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Quer economizar horas no design e layout do seu próximo relatório trimestral? Baixe o modelo de apresentação Quarterly Report para ter uma boa aparência enquanto traduz informações importantes em um relatório compreensível a ser distribuído entre equipes e stakeholders. Os relatórios trimestrais incorporam páginas e páginas de documentos, então economize horas de trabalho com esta apresentação totalmente personalizável. O modelo inclui slides sobre Realizações & Marcos, Rácios Financeiros, Balanço Patrimonial, e Fluxos de Caixa, Impacto Corporativo, Projeções, Resumo Executivo, Receita vs. Despesa, Atividade de Marketing, Projeção de Vendas, Metas Estratégicas, Roteiro de 12 meses, e muitos mais. Além disso, fique até o final e compartilharemos como uma empresa como a Delta ou a American Airlines apresentam seus próprios relatórios trimestrais.

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The Executive Summary in a quarterly report presentation template serves as a concise overview of the entire report. It provides key highlights, achievements, and significant findings from the report. It's designed to give readers a quick understanding of the report's content without having to go through the entire document. It's particularly useful for stakeholders who may not have the time to read the full report but need to understand the main points.

Companies like Delta or American Airlines utilize the quarterly report presentation template to effectively communicate their financial and operational performance to stakeholders. The template helps them to organize and present complex data in a digestible format. It includes slides on Achievements & Milestones, Financial Ratios, Balance Sheet, Cash flows, Corporate impact, Projections, Executive Summary, Income vs. Expense, Marketing Activity, Sales Projection, Strategic Goals, and 12-Month Roadmap. These companies customize the template to reflect their unique operations and performance metrics.

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Destaques da ferramenta

Realizações e marcos

Todo relatório trimestral inclui um destaque de alto nível do que a empresa realizou até agora. Este slide de realizações e marcos inclui uma linha do tempo para destacar visualmente quantos marcos forem relevantes. Normalmente, são conquistas da empresa como um todo que são qualitativas por natureza. Esses destaques também podem ser novos desenvolvimentos estratégicos que são chave para o crescimento. (Slide 6)

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In a quarterly report, strategic developments typically highlighted include new initiatives, partnerships, or products that are key to the company's growth. These could be company-wide accomplishments that are qualitative in nature. It could also include changes in market strategy, new market entries, or significant improvements in operations or processes. The aim is to provide stakeholders with a clear understanding of the company's strategic direction and how it plans to achieve its goals.

A timeline in a quarterly report can be effectively used to highlight company milestones by visually representing the company's accomplishments over the quarter. It provides a clear and concise view of the progress made, making it easier for stakeholders to understand the company's growth and achievements. The timeline can include company-wide accomplishments that are qualitative in nature or new strategic developments key to growth. It's important to ensure that the milestones represented on the timeline are relevant and significant to the company's progress.

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A apresentação também tem slides para reconhecer as realizações da equipe e de membros individuais da equipe para reconhecer o bom trabalho de uma equipe específica ou membro da equipe. Estes são mais para relatórios trimestrais internos, seja de um gerente para um relacionamento de relatório ou entre as próprias equipes internas. (Slide 8-9)

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This quarterly report presentation template is customizable in several ways. You can modify the text, images, and layout to suit your specific needs. You can add or remove slides, change the order of slides, and adjust the design elements such as colors and fonts. You can also incorporate your company's logo and branding. Additionally, there are slides to recognize teamwide and individual achievements, which you can customize to highlight specific team members or achievements.

This quarterly report presentation template can save hours of work by providing a pre-designed layout and structure for your report. It helps in organizing and presenting data in a clear and concise manner. The template includes slides for recognizing teamwide and individual achievements, which can be used for internal reports. This eliminates the need to create a report from scratch, thus saving time and effort.

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Resumo financeiro

Em seguida, nenhum relatório trimestral estaria completo sem um resumo financeiro. Isso pode ser uma visão geral de alto nível que fica tão específica quanto os executivos desejam. Esta visualização de rácio financeiro lista os seis rácios financeiros mais comuns em um slide. Isso ajuda os executivos a comparar resultados entre rácios como ROI e rácio corrente, que compara se a empresa tem recursos suficientes para cumprir suas obrigações de curto prazo. Para cada rácio, os executivos podem comparar o crescimento de Q para Q, com um trimestre em cima comparado a outro abaixo. (Slide 13)

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The role of ROI (Return on Investment) in a quarterly report is to provide a measure of the profitability and efficiency of investments made by the company. It is one of the financial ratios that executives use to compare results and assess the company's performance. ROI can be compared quarter to quarter to track growth or changes in investment efficiency. It helps stakeholders understand if the company's investments are yielding a positive return and contributing to the financial health of the company.

A quarterly report can help a company meet its short-term obligations by providing a financial summary that includes key financial ratios. One of these ratios is the current ratio, which compares whether or not the company has enough resources to meet its short-term obligations. By analyzing these ratios, executives can make informed decisions about the company's financial health and take necessary actions to ensure they can meet their short-term obligations.

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Para detalhar mais, use outros slides de demonstrações financeiras para mostrar lucro e perda, balanço patrimonial, fluxo de caixa e muitos mais. (Slide 15-26)

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Impacto corporativo

O impacto corporativo é outra área que é importante destacar em um relatório trimestral. De um lado, destaques de diversidade e inclusão e criação de empregos, onde as principais métricas podem ser sublinhadas. Do outro lado, os executivos podem fornecer um rápido detalhamento de como a empresa gastou recursos no aprendizado e desenvolvimento dos funcionários, seja essa educação contínua, aprimoramento de habilidades ou outros esforços.(Slide 27)

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A quarterly report can highlight a company's commitment to employee learning and development by providing a detailed breakdown of the resources spent on these initiatives. This could include continuous education, upskilling, or other efforts. The report could also highlight key metrics related to these initiatives, such as the number of employees who have participated in learning and development programs, the types of training provided, and the outcomes of these programs. This information can demonstrate the company's investment in its employees and its commitment to fostering a culture of learning and growth.

There are several effective ways to present a company's spending on employee development in a quarterly report. First, you can provide a breakdown of the total amount spent on different aspects of employee development such as continuous education, upskilling, or other efforts. This can be presented in a pie chart or a bar graph for visual impact. Second, you can highlight the impact of these investments on key metrics such as employee productivity, retention rates, or job satisfaction. This can be done through a comparison of these metrics before and after the investment. Lastly, you can include testimonials or case studies to illustrate the benefits of these investments on individual employees or teams.

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Responsabilidades sociais corporativas

A responsabilidade social corporativa é outra área de impacto. Este slide divide o impacto entre pessoas e planeta, onde as principais métricas de ambos são destacadas. Por exemplo, sob o ponto de vista do planeta, os executivos podem acompanhar reduções em áreas-chave como emissões ou resíduos em aterros. (Slide 28)

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Os relatórios trimestrais também devem incluir projeções para o futuro. Os executivos podem usar esta visualização como um slide de definição de metas com quatro gráficos e uma tabela para cobrir as principais projeções financeiras relacionadas a qualquer tópico. Estas poderiam ser projeções estratégicas, projeções de vendas, ou projeções relacionadas ao investimento de recursos. Neste exemplo, a projeção financeira de 5 anos da empresa é compartilhada juntamente com o KPI de receita de equilíbrio. Esta projeção de cinco anos também poderia ser ajustada para abordar os próximos quatro trimestres. (Slide 30)

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Some strategies for effectively visualizing data in a quarterly report include using graphs, tables, and charts to present key financial projections. These could be strategic projections, sales projections, or projections related to the investment of resources. It's also beneficial to include a goal-setting slide with these visualizations. For instance, a five-year projection could be adjusted to address the next four quarters. Remember, the goal is to translate important information into a digestible format for teams and stakeholders.

Quarterly reports can be adjusted to address different time frames by modifying the data and projections they contain. For instance, if a report typically includes a 5-year financial projection, this could be adjusted to cover the next four quarters instead. The key is to ensure that the data and projections are relevant to the new time frame. It's also important to clearly communicate any changes in the report's structure or content to its intended audience.

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Relatórios trimestrais da American Airlines vs. Delta Airlines

Quando se trata de relatórios trimestrais voltados para o público, cada empresa relata de maneira diferente; até mesmo empresas do mesmo setor destacam diferentes métricas. Por exemplo, compare como duas grandes companhias aéreas dos EUA, American Airlines e Delta Airlines, apresentam seus relatórios trimestrais voltados para o público.

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Para os resultados financeiros da American Airlines, eles escolheram compartilhar 1) a receita do quarto trimestre em comparação com o mesmo período de 2019 (seu último ponto de comparação pré-pandemia) 2) a perda líquida do quarto trimestre, e 3) a liquidez total disponível, que acabou sendo o maior saldo de liquidez de final de ano na história da empresa. Eles também destacaram 4) o número de passageiros transportados com segurança - que foi o maior de qualquer outra transportadora dos EUA.

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The total available liquidity of American Airlines indicates the company's financial health in terms of its ability to meet short-term obligations. A high liquidity balance suggests that the company has sufficient funds to cover its immediate liabilities, which is a positive sign of financial stability. In this case, American Airlines reported the highest year-end liquidity balance in its history, which could be interpreted as a strong financial position, despite the challenges posed by the pandemic.

American Airlines' quarterly report reflects the impact of the pandemic on the airline industry in several ways. Firstly, it compares the fourth-quarter revenue with the same period in 2019, which was their last pre-pandemic point of comparison. This comparison can show the financial impact of the pandemic on the company. Secondly, it reports the fourth-quarter net loss, which can also indicate the financial strain caused by the pandemic. Thirdly, it mentions the total available liquidity, which ended up being the highest year-end liquidity balance in the company's history, suggesting that the company has been managing its finances to withstand the crisis. Lastly, it highlights the number of passengers safely transported, which was the most of any other US carrier, indicating the operational challenges and achievements during the pandemic.

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Para suas projeções, a companhia aérea informou que continuará a ajustar sua capacidade futura com as tendências observadas nas reservas, o que levará a uma 1) capacidade reduzida que é 8% a 10% menor em comparação com o Q1 de 2019, e 2) a receita total será reduzida em 20% a 22% em relação ao Q1 de 2019.

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Agora vamos comparar isso com os relatórios da Delta. A Delta destacou seu 1) lucro pré-imposto ajustado, 2) receita operacional ajustada e 3) despesas operacionais totais em comparação com o Q4 de 2019, bem como sua 4) remuneração da American Express, que aumentou 11% em comparação com o Q4 de 2019. Como a empresa também relatou seus resultados anuais, essa última métrica foi destacada para mostrar que a remuneração de seu cartão de crédito co-branded com a American Express foi quase 98% restaurada em comparação com 2019, o que sinaliza um sinal positivo para as tendências de receita.

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The information in Delta's quarterly report can be used to predict future revenue trends by analyzing key metrics such as adjusted pre-tax income, adjusted operating revenue, total operating expenses, and remuneration from partnerships like American Express. For instance, if the remuneration from American Express is nearly 98% restored compared to 2019, it signals a positive sign for revenue trends. Similarly, if the adjusted pre-tax income and operating revenue are increasing, it could indicate a positive future revenue trend. However, it's important to consider other factors like market conditions, competition, and overall economic trends while making such predictions.

Delta's co-branded credit card with American Express plays a significant role in their revenue. The remuneration from this co-branded credit card was nearly 98% restored compared to 2019, indicating a positive sign for revenue trends. This suggests that the co-branded credit card is a significant source of income for Delta, contributing to its adjusted pre-tax income and operating revenue.

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Para as projeções de março de 2022 da Delta, ela projetou que preencherá 1) 83% a 85% da capacidade e 2) 72% a 76% da receita em comparação com março de 2019, 3) gastará $1.6 bilhões em Despesas de Capital Bruto com aproximadamente 4) $22 bilhões em dívida líquida ajustada. Como a empresa também projetou um aumento de 5) 15% no custo do combustível por assento disponível, a Delta também aumentará os custos dos bilhetes com uma sobretaxa de combustível para recuperar entre $15 e $20 em cada viagem em um valor médio de bilhete de cerca de $200.

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From Delta''s March 2022 projections, several insights can be drawn. Firstly, the company expects to fill 83% to 85% of its capacity and generate 72% to 76% of the revenue compared to March 2019. Secondly, it plans to spend $1.6 billion in Gross Capital Expenditures and maintain approximately $22 billion in adjusted net debt. Lastly, due to a projected 15% increase in the cost of fuel per available seat, Delta plans to raise ticket costs with a fuel surcharge to recapture somewhere between $15 and $20 each way on an average ticket value of about $200.

Delta's quarterly report reflects its financial strategy in several ways. Firstly, it shows the company's focus on capacity utilization and revenue generation, as it aims to fill 83% to 85% of the capacity and generate 72% to 76% of the revenue compared to March 2019. Secondly, it indicates the company's investment strategy, with a planned spend of $1.6 billion in Gross Capital Expenditures. Thirdly, it reveals the company's debt management strategy, with approximately $22 billion in adjusted net debt. Lastly, it shows the company's approach to cost management and pricing, as it plans to increase ticket costs with a fuel surcharge to offset the projected 15% increase in cost of fuel per available seat.

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Se você está prestes a preparar o próximo relatório trimestral de sua empresa, você precisa desta apresentação. Baixe o modelo de apresentação Quarterly Report para mais slides sobre Resumo Executivo, Renda vs. Despesa, Atividade de Marketing, Projeção de Vendas, Metas Estratégicas, Roteiro de 12 meses e muitos mais para economizar tempo e horas de trabalho. E para a apresentação completa e vídeo explicativo, torne-se um membro do You Exec Plus.

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The Executive Summary slide in a quarterly report presentation template serves as a brief overview of the company's performance over the past quarter. It highlights the key points, achievements, challenges, and future plans. It's designed to provide a quick snapshot of the company's status and progress to stakeholders, allowing them to understand the main points without going through the entire report.

The quarterly report presentation template facilitates the presentation of marketing activities by providing a structured format and pre-designed slides. It includes specific sections for marketing activity, allowing for a clear and concise presentation of marketing strategies, campaigns, and results. This helps in saving time and effort in designing and structuring the report, and ensures that all important marketing information is effectively communicated to the teams and stakeholders.

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