentiate itself from its competitors, which can lead to increased brand loyalty.

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Además, la sostenibilidad está impulsando las decisiones de compra de los consumidores. Los compradores están considerando cada vez más la sostenibilidad al realizar compras, según una investigación de CGS, un proveedor global de aplicaciones empresariales, aprendizaje empresarial y servicios de outsourcing. El estudio de CGS de 2018 encontró que el 68% de los usuarios de internet en los Estados Unidos consideraban la sostenibilidad del producto como un factor importante al realizar una compra.

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Businesses can implement sustainability in their operations in several ways. Firstly, they can adopt green practices such as recycling and reducing waste. Secondly, they can invest in renewable energy sources for their operations. Thirdly, they can implement sustainable sourcing practices, ensuring their materials are ethically sourced. Fourthly, they can engage in corporate social responsibility initiatives, contributing positively to their community. Lastly, they can regularly review and improve their sustainability practices, ensuring they remain effective and up-to-date.

A Sustainability Report presentation can help a company demonstrate its balance between financial performance and giving back by providing a platform to showcase its initiatives and achievements in sustainability. It allows the company to highlight its commitment to the environment, the community it serves, and its own culture. The report can detail the company's sustainable practices, their impact, and how these practices align with the company's financial goals. This can enhance the company's brand value as consumers are increasingly considering sustainability in their purchase decisions.

According to CGS's 2018 study, product sustainability significantly impacts the purchasing decisions of US internet users. The study found that 68% of US internet users considered product sustainability an important factor in making a purchase.

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Los siguientes pasos te ayudarán a crear un sólido informe de sostenibilidad, según el Movimiento de Oficiales Verdes. Los expertos utilizan una institución educativa como ejemplo, pero los pasos pueden aplicarse a cualquier tipo de empresa u organización sin fines de lucro.

  1. Establece tus objetivos – antes de comenzar el trabajo duro, piensa en lo que quieres lograr, dicen los expertos del Movimiento de Oficiales Verdes. En esta etapa, realiza una evaluación simple creando un inventario de todos los cambios de sostenibilidad que tu empresa ha experimentado y mapeando las iniciativas de sostenibilidad existentes.
  2. Identifica problemas y elige indicadores – en tu informe, debes centrarte en los problemas de sostenibilidad más importantes en tu empresa. Si no estás seguro de cuáles son, habla con el personal y los ejecutivos para conocer sus pensamientos sobre el tema.
  3. Recopila los datos – después de elegir tus indicadores, recopila datos sobre ellos. Dependiendo de los indicadores que utilices, es posible que debas obtener información de los gerentes de instalaciones y energía, jefes de departamento, el sitio web de la empresa, gerentes de sostenibilidad, los departamentos de compras o finanzas (y tal vez incluso clientes).
  4. Analiza los datos – no solo enumeres los emocionantes proyectos de sostenibilidad que está realizando la empresa. Incluye números, como el uso de electricidad y gas, la producción de residuos, el consumo de agua y las emisiones de CO2e
  5. Indica las observaciones clave – saca conclusiones y haz recomendaciones para permitir a los interesados actuar sobre los puntos principales de tu informe. Pregúntate: ¿Dónde está la organización haciendo bien? ¿Cuáles son las áreas críticas para mejorar? ¿Qué hechos interesantes o sorprendentes aprendiste? ¿Cómo recomiendas que la organización avance?
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Key indicators to focus on when reporting on sustainability issues include the following:

1. Energy usage: This includes electricity and gas usage. It's important to track how much energy your company is consuming and how it's being used.

2. Waste production: This includes both solid and liquid waste. Companies should aim to reduce their waste production and increase their waste recycling.

3. Water usage: This is especially important for companies in areas where water is scarce.

4. Carbon footprint: This is a measure of the total amount of greenhouse gases produced directly and indirectly by a company.

5. Social impact: This includes the company's impact on its employees and the local community.

6. Economic impact: This includes the company's financial performance and its impact on the local economy.

These indicators provide a comprehensive view of a company's sustainability performance.

Data collection and analysis are crucial to a sustainability report as they provide the necessary evidence to support the claims made in the report. The data collected can include information on energy usage, waste production, and other sustainability indicators. This data is then analyzed to identify trends, measure progress against goals, and highlight areas for improvement. The analysis can also help to identify the most important sustainability issues for the company. This information can then be used to inform future sustainability initiatives and strategies.

The Green Officers Movement experts play a crucial role in setting sustainability goals. They provide guidance and advice during the initial stages of goal setting. They recommend conducting a simple assessment by creating an inventory of all sustainability changes the company has undergone and mapping existing sustainability initiatives. This helps in identifying the most important sustainability problems at the company and choosing the right indicators for the sustainability report. They also suggest consulting with staff and executives to gather their thoughts on the subject.

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Estudio de caso


La compañía de vehículos eléctricos y energía limpia puede ser justamente llamada un modelo de liderazgo sostenible. Tesla publica regularmente informes de sostenibilidad de los que puedes aprender e inspirarte. Las cuatro categorías principales incluidas en los informes son Impacto Ambiental, Impacto del Producto, Cadena de Suministro y Personas y Cultura. Observa cómo los líderes de la empresa enfatizan que, a diferencia de otras empresas que se centran en los objetivos futuros para los esfuerzos de sostenibilidad, Tesla comunica la totalidad del impacto ambiental de sus productos hoy.

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Sustainability plays a crucial role in Tesla's leadership model. The company is a model for sustainable leadership, regularly publishing sustainability reports that cover four main categories: Environmental Impact, Product Impact, Supply Chain, and People and Culture. Unlike other businesses that focus on future goals for sustainability efforts, Tesla communicates the totality of the environmental impact of their products today. This demonstrates their commitment to balancing financial performance with giving back to the community and the environment.

Other companies can learn from Tesla's sustainability reports by studying the four main categories included in the reports: Environmental Impact, Product Impact, Supply Chain, and People and Culture. They can understand how Tesla emphasizes the current environmental impact of their products, rather than just focusing on future sustainability goals. This approach can inspire other companies to consider the immediate impact of their operations and products. Additionally, companies can learn how to effectively communicate their sustainability efforts and achievements to stakeholders.

Tesla communicates the environmental impact of their products through their sustainability reports. These reports cover four main categories: Environmental Impact, Product Impact, Supply Chain, and People and Culture. Unlike other businesses that focus on future goals for sustainability efforts, Tesla emphasizes the totality of the environmental impact of their products today.

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Tesla hace un excelente trabajo proporcionando datos cuantitativos, gráficos, tablas y fotos de alta resolución de sus establecimientos para agregar credibilidad al informe. Para resumir los datos y hacerlos más accesibles, en conclusión, la empresa declara lo siguiente:

"A finales de 2019, Tesla (incluyendo a SolarCity antes de su adquisición en 2016 por Tesla) había instalado casi 3.7 Gigavatios de sistemas solares y generado acumulativamente más de 16.6 Teravatios horas (TWhs) de electricidad libre de emisiones. Para referencia, eso es varias veces más energía generada por nuestras instalaciones que la energía total que Tesla ha utilizado para operar todas nuestras fábricas desde que comenzamos a producir el Modelo S en 2012. Nuestro objetivo es que eventualmente todas nuestras necesidades de energía de fabricación se satisfagan a través de fuentes renovables donde sea posible. Además, esperamos ver a más clientes de vehículos Tesla instalando paneles solares o Techo Solar junto con un Powerwall. Nos esforzamos por seguir siendo siempre un contribuyente neto a la generación de energía renovable."

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