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¿Necesita una plantilla de presentación para impresionar a los inversores? Explicaremos qué es una presentación, cómo utilizar nuestra plantilla Presentación Definitiva (Parte 4) para comenzar y, si lee hasta el final, aprenderá una de las principales métricas que la mega firma de capital de riesgo Andressen Horowitz utiliza para evaluar el potencial de una startup. ¿Por qué parece que las presentaciones más financiadas siguen todas el mismo formato? Ya sea que hable de Airbnb… Uber… Facebook… O Youtube… todas estas empresas siguieron un formato similar para presentar a los inversores de capital de riesgo y obtener millones de dólares en inversión.

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To use a pitch deck template effectively, you should first understand what a pitch deck is and its purpose. It's a presentation used to provide your audience with a quick overview of your business plan. You'd typically use a pitch deck during face-to-face or online meetings with potential investors, customers, partners, and co-founders. Some tips include: keeping it simple, making sure your message is clear and concise, telling a story, and using visuals to support your message. Also, it's important to tailor your pitch deck to your audience and always be prepared to answer any questions.

A pitch deck can help establish a startup's credibility and potential by effectively communicating the business model, vision, and strategy of the startup to potential investors. It provides a clear and concise overview of the startup's value proposition, market opportunity, competitive advantage, financial projections, and team. This information can help investors assess the viability and potential of the startup, thereby enhancing its credibility.

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Nuestra plantilla Presentación Definitiva (Parte 4) totalmente personalizable incluye todas las diapositivas principales que necesita para presentar su empresa a los inversores, desde las diapositivas de problema y solución, el equipo y las diapositivas de descripción general de la empresa, así como diapositivas para mostrar su modelo de negocio, demostrar su producto o destacar cómo crea valor para los clientes. También cubriremos diapositivas sobre el tamaño del mercado, la validación del mercado, la demografía y las proyecciones financieras. Ahora, desglosemos cómo se utilizan estas diapositivas para mejorar sus posibilidades de obtener financiación de los inversores de capital de riesgo.

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Data and analytics can be used in a pitch deck in several ways. They can be used to demonstrate the market size and validation, showing potential investors the potential for growth and profitability. They can also be used in the business model slide to show how the company creates value for its customers. Additionally, data and analytics can be used in the financial projections slide to provide a realistic forecast of the company's financial future. Lastly, they can be used in the demographics slide to show who the company's target customers are and how the company plans to reach them.

A pitch deck can be used to demonstrate a company's market positioning by including slides that showcase the company's business model, product demo, and how the company creates value for its customers. It can also include slides on market size, market validation, demographics, and financial projections. These slides collectively help in demonstrating the company's position in the market.

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Comience con un problema y una solución

El aspecto más importante de cualquier presentación es establecer el problema que su empresa pretende resolver. Sin un problema real que resolver, no hay necesidad de su negocio.Por ejemplo, ¿sabías que una de las primeras ideas de negocio del fundador de WeWork, Adam Neumann, eran rodilleras para bebés? Los bebés han gateado por sí mismos durante siglos, por lo que esto no era un problema real. Un espacio de oficina económico era una idea mucho mejor.

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A business can pivot by reassessing their business model, identifying a new problem that needs solving, and developing a solution for it. This may involve market research, customer feedback, and brainstorming sessions. The new problem and solution should be compelling enough to attract investors. It's also important to communicate the pivot effectively to stakeholders, including investors, to gain their support.

Some strategies for showcasing problem-solving in a pitch deck include: 1. Clearly defining the problem: Start by explaining the problem your business aims to solve. This sets the stage for your solution. 2. Presenting your solution: After defining the problem, present your solution. This should be clear and concise. 3. Demonstrating your solution's effectiveness: Use data, case studies, or testimonials to show how your solution effectively solves the problem. 4. Comparing with alternatives: Show how your solution is better than other existing solutions. This could be in terms of cost, efficiency, or other factors. 5. Showing your plan: Outline your plan for implementing your solution. This shows that you have a clear path forward.

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Estas diapositivas de Problema y Solución comunican a los inversores los cuatro principales puntos de dolor de tu mercado objetivo y las cuatro principales ventajas de tu solución. Por ejemplo, los cuatro principales puntos de dolor que resuelven las rodilleras para bebés son nada. Las cuatro principales "ganancias del cliente" que proporciona tu producto o servicio establecen la propuesta de valor de tu empresa, que son los beneficios tangibles que los clientes reciben con tu producto. Si no logras este aspecto de tu presentación, los inversores de capital de riesgo o los inversores ángeles no verán el valor del resto de tu presentación. (Diapositiva 3 + 4)

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One strategy is to clearly identify and communicate the top four main pain points of your target market and how your product or service addresses these. This sets up your company's value proposition, which is the tangible benefits customers receive with your product. It's crucial to effectively communicate this aspect of your pitch, as it helps potential investors see the value of your product or service.

Some potential challenges in demonstrating the tangible benefits of a product or service to investors could include: difficulty in quantifying the benefits, the benefits may not be immediately apparent, the product or service may be in a new or unproven market, or the investors may not fully understand the product or service.

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Proporciona una visión general del equipo y la empresa

Después de una propuesta de valor establecida, necesitas compartir por qué estás mejor equipado para proporcionar este valor. Esta diapositiva destaca a tu equipo fundador, sus roles y sus puntos de experiencia más relevantes. Este aspecto de tu presentación es vital porque los inversores de capital de riesgo necesitan saber que el equipo puede entregar.

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¿Te preguntas cuál es el fondo correcto para tu equipo? Los datos del libro Super Fundadores encontraron que poco más del 50% de todas las empresas de mil millones de dólares tenían un fondo de negocios, mientras que el 49% tenía antecedentes técnicos.Más del 70% de todos los directores ejecutivos de startups de mil millones de dólares tenían menos de un año de experiencia laboral relevante o en la industria. Y solo una de cada cinco empresas de mil millones de dólares fue fundada por un solo fundador. Sin embargo, casi un tercio de todas las empresas fueron fundadas por un dúo. Para obtener más información sobre esto, consulte el enlace a nuestro resumen.

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The Ultimate Pitch Deck template can help in showcasing your business model and value creation to customers by providing a structured format to present key aspects of your business. It includes slides for presenting your team, product or service, market size, business model, marketing strategy, financials, and more. This allows you to clearly communicate your value proposition, how you create value, and how you plan to capture value in the market. It's designed to impress investors and potential partners, highlighting the strengths and potential of your business.

The common trend in the number of founders in billion-dollar companies is that they are typically not founded by a single individual. Only one in five billion-dollar companies was founded by a single founder. However, nearly a third of all companies were founded by a duo.

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Ahora, esta diapositiva de descripción general de la empresa debe decirles a los inversores quién es usted como empresa. Incluya una historia de fundación, así como una declaración de misión fácil de digerir para solidificar la propuesta de valor de antes. Recuerde: Su presentación no se trata de cuán impresionantes son los detalles técnicos, sino de cuán bien fluye su historia. Muchas ideas de negocios provienen de experiencias personales y dificultades personales, por lo que una historia real nunca es algo malo. Pero si su historia de origen no proviene de alguna experiencia personal profunda, aún debería apelar a la condición humana general en su presentación para que las personas puedan empatizar con usted y su visión. (Diapositiva 7)

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The key slides needed in a pitch deck to effectively present a business idea typically include: an introduction slide, problem statement, solution or product overview, business model, market size and opportunity, competitive landscape, marketing and sales strategy, team overview, financial projections, and the ask (what you're seeking from investors). Each slide should be concise, clear, and compelling to keep the audience engaged and interested.

A pitch deck can impress potential investors or partners by effectively communicating your business idea, vision, and strategy. It provides a clear and concise overview of your business, including your mission, value proposition, and origin story. A well-structured pitch deck tells a compelling story about your business, making it easier for investors or partners to understand and empathize with your vision. It's not just about the technicalities of your business, but also about how well your story flows and appeals to the human condition.

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Otra visualización de la diapositiva de descripción general de la empresa proporciona su historia de origen contada a través de números clave, como el año en que se fundó, cuánto financiamiento o ingresos ha generado hasta ahora y cuán grande es su equipo.Recuerde: esto no es algún documento interno aburrido como un informe de progreso, es un documento orientado al exterior donde selecciona los aspectos más impresionantes de su empresa y los traduce a un lenguaje que cualquiera puede entender. (Diapositiva 8)

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A pitch deck can highlight the value a company brings to its customers by clearly articulating the problem the company solves, how it solves it, and why it does it better than anyone else. This can be done through a combination of compelling storytelling, data, and visuals. It's important to focus on the benefits to the customer, not just the features of the product or service. The value proposition slide is a key component of this, where the company's unique selling proposition and how it meets the needs and wants of the customer are presented.

A company's funding and revenue play a crucial role in a pitch deck presentation. They serve as key indicators of the company's financial health and growth potential. Investors often look at these figures to assess the viability of the business model and the potential return on their investment. Moreover, showcasing impressive funding and revenue figures can help to build credibility and trust with potential investors or partners.

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Modelo de negocio, demostración del producto y valor para los clientes

Ahora que ha establecido quién es usted y el por qué de lo que hace, su presentación debe establecer el cómo, es decir, cómo planea ejecutar esta visión. Por ejemplo, esta diapositiva del modelo de negocio muestra las complejidades de su modelo de negocio de una manera simple y directa. (Diapositiva 11)

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Demonstrating the intricacies of your business model in a pitch deck is important because it gives potential investors or partners a clear understanding of how your business operates and generates revenue. It helps them assess the viability and potential profitability of your business. Moreover, it shows your strategic thinking and planning, which can build confidence in your ability to execute the business plan.

A pitch deck can effectively communicate the execution plan of a business vision by clearly outlining the business model and the steps the company will take to achieve its goals. This can be done through a series of slides that detail the company's strategy, key milestones, and timelines. It's important to keep the information concise and easy to understand, using visuals where possible to aid comprehension. The pitch deck should also demonstrate the company's unique value proposition and how it differentiates from competitors.

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Para un producto digital, es posible que desee incluir una demostración del producto de su interfaz de usuario y sus beneficios principales, como con esta visualización. Hay muchas variaciones de estas demostraciones de interfaz de usuario dentro de la presentación, así que asegúrese de descargar la versión completa para tener acceso a todas ellas. (Diapositiva 12)

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Y después de introducir estos detalles específicos, es posible que desee reiterar cómo este modelo de negocio y producto proporcionan valor a los clientes con esta diapositiva. Para obtener más diapositivas y herramientas que le ayuden a trazar su propuesta de valor, como un lienzo de propuesta de valor, puede descargar y personalizar nuestra presentación Propuesta de Valor.(Diapositiva 13)

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The Ultimate Pitch Deck has several practical applications in a startup environment. Firstly, it can be used to present the business model and product value to potential investors or partners, helping to secure funding or strategic partnerships. Secondly, it can be used to clarify the startup's value proposition, ensuring all team members are aligned with the company's mission and goals. Lastly, it can be used as a tool for strategic planning, helping to identify key areas of focus and potential challenges.

Common challenges in using the Ultimate Pitch Deck may include understanding the purpose of each slide, tailoring the content to your specific business, and presenting the information in a compelling way. These challenges can be overcome by thoroughly researching your business and market, practicing your presentation skills, and seeking feedback from others.

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Tamaño del mercado, validación del mercado y demografía

Ahora, ¿qué pasa con el tamaño de su mercado? Cuando los inversores invierten, lo hacen basándose en un múltiplo de las ganancias futuras. Esta diapositiva muestra su mercado total alcanzable. Si miras nuestro video de arriba, explicamos por qué esto es importante para los inversores.(Diapositiva 16)

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¿Cómo demuestras a los inversores que puedes capturar este mercado objetivo? Utiliza la validación del mercado para resaltar la adecuación de tu producto al mercado. Si aún no tienes datos de ventas para compartir, puedes validar tus suposiciones de una manera diferente. Aunque tu producto es nuevo e innovador, existen precedentes que señalan el valor de tu negocio potencial. La validación del mercado no tiene que provenir de una empresa o producto que haga exactamente lo mismo. Más bien, es una evidencia que implica que se está gestando un cambio que valida tu producto.

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For an early-stage startup with only 3 months in operation, future projections can be included in the following ways:

Firstly, use market validation to highlight your product-market fit. If you don't have sales data yet, validate your assumptions in a different way. Look for precedents in the market that point to the value of your potential business. This doesn't have to come from a company or product doing the exact same thing, but rather evidence that implies a shift is brewing that validates your product.

Secondly, use industry data and trends to project potential growth. This can include data on market size, growth rates, and trends in consumer behavior.

Thirdly, include a detailed business plan with financial projections. This should include projected revenue, costs, and profitability. Be sure to explain the assumptions behind these projections.

Lastly, include a roadmap of your product development and marketing strategy. This should show how you plan to capture market share and grow your business.

Remember, investors understand that these are projections and there's inherent uncertainty. The key is to show that you've done your homework and your projections are based on reasonable assumptions.

Financial projections can be effectively presented in a pitch deck by using clear and concise graphs or charts that highlight the key figures. It's important to include a revenue forecast, a profit and loss statement, and a cash flow statement. These should be presented in a way that is easy to understand, with a focus on the most important figures. It's also crucial to provide a brief explanation for each projection to give context and show that the figures are realistic and based on sound assumptions.

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Por ejemplo, digamos que ves la transición al coche eléctrico sucediendo. Al mismo tiempo, ves que más empleados quieren hacer la transición al trabajo remoto a tiempo completo. Ambas tendencias podrían validar un servicio de suscripción de compartición de vehículos eléctricos, donde las personas comparten coches que utilizan con menos frecuencia en lugar de comprar coches nuevos caros.Una rápida búsqueda en Google muestra que hay MUCHAS empresas haciendo exactamente eso! Finalmente, como parte de tu investigación de mercado, querrás compartir la información demográfica de tu persona objetivo en términos de género, edad, nivel de ingresos y lo que valoran. (Diapositivas 15 y 17)

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While the content provided does not specifically mention any case studies, there are indeed several case studies that demonstrate the effectiveness of an EV sharing subscription service. For instance, a study conducted by the International Transport Forum examined the impact of car-sharing services in several cities and found that they can significantly reduce the number of cars on the road, decrease emissions, and increase the use of electric vehicles. Another study by the Shared-Use Mobility Center found that car-sharing services can lead to a significant reduction in vehicle ownership among users. However, it's important to note that the effectiveness of such services can vary greatly depending on the specific context and implementation.

A company that could benefit from an EV sharing subscription service is Uber. As a ride-hailing service, Uber could incorporate EV sharing into their existing business model. This would allow drivers to rent electric vehicles on a subscription basis, reducing the upfront cost of purchasing an EV. It could also attract more environmentally conscious customers and drivers, enhancing Uber's brand image and potentially increasing their market share.

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Estudio de caso: El consejo de Andressen Horowitz

Entonces, ¿cómo calculas el tamaño total de tu mercado de una manera que le gustaría a una firma de capital de riesgo de primer nivel como Andressen Horowitz? En lugar de la forma clásica de calcular el TAM basado en la cuota de mercado de un tamaño total de mercado, Andressen Horowitz prefiere lo que ellos llaman un análisis "de abajo hacia arriba" que cuenta el tamaño de tu mercado por el perfil del cliente objetivo, su disposición a pagar por tu producto, y cómo comercializarás y venderás el producto a ellos.

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Understanding the total addressable market (TAM) size can significantly contribute to the success of a business pitch. It helps in demonstrating the potential scale of the business to the investors. By showing a large TAM, you can convince investors that your business has a significant growth opportunity. Moreover, it helps in strategic planning, as it gives an idea about the maximum potential revenue the business can generate. It also aids in identifying the competition and understanding the market dynamics.

There are several effective ways to present the total addressable market (TAM) size in a pitch deck. One of the most preferred methods by top VC firms like Andressen Horowitz is the bottoms-up analysis. This method calculates the TAM based on the target customer profile, their willingness to pay for your product, and your marketing and sales strategy. It's more realistic and specific compared to the classic method of calculating TAM based on the market share of a total market size. You can also use visual aids like graphs and charts to present the TAM. It's important to clearly define your assumptions and explain how you arrived at your TAM figure.

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Digamos que eres un negocio de comercio electrónico que quiere vender cepillos de dientes en China. Si lo calculaste basándote en el método clásico, podrías suponer que podrías capturar el 40% de toda la población de China, que es de más de mil millones de personas. Si vendieras el cepillo de dientes por un dólar, podrías ganar quinientos cuarenta millones de dólares al año. Pero esto sobreestima el tamaño del mercado y la dificultad de vender un cepillo de dientes a quinientos cuarenta millones de personas. Alternativamente, deberías calcular cuántos cepillos de dientes puedes vender realmente cada día en todos los lugares disponibles para ti.Esto no solo proporciona un número más preciso, sino que te hace pensar en las habilidades y recursos que necesitarás para llevar a cabo tu negocio.

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When estimating potential annual revenue, several factors should be considered. First, the size of the target market and the percentage of that market you can realistically capture. Second, the price point of your product or service. Third, the sales channels available to you and their capacity. Fourth, the resources and skills required to execute your business plan. Lastly, external factors such as competition, market trends, and economic conditions should also be taken into account.

A pitch deck can highlight the value creation for customers by clearly demonstrating how the product or service meets a customer's needs or solves a problem they have. This can be done through the use of case studies, testimonials, or data that shows the effectiveness of the product or service. It's also important to clearly articulate the unique selling proposition (USP) - what sets your product or service apart from competitors. Additionally, the pitch deck should show the potential growth and scalability of the business, which indirectly indicates the increasing value for customers.

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Para generar estas proyecciones, hemos creado un Plan de Negocios que compila todo lo anterior en múltiples ofertas de productos y suscripciones, teniendo en cuenta los gastos esperados. Incluso puede generar gráficos y tablas para visualizar como parte de tu presentación a los inversores. Si puedes respaldar tus suposiciones con datos duros, podría marcar la diferencia entre obtener financiación o no.

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The Ultimate Pitch Deck template can be customized to suit different business models by adjusting the content of each slide to reflect the unique aspects of your business. This includes modifying the problem statement, solution, business model, marketing strategy, financial projections, and team slides to align with your specific business model. Additionally, the template can be visually customized to match your brand's aesthetics, including colors, fonts, and logos.

Backing up assumptions with hard data in the Ultimate Pitch Deck is crucial because it provides credibility to your claims and projections. Investors are more likely to trust and invest in your business if they see that your assumptions are not just speculative, but are based on solid data and facts. It can make the difference between getting funded or not.

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Aunque los VC quieren ver grandes números, muchas de las mejores empresas tenían mercados relativamente modestos al principio. Por ejemplo, eBay y Airbnb pensaban que sus cuotas de mercado eran mucho menores de lo que terminaron siendo. Debido a los efectos de red, estas plataformas crecieron a una escala mucho mayor que las estimaciones originales porque demostraron que podían hacer la parte difícil: ofrecer un servicio que resolviera un problema real para una pequeña comunidad. Luego, crecieron a partir de ahí. Para obtener más información como esta, echa un vistazo al excelente blog que A16z escribió sobre el tema aquí.

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The company overview in a pitch deck plays a crucial role as it provides a snapshot of your business to potential investors or partners. It typically includes information about the company's mission, vision, team, products or services, and market. It sets the stage for the rest of the presentation by giving context and background information. To effectively present it, keep it concise and engaging. Use clear and simple language, and include compelling visuals if possible. Highlight what makes your company unique and why it's a good investment opportunity.

A company's financial projections can be effectively presented in a pitch deck by focusing on a few key aspects. First, it's important to provide a clear and concise summary of the financial projections. This should include revenue, expenses, and profitability. Second, it's crucial to explain the assumptions behind these projections. This helps investors understand the basis of the projections and assess their credibility. Third, it's beneficial to provide a sensitivity analysis showing how changes in key assumptions could impact the financial outcomes. Lastly, it's helpful to compare the projections with industry benchmarks or similar companies to give investors a frame of reference.

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¿Listo para presentar tu empresa a los inversores? Descarga esta nueva iteración de la Presentación Final para obtener más diapositivas sobre la solicitud, el tamaño del mercado, los prospectos objetivo, el ciclo de maduración de los leads, el marco de adquisición de clientes y paneles adicionales para ahorrar tiempo y horas de trabajo.

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