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Sur le marché pour un nouvel emploi? Téléchargez le modèle de présentation Personal Showcase pour améliorer votre portfolio personnel avec une présentation de vos points forts. Cette présentation personnelle peut être utilisée pour postuler à un nouvel emploi, demander une promotion ou un transfert de département, ou partager numériquement avec des recruteurs ou de nouveaux prospects clients pour vous présenter et votre ensemble de compétences unique.

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A personal showcase can be used to attract new client prospects by presenting your top highlights and unique skillset. It serves as a platform to introduce yourself and demonstrate your capabilities and achievements. This can be shared digitally with potential clients, making it an effective tool for marketing yourself.

Some other ways to transfer departments may include demonstrating your skills and value to the desired department, networking with employees and managers in that department, or seeking additional training or education to qualify for a position in that department.

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Le modèle comprend des diapositives pour un aperçu du CV, l'expérience de travail, la méthode STAR et la liste des verbes d'action, les domaines de pratique, les recommandations, le portfolio, l'éducation, l'ensemble de compétences, les études de cas de projet, les clients notables, les réalisations, la page de contact, et bien plus encore. Lisez jusqu'à la fin, et nous expliquerons comment un chef de projet qui souhaite un nouvel emploi dans une grande entreprise technologique comme Google ou Facebook pourrait utiliser cette présentation.

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When preparing a presentation about the overall finance performance in FY 2023, consider the following points:

Start with an introduction that provides a brief overview of the financial year. This could include major financial events, changes in the market, or new policies that affected the company's finances.

Next, present a detailed analysis of the company's financial performance. This could include revenue, profit, expenses, and cash flow. Use charts and graphs to visualize the data and make it easier to understand.

Discuss the factors that contributed to the company's financial performance. This could include successful products or services, cost-saving measures, or strategic investments.

Compare the company's performance in FY 2023 with previous years. This will show whether the company is improving or declining.

Finally, provide a forecast for the next financial year based on current trends and future plans. This could include projected revenue, expected expenses, and potential challenges.

Remember to keep your presentation concise and engaging. Use clear, simple language and avoid jargon. Also, practice your presentation to ensure you can deliver it confidently and professionally.

Some strategies for standing out when applying for a job at a major tech company like Google or Facebook include having a clear and concise resume, showcasing your work experience effectively, using the STAR method to describe your achievements, having a diverse skillset, presenting project case studies, listing notable clients you've worked with, and highlighting your achievements. It's also beneficial to have recommendations and a portfolio to showcase your work.

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Points forts de l'outil

Aperçu du CV

Tout d'abord, il est important de vous présenter avec un aperçu de style CV. Cette diapositive est un résumé exécutif qui fournit un court paragraphe de texte pour votre argumentaire d'ascenseur, et un aperçu des compétences et de l'expérience de travail pour donner au lecteur une idée de qui vous êtes professionnellement. Ceci est destiné à compléter des diapositives supplémentaires spécifiquement sur l'expérience de travail, les compétences, ou les points forts d'un projet spécifique. Si vous prévoyez d'envoyer ce fichier numériquement, vous pouvez intégrer des hyperliens vers votre LinkedIn, votre site web de portfolio, ou d'autres profils sociaux.Cette visualisation comprend également une chronologie de votre expérience, avec un résumé des compétences professionnelles où vous excellez en bas. La présentation comprend également de nombreuses diapositives supplémentaires avec des visualisations alternatives de ce résumé professionnel. (Diapositive 5)

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An introduction interview presentation is a way to showcase your skills, experience, and professional background to potential employers. It typically includes an executive summary, a detailed overview of your work experience, and highlights of specific projects or skills.

You can start with a brief elevator pitch, summarizing who you are professionally. This should be followed by a detailed timeline of your work experience, highlighting key roles and achievements.

You can also include a section on your key skills and areas of expertise. If you're sending the presentation digitally, consider embedding hyperlinks to your LinkedIn profile, portfolio website, or other relevant social profiles for further reference.

Remember, the goal is to provide a comprehensive yet concise overview of your professional journey, so keep it relevant and engaging.

A personal showcase presentation can effectively highlight your career progression by providing a visual timeline of your experience, skills, and work history. It serves as an executive summary of your professional journey, allowing you to present your skills, achievements, and areas of expertise in a structured and engaging manner. It can also include hyperlinks to your LinkedIn, portfolio website, or other social profiles for further reference. This not only gives the viewer a comprehensive understanding of your career growth but also allows them to delve deeper into specific areas of interest.

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Expérience professionnelle

Cette diapositive approfondit l'expérience puisque ce sera le cas d'utilisation le plus courant pour une demande d'emploi. Elle comprend le nom de l'entreprise, la date et des points importants qui couvrent vos réalisations les plus importantes et les fonctions de travail liées à chaque poste. (Diapositive 10)

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Méthode de CV STAR

À ce propos, nous avons une diapositive sur le cadre de la méthode de CV STAR. Lorsque les cadres décrivent leurs tâches ou réalisations dans un emploi précédent, il est important que la description indique au lecteur : dans quelle situation cette tâche a été effectuée, quelle tâche spécifique a été effectuée, les actions menées en réponse à cette tâche, et les résultats obtenus. Il devrait s'agir d'un résultat quantitatif, comme "augmentation du chiffre d'affaires de 20%."

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You can describe the results achieved in a job description by using specific, measurable outcomes. For example, instead of saying 'improved sales', you could say 'increased sales by 15% over a six month period'. You could also use specific examples of projects or tasks you completed that had a positive impact on the company. For example, 'led a team that completed a project three weeks ahead of schedule, saving the company $10,000'.

You can describe the actions conducted in response to a task in a job description by detailing the strategies implemented, the steps taken, the skills utilized, and the challenges overcome. You can also mention the collaboration with team members or other departments, the use of specific tools or software, and the decision-making processes involved.

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Un exemple en bas montre quelle partie de la phrase correspond à chaque élément du cadre. Comme il est difficile pour une seule puce ou phrase d'incorporer les quatre aspects, ces quatre points peuvent être divisés en plusieurs puces qui couvrent tous les aspects.(Diapositive 29)

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Verbes d'action courants pour le CV

En plus du cadre STAR, la vitrine personnelle comprend une liste de verbes d'action courants pour le CV classés par catégorie de compétences. Par exemple, les managers de haut niveau pourraient utiliser des verbes sous les compétences de gestion, les analystes pourraient utiliser des compétences financières, de recherche ou techniques, les représentants des relations publiques pourraient utiliser des compétences en communication, les membres de l'équipe de niveau inférieur pourraient utiliser des compétences d'aide, etc. De plus, les autres verbes listés à la fin sont utiles pour décrire l'impact global sur une entreprise, comme "élargi X", "amélioré Y", ou "réduit les pertes Z." (Diapositive 30)

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The Personal Showcase can be used to ask for a promotion or transfer departments by highlighting your skills, achievements, and impact on the business. You can use the STAR framework and the list of common resume action verbs sorted by category of skills to articulate your accomplishments. For instance, if you're a senior-level manager, you can use verbs under management skills. If you're an analyst, you can use financial, research, or technical skills. PR reps could use communication skills, and lower-level team members could use helping skills. The other verbs listed at the end can be used to describe the overall impact made on a business, like "expanded X", "improved Y", or "reduced Z losses". This way, you can effectively communicate your value and potential to the decision-makers.

To effectively introduce your unique skillset using the Personal Showcase, you can utilize the STAR framework and the list of common resume action verbs sorted by category of skills. For instance, if you're a senior-level manager, you can use verbs under management skills. If you're an analyst, you can use financial skills, research, or technical skills. PR reps can use communication skills, and lower-level team members can use helping skills. Additionally, the other verbs listed at the end can be used to describe the overall impact you've made on a business, such as 'expanded X', 'improved Y', or 'reduced Z losses'.

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Domaines de pratique

Les propriétaires uniques, les travailleurs indépendants ou les entrepreneurs ont souvent besoin de mettre en évidence leurs domaines de pratique pour les nouveaux clients. Pour les employés à temps plein, cela pourrait être changé en "domaines d'expertise" qui sont des tâches ou des domaines de concentration où ils ont bien performé sur des projets passés. Par exemple, en tant que chef de projet, en plus de respecter leurs objectifs de budget et de calendrier, un dirigeant pourrait avoir fait beaucoup d'amélioration de processus, où ils sont allés au-delà pour optimiser les processus en cours de route. Cela aide à se démarquer des autres candidats car ils mettent en évidence des compétences que d'autres ne font pas ou ne pensent pas à mentionner.(Diapositive 16)

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The Personal Showcase presentation template is a unique job application resource. Unlike traditional resumes or cover letters, this template allows you to visually present your skills, experiences, and accomplishments. It's particularly useful for freelancers, contractors, or sole proprietors who need to highlight their areas of expertise to potential clients. This template stands out because it allows you to go beyond just listing your skills and experiences - you can show examples of your work, highlight specific projects, and demonstrate how you've gone above and beyond in your roles. This can make you more memorable to recruiters and hiring managers. However, it's important to note that this template may not replace traditional job application resources, but rather, it can be used to supplement them.

The highlighted areas of expertise in the Personal Showcase presentation template can significantly enhance a professional's portfolio. These areas of expertise are tasks or focus areas where the professional has performed well on past projects. For instance, a project manager might have excelled in process improvement, going above and beyond to optimize processes. Highlighting these skillsets can help a professional stand out from other candidates because they showcase abilities that others may not have or may not think to mention. This can be particularly beneficial when applying for a new job, asking for a promotion or transfer, or sharing a portfolio with recruiters.

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Une autre diapositive couvre les recommandations de clients précédents ou les références d'anciens collègues. Ces recommandations devraient mettre en évidence les domaines de pratique et d'expertise mentionnés précédemment. Par exemple, la recommandation devrait également mettre en évidence des compétences clés, comme l'optimisation des processus mentionnée précédemment. (Diapositive 20)

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The key topics covered in the Personal Showcase presentation template enhance a job seeker's strategy by providing a structured format to highlight their skills, experiences, and recommendations. This allows the job seeker to present a comprehensive view of their professional profile. The template includes a slide for recommendations from previous clients or colleagues, which can validate the skills and expertise the job seeker claims to have. This can be particularly effective if the recommendations highlight key skills such as process optimization. Overall, the template helps job seekers to present their qualifications in a clear, organized, and persuasive manner.

Common challenges in using the Personal Showcase presentation template may include: difficulty in selecting the most relevant information to include, ensuring the information is presented in a clear and concise manner, and obtaining high-quality recommendations. These challenges can be overcome by: carefully considering the job or position you are applying for and tailoring your information to match, practicing your presentation skills to ensure clarity and conciseness, and reaching out to past colleagues or clients for detailed and specific recommendations.

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Projets et portfolio

Une mise en évidence de projet ou un portfolio de projets passés est une autre manière standard et attendue de montrer votre travail passé. Cette visualisation couvre deux diapositives avec une chronologie qui peut défiler vers le bas. Elle montre la date à laquelle le projet a eu lieu et son nom, ainsi qu'un espace supplémentaire pour couvrir la réalisation.

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Job seekers can implement the Personal Showcase presentation template in their job application process by using it to highlight their key achievements, skills, and experiences. They can use the template to create a visual portfolio of their past projects, including timelines and details of each project. This can be shared digitally with recruiters or used when applying for jobs, promotions, or department transfers. It's a great way to stand out and show potential employers what they've accomplished and what they're capable of.

The Personal Showcase presentation template can be used in various ways in the job market. It can be used to apply for a new job by showcasing your skills, achievements, and past projects in a visually appealing manner. It can also be used when asking for a promotion or transferring departments, as it allows you to present your accomplishments and capabilities in a structured way. Additionally, it can be shared digitally with recruiters to give them a quick overview of your professional journey and achievements.

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Si vous avez réalisé un produit, les dirigeants peuvent utiliser la photo pour montrer le produit final ou supprimer la photo si elle n'est pas nécessaire. Disons que vous êtes un chef de projet qui n'a pas conçu un projet ou un produit, mais l'apparence du produit devrait toujours être présentée avec la réalisation finale pour représenter visuellement le succès. (Diapositives 23-24)

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The Personal Showcase presentation template can be used to highlight one's unique skillset by showcasing the individual's top achievements and skills. It can be used to display the final product of a project or product that the individual has worked on, visually representing their success. The template can also be used to apply for a new job, ask for a promotion or transfer departments, or share digitally with recruiters, making it a versatile tool for career advancement.

1. Highlight your top achievements: Use the template to showcase your most significant accomplishments. This could be projects you've managed, products you've developed, or any other notable work you've done.

2. Use visuals: If you've designed a product or project, include pictures to visually represent your success. Even if you didn't design the product, its look should still be showcased along with the end achievement.

3. Tailor it to your audience: If you're using the deck to apply for a job or ask for a promotion, make sure the content is relevant to the position or department you're targeting.

4. Keep it updated: Regularly update your portfolio with new achievements and experiences to keep it current and relevant.

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Exemple : Postuler pour un emploi de chef de projet chez Facebook ou Google

Mettez tout cela en contexte. Imaginez que vous êtes un chef de projet qui prévoit d'utiliser cette présentation de mise en valeur personnelle pour postuler à un nouvel emploi chez Google ou Facebook.Le chef de projet peut utiliser la page de couverture pour se présenter, partager son résumé professionnel, son parcours en affaires et en éducation, ses compétences et son discours d'ascenseur personnel. Le chef de projet peut ensuite montrer en profondeur son expérience de travail précédente, avec différentes visualisations pour les vues de la chronologie pour couvrir les emplois passés chez Spotify et quelques startups inconnues, puis partager leurs compétences en optimisation des processus, benchmarking et sprints SCRUM. Ceux-ci pourraient être personnels ou techniques (avec différentes vues pour chacun). L'éducation peut également être développée, comme la formation continue et la certification comme les cours officiels.

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A Personal Showcase presentation can be tailored for applications to tech giants like Google or Facebook by focusing on the specific skills and experiences that these companies value. This could include highlighting your technical skills, project management experience, and any relevant work you've done in the tech industry. You could also include any certifications or continuing education courses you've completed that are relevant to the job you're applying for. It's also important to make your presentation visually appealing and easy to understand, as this can help you stand out from other applicants.

A personal elevator pitch in a Personal Showcase presentation is crucial as it provides a concise, clear, and engaging overview of your professional background and skills. It's your chance to make a strong first impression and quickly communicate your value proposition to potential employers or recruiters. It can highlight your unique selling points, making you stand out from other candidates. Moreover, it can be a powerful tool to intrigue the listener and spark further conversation about your experiences and qualifications.

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Pour les catégories non traditionnelles, d'autres sujets qui peuvent être mis en évidence incluent des clients notables, comme des travaux contractuels pour de grands noms, des réalisations clés comme des récompenses et des points forts en chiffres (disons par exemple que le chef de projet a augmenté les revenus de 50%), et des recommandations pour soutenir leurs affirmations. Ensuite, mettez en évidence une étude de cas d'un projet (deux diapositives) et fournissez ensuite une vue d'ensemble du portefeuille des clients passés. Enfin, l'exécutif termine par une page de contact pour des suivis faciles.

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When introducing oneself in a Personal Showcase presentation, it's important to highlight your unique skills and achievements. Start with a brief introduction about yourself, your background, and your career journey. Then, focus on your unique skillset. Highlight notable clients you've worked with, key achievements, and any rewards you've received. Use numbers to quantify your achievements, such as 'increased revenues by 50%'. Include recommendations to back up your claims. You can also present a case study of a project you've worked on to showcase your skills in action. Finally, end with a 'contact me' page for easy follow-ups.

A Personal Showcase presentation can be shared digitally with recruiters or new client prospects in several ways. One of the most common methods is via email. You can attach the presentation to an email and send it directly to the recipient. Alternatively, you can upload the presentation to a cloud storage service like Google Drive or Dropbox and share the link with the recipient. If you're using a presentation software like PowerPoint, you can also use the "Share" feature to send the presentation directly from the software. Additionally, you can upload the presentation to a professional networking site like LinkedIn or a portfolio website and share the link with recruiters or prospects.

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Si vous avez besoin d'une présentation personnelle pour mettre en évidence vos propres réalisations et jalons pour votre prochain mouvement de carrière, téléchargez le Personal Showcase pour plus de diapositives sur le Portfolio, l'Éducation, l'Ensemble de compétences, les études de cas de projet, les clients notables, les réalisations, la page de contact, et bien d'autres visualisations pour gagner du temps et des heures de travail.

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A graphic designer could greatly benefit from the Personal Showcase presentation template. This template would allow them to visually present their portfolio, including their education, skillset, project case studies, notable clients, and achievements. It would save them time and effort in creating a presentation from scratch and would provide a professional and organized way to showcase their work to potential employers or clients.

Individuals can implement the Personal Showcase presentation template in their job hunting process by using it to highlight their achievements, skills, education, and notable clients. They can also include project case studies to demonstrate their experience and capabilities. The template can be used when applying for a new job, asking for a promotion or transfer, or when sharing their portfolio digitally with recruiters. It's a great way to present a comprehensive view of one's professional journey and stand out in the job market.

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