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Start your yearly planning early with our 2021 Calendar slides, available in light and dark modes, and give your business, professional and personal life the direction and momentum to experience its best year yet. Reflect, let go, schedule, brainstorm, define New Year's resolutions, set goals and upgrade your mindset to match your dreams in 2021.

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Early planning can contribute to a successful year by providing direction and momentum. It allows you to reflect on the past, let go of what didn't work, schedule important tasks, brainstorm new ideas, define resolutions, set goals, and upgrade your mindset to match your dreams. This process can help you to be more prepared and focused, thus increasing the chances of having a successful year.

You can use a calendar for personal planning in several ways. Firstly, you can schedule your tasks and appointments to manage your time effectively. Secondly, you can use it to set goals and track your progress towards them. Thirdly, you can use it to plan your personal life events like birthdays, anniversaries, etc. Lastly, you can use it to reflect on your past activities and plan for future ones.

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Slides, such as this one give you flexibility and functionality of various customizable designs. For instance, you can use them to add brief notes to your plan for a particular month, quarter, week or day.

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Use this slide if you need to create a business calendar for a month. For example, monthly calendars are perfect for planning marketing and social media campaigns around trends and holidays.

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For your convenience, the dates have been matched correctly to the days of the year 2021. For yearly planning, consider SWOT analysis, a tool to reveal strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats.

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These slides can be used in various ways for planning social media campaigns. Apart from adding brief notes for a particular time period, they can be used to create a business calendar for a month. This is particularly useful for planning marketing and social media campaigns around trends and holidays. For yearly planning, these slides can be used for conducting a SWOT analysis to reveal strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats.

Apart from using these slides for adding brief notes to your plan for a particular month, quarter, week or day, and creating a business calendar for a month, you can also use them for yearly planning using SWOT analysis. This tool can help reveal strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. Additionally, these slides can be used to plan marketing and social media campaigns around trends and holidays.

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Planning is essential for any company of any size. But, as Alessandro Di Fiore, the founder and CEO of the European Centre for Strategic Innovation (ECSI) and ECSI Consulting, puts in in his piece for "Harvard Business Review:" "executives are wary of planning because it feels rigid, slow and bureaucratic." The remedy for this issue, Di Fiore says, is agile planning.

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Agile planning can be adapted to suit different types of businesses by making it flexible and responsive to changes. It involves iterative and incremental work sequences known as sprints. The planning process is broken down into smaller, manageable parts, allowing for adjustments and refinements as the project progresses. This approach allows businesses to adapt quickly to changes and deliver value to customers faster.

The future of agile planning is promising as it offers a solution to the rigidity, slowness, and bureaucracy often associated with traditional planning methods. Agile planning allows for flexibility and adaptability, making it an increasingly popular choice among businesses of all sizes.

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Per Di Fiore, agile planning has a number of characteristics, which include:

  • frameworks and tools able to deal with a future that will be different
  • the ability to cope with more frequent and dynamic changes
  • the need for quality time to be invested for a true strategic conversation rather than simply being a numbers game
  • resources and funds are available in a flexible way for emerging opportunities
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One can ensure that resources and funds are available in a flexible way for emerging opportunities by implementing strategic financial planning and management. This includes setting aside a portion of the budget for unexpected opportunities, maintaining a diverse portfolio of investments, and regularly reviewing and adjusting the budget as necessary. It's also important to have a contingency plan in place for unforeseen circumstances.

Some strategies to ensure that strategic conversations are not simply a numbers game include investing quality time in the conversation, being flexible and open to emerging opportunities, and being able to cope with frequent and dynamic changes. It's also important to use frameworks and tools that can deal with a future that will be different.

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Society for Creative Founders lists these steps for planning a productive and satisfying year:

  • Think "bigger picture" – first, dump everything you can think of on paper. Don't worry about the order of goals, accuracy or even how realistic it is to accomplish them. Then think about what the number one priority is, circle it and list all the tasks needed to accomplish the biggest goal.
  • Cross off three months of the year – when the goals are determined, look at your year and cross off three months you will not set goals for new things to do for your business because your need to account for when life is going to happen (and it sure will).
  • Create an ideal week – look at every single hour of the day and decide which days will be dedicated to achieving your goals. "Plugin the times you'll do your personal items as well – for example, if you know you want to begin your morning reading a book or going for a walk, write that down!" the experts say.
  • Use time blocking – see if you can use time blocking to help you complete more in one sitting. Try to block out 2-3 hours to focus solely on one task.
  • Learn which tools help you the best – next year, choose one planner and one productivity tool to master and stick with it for at least 90 days. Scientists suggest that it takes 66 days to develop a habit, but if you know you have a high priority for the quarter, you can dedicate the whole 90 days to improving the process.
  • Don't be afraid to change direction – make sure to be open to possibilities that could present themselves next year. "You don't want to be so focused on sticking to the goals that you set for yourself in January that you don't see that perhaps your business is shifting in a new direction," the experts say.
  • Appreciate consistent and steady progress – think out one goal, one task, one day, one hour at a time. Working through them at a steady, consistent pace will help to not only check-in continually, but also be able to see the progress you make, knowing it is from a place of mindfulness rather than hustle.
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1. Think bigger picture: Start by jotting down all your goals without worrying about their order or feasibility. Identify your top priority and list all tasks needed to achieve it.

2. Account for life events: Deduct three months from your yearly plan to account for unexpected life events.

3. Create an ideal week: Plan your week down to the hour, allocating specific days for goal achievement. Include personal activities in your schedule.

4. Use time blocking: Dedicate 2-3 hour blocks to focus solely on specific tasks or goals.

The 2021 Calendar slides can be used for both professional and personal planning by providing a visual representation of your year ahead. For professional planning, you can mark important dates, deadlines, and milestones, and for personal planning, you can note down personal events, holidays, and goals. The slides can help you think about the bigger picture and prioritize your tasks. You can also use time blocking on the slides to dedicate specific hours or days to achieving your goals. Remember to account for personal time and unexpected events by crossing off certain months where you won't set new goals.

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To help you plan the upcoming year like a pro, we turned to a study conducted by Harvard University. Researchers tracked the time allocation of 27 CEOs for a full quarter. The companies run by the CEOs surveyed were primarily public and had an average annual revenue of $13.1 billion during the study period.

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The 2021 Calendar slides can be beneficial for personal life planning in several ways. Firstly, they provide a visual representation of the entire year, allowing you to see at a glance when you have free time and when you are busy. This can help you to plan your time more effectively. Secondly, they can be used to set goals and track progress throughout the year. By setting specific targets for each month, you can ensure that you are always working towards your personal objectives. Finally, they can be used to record important dates and events, ensuring that you never forget a birthday or anniversary.

The 2021 Calendar slides can be used for professional planning in several ways. Firstly, they can be used to schedule important meetings, deadlines, and events for the year. This helps in keeping track of key dates and ensuring nothing is missed. Secondly, they can be used to plan out strategic initiatives and projects, by marking out the start and end dates, and tracking progress. Thirdly, they can be used for personal planning, such as setting goals and tracking personal development. Lastly, they can be used for reflection, by looking back at the past year and planning for improvements in the next.

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Here is what the study found:

CEOs make time for personal well-being

Given that work could consume every hour of their lives, CEOs have to set limits so that they can preserve their health and their relationships with family and friends. Most of the CEOs in the study recognized that. They slept, on average, 6.9 hours a night, and many had regular exercise routines, which consumed about 9% of their non-work hours (45 minutes a day).

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Reflection plays a crucial role in a CEO's yearly planning. It allows them to assess the past year's successes and failures, understand what worked and what didn't, and make necessary adjustments for the upcoming year. Reflection also provides an opportunity for CEOs to reevaluate their goals and strategies, ensuring they align with the company's mission and vision. It's a time for them to consider their work-life balance, personal growth, and overall well-being, which are essential for effective leadership.

A CEO can upgrade their mindset to match their dreams in 2021 by setting clear boundaries between work and personal life, ensuring they get adequate sleep and regular exercise. They should also engage in continuous learning and self-improvement, stay updated with industry trends, and be open to new ideas and innovations. It's also important to set realistic goals, maintain a positive attitude, and cultivate resilience to overcome challenges. Regular reflection and mindfulness practices can also help in maintaining mental clarity and focus.

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They work face-to-face

The top job in a company involves primarily face-to-face interactions, which took up 61% of the work time of the CEOs we studied. Another 15% was spent on the phone or reading and replying to written correspondence. The final 24% was spent on electronic communications, the researchers found.

They avoid the lure of email

In theory, email helps leaders cut down on face-to-face meetings and improve productivity. In reality, many find it ineffective and a dangerous time sink – but one they have trouble avoiding. Email interrupts work, extends the workday, intrudes on time for family and thinking and is not conducive to thoughtful discussions. CEOs are endlessly copied on For Your Information (FYI) emails and feel pressured to respond because ignoring an email seems rude.

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A company like Google could benefit from the 2021 Calendar. Google's Gmail platform is widely used for email communication. The 2021 Calendar can be integrated with Gmail to schedule emails, set reminders for follow-ups, and plan ahead for important dates. This can help in managing emails by reducing clutter, prioritizing important emails, and improving overall productivity.

There are no specific case studies mentioned in the content provided that demonstrate the effectiveness of the 2021 Calendar in managing emails. However, using a calendar can generally help in managing emails by scheduling specific times to check and respond to emails, thus avoiding constant interruptions and improving productivity.

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They are agenda-driven

The CEOs invested significant time – 43%, on average – in activities that furthered their agendas. Some were far more disciplined about this than others. In fact, time devoted to the core agenda varied widely, ranging from 14% to 80% of leaders' work hours. Most CEOs the researchers talked with agreed that the more time they spent on their agendas, the better they felt about their use of time.

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The 2021 Calendar presentation can aid CEOs in planning and time management in several ways. Firstly, it provides a visual representation of the year ahead, allowing CEOs to map out key events, deadlines, and goals. This can help in prioritizing tasks and allocating resources effectively. Secondly, it can assist in tracking progress towards these goals, enabling adjustments to be made as necessary. Lastly, it can serve as a communication tool, helping to align the team and stakeholders with the CEO's vision and plan for the year.

Yes, there are numerous case studies that demonstrate the effectiveness of CEOs devoting significant time to their core agendas. For instance, a study found that CEOs who invested a significant amount of their time (43% on average) in activities that furthered their agendas felt better about their use of time. The time devoted to the core agenda varied widely, ranging from 14% to 80% of leaders' work hours. This suggests that the more time CEOs spend on their agendas, the more effective they are.

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They rely heavily on their direct reports

The CEOs invested significant time – 43%, on average – in activities that furthered their agendas. Some were far more disciplined The study found that about half (46%) of a CEO's time with internal constituencies was spent with one or more direct reports, and 21% of it was spent only with direct reports. The total time spent with direct reports ranged from a low of 32% of the time with internal constituencies to a high of 67%.

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The practical applications of the time management strategies presented in the 2021 Calendar in the corporate industry could include:

1. Prioritizing tasks: By using the calendar, CEOs and other corporate professionals can prioritize their tasks based on their importance and deadlines.

2. Allocating time: The calendar can help in allocating specific time slots for different tasks, meetings, and activities. This can help in avoiding over-scheduling and ensuring that adequate time is given to each task.

3. Tracking progress: The calendar can also be used to track the progress of different tasks and projects. This can help in identifying any delays or issues and taking corrective actions in a timely manner.

4. Planning ahead: The calendar can be used for long-term planning of tasks and projects. This can help in ensuring that all tasks are completed within the stipulated time frame.

The 2021 Calendar does not provide specific case studies demonstrating the effectiveness of CEOs spending significant time with their direct reports. However, it does mention that CEOs invested an average of 43% of their time in activities that furthered their agendas. About half of a CEO's time with internal constituencies was spent with one or more direct reports, and 21% of it was spent only with direct reports. The total time spent with direct reports ranged from a low of 32% of the time with internal constituencies to a high of 67%. This suggests that spending significant time with direct reports is a common practice among CEOs, but the calendar does not provide specific case studies to demonstrate its effectiveness.

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They manage using broad integrating mechanisms

The most powerful integrating mechanisms include strategy (on which CEOs in the study spent an average of 21% of their work time), functional and business unit reviews (25% of their time), developing people and relationships (25% of their time), matching organizational structure and culture with the needs of the business (16% of their time) and mergers and acquisitions (4% of their time).

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The 2021 Calendar slides can be used to upgrade your mindset to match your dreams by providing a visual representation of your goals and the timeline to achieve them. By mapping out your dreams and goals on the calendar, you can create a clear plan of action. This can help you stay focused and motivated throughout the year. The calendar can also be used for reflection, letting go of past failures, and brainstorming new ideas. It can serve as a constant reminder of your dreams and the steps you need to take to achieve them.

The 2021 Calendar slides can aid in planning and setting goals by providing a visual representation of the entire year. This allows you to see the big picture and plan accordingly. You can mark important dates, deadlines, and milestones, which can help you stay organized and on track. It also allows you to allocate your time and resources more effectively. Furthermore, having a clear plan can motivate you to achieve your goals and give you a sense of direction.

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They are always in meetings

CEOs attend an endless stream of meetings, each of which can be totally different from the one before and the one that follows. Their sheer number and variety is a defining feature of the top job. On average, the leaders in our study had 37 meetings of assorted lengths in any given week and spent 72% of their total work time in meetings.

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1. Set clear objectives for each meeting: This helps to keep the meeting focused and productive.

2. Limit the number of meetings: Try to reduce the number of unnecessary meetings and focus on the ones that are crucial for decision making.

3. Allocate appropriate time: Ensure that each meeting is allocated the right amount of time, not too long to cause fatigue and not too short to rush through important points.

4. Encourage participation: Make sure everyone in the meeting has a chance to voice their opinions and ideas.

5. Follow up: Ensure that the decisions and action points from the meeting are followed up on time.

The 2021 Calendar slides can aid in brainstorming sessions during meetings by providing a visual representation of the year ahead. This can help in planning and scheduling important tasks, deadlines, and events. It can also assist in identifying potential busy periods or gaps in the schedule. The slides can be used to stimulate discussion and generate ideas for how to best utilize the time available. Furthermore, they can be used to track progress and keep everyone on the same page.

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They juggle many external constituencies

While the CEOs the researcher surveyed spent the majority of their time (70%, on average) dealing with internal constituencies, a good chunk (30%, on average) was spent with outsiders: 16% with business partners, such as customers, suppliers, bankers, investors, consultants, lawyers, PR firms and other service providers; 5% with the company's board of directors; and 9% on other outside commitments (service on other boards, industry groups, dealing with the media and the government and community and philanthropic activities).

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The 2021 Calendar slides can be a valuable tool for CEOs in brainstorming and upgrading their mindset to match their dreams. They can use these slides to plan their year ahead, set goals, and track progress. The slides can help them visualize their plans and goals, making them more tangible and achievable. They can also use them to schedule important meetings, events, and activities that align with their goals. Furthermore, the slides can serve as a constant reminder of their goals, helping them stay focused and motivated throughout the year.

CEOs can define their New Year’s resolutions and set goals by first reflecting on the past year's achievements and challenges. They should identify areas for improvement and set specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) goals. It's also beneficial to align these goals with the company's strategic objectives. Regularly reviewing and adjusting these goals throughout the year can help ensure they stay relevant and achievable. It's also important for CEOs to communicate their goals to their team to ensure everyone is working towards the same objectives.

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