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Why do some products crash and burn? Answer: Go-to-Market Strategy. Below, we'll explain what Go-to-market strategy is, how to use it, how to customize our template to launch your own product, and if you read until the end, you'll learn how Slack used Go-To-Market strategies to grow from a zero-dollar a year company to a four billion-dollar company in just four years.

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Our customizable Go-to-Market Strategy template includes some of the best Go-To-Market tools available today, such as: Product-Market Fit, Customer Value Maps, Product Growth Projection, Global Market Trends, Launch Status Dashboards, and twenty-five other tools. Below is a breakdown of how some of these tools can be used to successfully bring your next product to market.

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Product-Market Fit and Customer Value Maps are crucial tools for product growth projection. Product-Market Fit helps in identifying whether a product meets the needs of a specific market. A product that fits the market well is likely to see more growth as it satisfies customer needs. On the other hand, Customer Value Maps provide insights into what customers value the most in a product. This can help in enhancing the product features that customers value the most, leading to increased customer satisfaction and product growth.

Effective ways to utilize Go-To-Market tools for a successful product launch include:

1. Using the Product-Market Fit tool to ensure your product meets a specific customer need in the market.

2. Utilizing Customer Value Maps to understand what your customers value most about your product.

3. Applying Product Growth Projection to forecast the potential growth of your product in the market.

4. Analyzing Global Market Trends to understand the current market dynamics and how they might affect your product launch.

5. Using Launch Status Dashboards to track the progress of your product launch in real time.

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Tool highlights

Product-market fit

The job of any new product or service is to understand what people want. First, companies have to find the right product-market fit. On the left side of the table, identify the characteristics of the target customer. WHO are they and what do they need to accomplish? WHY do they need the product or service? HOW will they acquire the product or service? And WHAT does the customer do with the product to get real value?

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The Go-to-Market Strategy template plays a crucial role in launching a new product or service. It provides a structured approach to understand the target customer, their needs, and how they will acquire and use the product or service. It includes tools for identifying product-market fit, mapping customer value, projecting product growth, understanding global market trends, and tracking launch status. This helps companies to effectively position their product or service in the market, reach their target audience, and achieve their business goals.

A customer derives real value from a product or service when it effectively meets their needs or solves their problems. This value can be derived in several ways. Firstly, the product or service must have a strong product-market fit, meaning it must align with the customer's needs and wants. Secondly, the customer must understand why they need the product or service and how it can help them achieve their goals. Lastly, the customer must be able to easily acquire the product or service and use it effectively to derive the intended value.

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On the right side of the table, identify the key features and values of the product that will accomplish the stated goal. Here you also can identify key metrics to track. It's important to track key metrics to validate the product-market fit and ensure customers receive value from the product. For example, a service like Waze identifies the job that customers need to get done, which is "get to work fast." Its characteristics include its ability to calculate the shortest and fastest route, which is an alternative to competitors like Google or Apple Maps, which don't provide the same side streets and uncommon routes. Waze's channel is the Google and Apple app stores, which provides value to the customer because it is easily accessible and eliminates the need for brick-and-mortar stores. Stick to the end and we'll show you how Slack used a similar process to bring its product to the masses. (Slide 4)

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Slack, a business communication platform, used a similar go-to-market strategy to bring its product to the masses. Initially, Slack identified its key features and values that would accomplish its goal of efficient and seamless team communication. These features included real-time messaging, integration with other software tools, and customizable notifications. Slack tracked key metrics to validate its product-market fit, such as active users, daily usage, and customer satisfaction. The company's primary channel was online, making the product easily accessible to businesses worldwide. By focusing on these elements, Slack was able to successfully bring its product to the masses.

Channels of distribution like Google and Apple app stores provide value to customers in several ways. Firstly, they offer easy accessibility. Customers can download and install apps directly from these platforms, eliminating the need for physical stores. Secondly, they provide a wide range of options, allowing customers to choose from millions of apps based on their needs and preferences. Thirdly, these platforms ensure the security of apps, protecting customers from malicious software. Lastly, they offer customer reviews and ratings, helping customers make informed decisions.

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Customer value map

The customer value map expands on the concept of product-market fit. To find the right fit, companies need to know what the customer values and how much they are willing to sacrifice (or pay) to receive that value. Label one of the companies on the map as yours, and label the others as direct competitors. The Y-axis tracks the price of the product, while the X-axis tracks customer performance and satisfaction. The goal is to provide high value at a reasonable price point relative to the competition. It might be tempting to start a product at a high price point, especially if it provides high value. But successful product launches often need a lower relative price compared to the competitors. In this example, Company 4 is most poised for a successful go-to-market launch because it provides excellent value at a low relative price. (Slide 5-6)

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Yes, a successful go-to-market strategy that utilized customer value maps is the launch of a hypothetical 'Company 4' as mentioned in the content. This company was able to provide excellent value at a low relative price, positioning it for a successful launch. The customer value map was used to identify the right product-market fit, understanding what the customer values and how much they are willing to pay for that value. This strategy allowed 'Company 4' to effectively compete in the market by offering high value at a reasonable price point.

Another example could be Apple's iPhone launch. Apple identified a gap in the market for a high-end, user-friendly smartphone. Using customer value maps, they understood that customers were willing to pay a premium for a product that offered superior design and functionality. This insight guided their go-to-market strategy, leading to the successful launch and market dominance of the iPhone.

A company can use a customer value map to gain a competitive advantage by understanding what the customer values and how much they are willing to pay for that value. This map allows the company to position itself strategically against its competitors. The goal is to provide high value at a reasonable price point relative to the competition. For instance, a product that provides excellent value at a low relative price is more likely to have a successful go-to-market launch. This strategy can help a company differentiate itself and gain a competitive edge.

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Global market trends

Global Market Trends validate your product to stakeholders and show a product idea will work on a global scale. Identify the market trend that your product meets, and then use this slide to visualize its global expansion. Icons on the map can be moved around to show different countries the product can expand to. The bottom-right table shows the trend's projected growth from year one to year five. In this example, the company looks at online sales as a market trend for growth. Based on our previous example, a company such as Waze that has an app store as its channel would meet this trend. (Slide 17)

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The Go-to-Market (GTM) strategy is a plan that specifies how a company will sell products or services to customers. It's different from other business strategy frameworks in several ways. For instance, the Business Model Canvas focuses on the company's value proposition, infrastructure, customers, and finances. The GTM strategy, on the other hand, is more focused on how to effectively reach and sell to the target market. Another framework, the SWOT analysis, assesses a company's internal strengths and weaknesses and external opportunities and threats, which is broader than the GTM strategy's focus on market entry. However, these frameworks can complement each other. For example, insights from a SWOT analysis can inform a GTM strategy.

Global Market Trends can be used to validate a product idea by demonstrating its potential for success on a global scale. By identifying the market trend that your product aligns with, you can show stakeholders that there is a demand for your product in the global market. This can be visualized through a Global Market Trends slide, which can show the potential countries your product can expand to. Additionally, the trend's projected growth from year one to year five can provide a quantitative measure of the product's potential success.

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Product growth projection

Once a company has done its research on trends and the competition, it has to show that its product has legs. That's what the Product Growth Projection chart is for. This chart is fully editable and can be adjusted to your projections. It shows both the monthly forecast and the cumulative profits. The data on the chart can be edited to show a monthly, quarterly, or yearly projection. The graph updates automatically according to the data you put in. (Slide 15)

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The Go-to-Market Strategy template includes several tools to help launch your product. Some of these tools include Product-Market Fit, Customer Value Maps, Product Growth Projection, Global Market Trends, and Launch Status Dashboards. These tools are designed to help you understand your market, project your product's growth, and monitor your launch status.

The Product Growth Projection chart plays a crucial role in a product's launch strategy. It provides a visual representation of the product's potential growth over time, which can be monthly, quarterly, or yearly. This chart is fully editable and updates automatically according to the data inputted. It shows both the monthly forecast and the cumulative profits. By presenting this data, companies can demonstrate the viability and profitability of their product to stakeholders, helping to secure support and resources for the launch. It also aids in strategic planning, allowing companies to anticipate and prepare for future trends and challenges.

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Launch status dashboard

Last thing: every Go-To-Market strategy needs a launch timeline, with priorities and goals. This launch status dashboard can be used while a team is in the middle of a product launch, or to prepare before a launch. It's an invaluable tool that will help sync members of multiple departments. The names can be adjusted to represent individual team members or departments such as Product, Marketing, or Sales. On a qualitative level, the dashboard shows which tasks are the highest priority, represented by a star, and which tasks have dependency on a separate member or department, represented by an exclamation point. (Slide 25)

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The Go-to-Market Strategy template includes key elements such as Product-Market Fit, Customer Value Maps, Product Growth Projection, Global Market Trends, and Launch Status Dashboards. The Launch Status Dashboard is a particularly important tool that helps to synchronize the efforts of multiple departments during a product launch. It can be used to assign tasks, identify high-priority tasks (represented by a star), and highlight tasks that depend on other team members or departments (represented by an exclamation point).

The dashboard indicates task priorities and dependencies qualitatively. Tasks that are of the highest priority are represented by a star. On the other hand, tasks that have a dependency on a separate member or department are represented by an exclamation point.

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Case study: Slack

Go-To-Market strategy as a team effort is exemplified by the rise of the team collaboration tool Slack. When Slack first started in 2013, CEO Stewart Butterfield said in an internal memo to his team "Understanding what people think they want and then translating the value of Slack into their terms is something we all work on. It is the sum of the exercise of all our crafts."

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Slack's Go-to-Market strategy is a prime example of the importance of team collaboration in product launch. When Slack was launched in 2013, the CEO, Stewart Butterfield, emphasized the need for understanding what people think they want and then translating the value of Slack into their terms. This was not a task for a single individual but a collective effort of the entire team. Each member contributed their unique skills and expertise to understand the customer's perspective and communicate the value proposition effectively. This collaborative approach was instrumental in Slack's successful launch and its subsequent growth.

A Go-To-Market (GTM) strategy aligns with digital transformation initiatives in the context of team collaboration tools like Slack by ensuring the product meets the needs of the modern digital workspace. It involves understanding what potential users want and translating the value of the tool into their terms. This can be achieved through customer value mapping and product growth projection, which are part of the GTM strategy. The GTM strategy also considers global market trends, which would include the shift towards digital transformation. Therefore, a well-planned GTM strategy can effectively position a digital tool like Slack in the market, driving its adoption and success.

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Slack identified a goal that their customer needed to achieve, which was more effective internal communication. Endless email chains had become outdated, and a new platform was needed. Butterflied began with product-market fit. He described the life of a startup divided into two distinct phases: before product-market fit and after. "Once the product fits the market, a company is able to step on the gas, spending to promote a product that will actually sell." He goes on to say "The best possible way to find product-market fit is to define your own market." Butterfield defined Slack's market and the value points it would add with four characteristics:

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The key characteristics that added value to Slack's market are not explicitly mentioned in the content. However, based on the context, it can be inferred that these characteristics likely revolve around effective internal communication, a unique product-market fit, and a defined market. Slack identified a need for more efficient communication methods within organizations, moving away from traditional email chains. They found their product-market fit and defined their own market, which are crucial steps in adding value to their market. Please refer to the original source or Slack's business model for more specific details.

Slack defined its market by identifying a goal that their customers needed to achieve, which was more effective internal communication. They recognized that traditional methods like email chains had become outdated and a new platform was needed. The company's approach began with product-market fit, dividing the life of a startup into two distinct phases: before product-market fit and after. Once the product fits the market, a company can invest in promoting a product that will actually sell. The best way to find product-market fit, according to Slack, is to define your own market. Slack defined its market and the value points it would add with four characteristics.

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  • More relaxed, productive workers
  • Masters of their own information,
  • Less frustrated by a lack of visibility
  • More purposeful communicators

Slack centered its go-to-market strategy around those values and characteristics. A key part of its growth was its price point: free. Slack identified payment as a barrier to entry, and only implemented payment later on for premium features. Its strategy was product-focused instead of pricing-focused. Butterfield knew that a great product would grow a loyal user base by word of mouth. And he was right. Since its launch, Slack grew from zero to four billion dollars in four years and was eventually sold to Salesforce for over $27 billion dollars.

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If you need a successful Go-To-Market strategy for your next product, you need this presentation. Download the Go-to-Market Strategy presentation for more slides such as Product Positioning Map, Unique Selling Proposition, Demographic Overview, Launch Checklist, and GTM Strategy Map, plus many more.

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