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Convey your business message to the desired market effectively with an integrated marketing communications toolbox. Use our Marketing Communications presentation to move customers through stages of the buying process and ultimately drive more revenue and better profitability for your business.

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Slide highlights

Use this slide to identify objectives your company needs to achieve to be prosperous. Set objectives that are specific, measurable and attainable. All future goals will be positioned around these objectives.

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Introduce your key analysis with this slide. This step will allow you to take into account all political, economic, social, technological, environmental and legal risks that might affect your marketing.

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This slide will help you to communicate the process of creating ads that are relevant to your customers and then perfecting them, based on the data collected through A/B Testing and user testing.

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A company's marketing communications toolbox can be used to create relevant ads by first understanding the customer's needs and preferences. This can be achieved through market research and user testing. Once the customer's needs are understood, the toolbox can be used to design and create ads that speak directly to these needs. The ads can then be tested and perfected based on the data collected.

Some strategies for perfecting ads based on user testing data include A/B testing, analyzing user feedback, and making iterative changes based on performance metrics. It's also important to consider the context in which the ad will be displayed and to tailor the ad's design and messaging accordingly.

A company's marketing communications toolbox can be used to mitigate risks by creating relevant ads and perfecting them based on data collected through user testing. This allows the company to adapt its marketing strategy based on customer feedback and trends, thereby reducing the risk of ineffective marketing campaigns. Additionally, the toolbox can be used to identify and account for potential political, economic, social, technological, environmental, and legal risks that might affect the marketing strategy.

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Per marketing resource, "Marketing91," marketing communications is a practice of using a set of methods and techniques to convey the messages in a unique and creative manner to the companies' existing and prospective customers about their offerings. A marketing communications strategy is crucial to business success because it allows to develop a vision, create brand awareness, express competitive advantage, foster goodwill, enlighten the investor community, increase profits, improve relationships with customers, attract talent and generate innovative marketing and promotional ideas, "Marketing91" website states.

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Marketing communications can be tailored to different customer segments by understanding the unique needs, preferences, and behaviors of each segment. This can be achieved through market research and data analysis. Once these insights are gained, messages can be crafted that resonate with each segment, addressing their specific needs and interests. Personalization and customization of messages are key in this process. Additionally, the choice of communication channels also plays a crucial role. Different segments may prefer different channels, so it's important to deliver the message through the most effective and preferred channels for each segment.

Some best practices in marketing communications include developing a clear vision, creating brand awareness, expressing competitive advantage, fostering goodwill, enlightening the investor community, increasing profits, improving relationships with customers, attracting talent, and generating innovative marketing and promotional ideas. It's also important to convey messages in a unique and creative manner to both existing and prospective customers about the company's offerings.

The practice of marketing communications has evolved significantly over the years. Initially, it was primarily focused on print media and television advertising. However, with the advent of the internet and digital technologies, it has expanded to include online advertising, social media marketing, email marketing, content marketing, and more. The focus has also shifted from simply conveying a message to engaging with customers and building long-term relationships. It's now more about creating a dialogue and understanding the needs and preferences of the customers to provide personalized experiences.

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CoSchedule, a project management tool for marketers, put together a comprehensive guide to developing a killer marketing communications strategy:

  • Develop a brand statement that summarizes who you are – understand who you are and how you serve your audiences. An easy way to summarize this is by creating a brand statement. Consider Starbucks' brand definition, as an example: "To inspire and nurture the human spirit – one person, one cup and one neighborhood at a time."
  • Identify your unique selling proposition (USP) – here, you need to explain what makes you unique and why should people care about those traits. Once you've determined this, you can develop your brand statements, tag lines and other messaging that inform your marketing strategy.
  • Identify your business objectives – business objectives are goals your company needs to hit to be successful. Every goal your team sets needs to contribute back to these objectives.
  • Develop customer personas – identify your target audience – the group of people who are most likely to purchase your product or service. To learn more about them, survey current customers, dig into Google Analytics and search through your competitors social media followers to see who they seem to attract.
  • Understand other key publics – there might be a need to communicate with people and entities other than your customers, for example, the news media, government agencies and current or prospective partners.
  • Determine what the world needs to know about your brand – connect your company and your audience by identifying the high-level messages you need to communicate about your brand.
  • Choose your channels – choose the channels that you're going to share your message on. These include: company blog, email marketing, social media, SMS marketing, media relations, print collateral, podcast advertising and traditional advertising.
  • Plan a messaging matrix – combine the findings from the previous steps into a cohesive messaging matrix – a document that outlines your brand statement, target audience, core problem or issue and key messages.
  • Determine your important events and campaign plans – lay out the essential events your team needs to keep track of throughout the year. You'll also want to start formatting the campaign plans for these events.
  • Set your communication goals – set goals that your communications team needs to reach. These goals should relate back to the business objectives you identified earlier.
  • Schedule content and campaigns on your marketing calendar – schedule and execute your communications strategy with a marketing calendar. This will make it easier to enforce deadlines, deliver organization-wide visibility and help your staff understand what needs to be done and when, the experts say.
  • Measure your impact – measuring each component of your communications plan will help you understand how well your efforts are progressing.
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Different methods of identifying a unique selling proposition (USP) can be compared based on their focus areas. Some methods focus on the uniqueness of the product or service, its benefits, and how it stands out from the competition. Other methods may focus on the brand's values, mission, and vision, like Starbucks' brand definition. Another approach is to identify business objectives and align the USP with these goals. Lastly, developing customer personas and understanding the target audience can also help in identifying a USP. Each method has its own merits and can be used based on the specific needs and context of the business.

A business can ensure its tag lines and other messaging inform its marketing strategy by developing a clear brand statement that summarizes who they are and how they serve their audiences. This can be done by identifying their unique selling proposition (USP), which explains what makes them unique and why people should care about those traits. Once this is determined, they can develop their brand statements, tag lines, and other messaging. Additionally, they should identify their business objectives and develop customer personas to better understand their target audience.

Some trends in developing customer personas include the use of data analytics and AI to gather and analyze customer data, the focus on customer journey mapping to understand the customer's experience from their perspective, the inclusion of psychographic factors in persona development, and the creation of 'negative personas' to identify who your product or service is not for.

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Case study

Burger King: Google Home of the Whopper

Burger King's controversial "Google Home of the Whopper" marketing campaign, estimated at $135 million in earned media, received a top creative award at Cannes Lions in 2017, per case study by David the Agency. The fast food company snuck into people's homes thanks to its TV commercial spot. The line from the spot: "OK Google, Tell me about the Whopper" allowed the company to activate Google Assistant.

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The Google Home of the Whopper campaign by Burger King activated Google Assistant in people's homes through a TV commercial spot. The specific impact on Google Assistant's usage is not detailed in the provided content, but the campaign was successful enough to win a top creative award at Cannes Lions in 2017 and generate an estimated $135 million in earned media.

The specific information about other successful marketing campaigns by David the Agency is not provided in the content. However, David the Agency is known for its innovative and successful marketing campaigns for various brands. One of their notable campaigns is for Burger King, called 'Google Home of the Whopper', which was highly successful and received a top creative award at Cannes Lions in 2017.

Some potential challenges of implementing a marketing campaign like Google Home of the Whopper could include backlash from consumers who feel their privacy has been invaded, technical difficulties in ensuring the voice command works properly, and potential legal issues related to the use of Google's technology without their consent. Additionally, such a campaign relies heavily on the novelty factor, which may not be sustainable in the long term.

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Despite the fact that the move made some people (and companies, as Google wasn't exactly thrilled with the campaign) furious and spiked trolling activity, overall, the campaign was bold and enormously successful. "Burger King saw an opportunity to do something exciting with the emerging technology of intelligent personal assistant devices," Burger King representative told "Reuters."

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