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Need to fix a broken sales team? Manage lead funnels and visualize sales pipelines with our Sales Pipeline spreadsheet template. The Kanban-style pipeline is fully customizable to any sales workflow specifications and includes a dashboard to track top KPI metrics. Usable by sales teams, individual reps, or sales managers who collect and track everyone's data all in one place. When everyone has visibility into an up-to-date sales funnel, estimated revenues are more accurate, managers can better plan ahead, and reps can better manage their funnels to win more deals.

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There are several ways to improve sales planning. One of the most effective methods is to use a sales pipeline management tool, like the one mentioned in the content. This tool allows sales teams, individual reps, and managers to visualize and manage their sales funnels, leading to more accurate revenue estimates and better planning. Additionally, regular training and development programs for the sales team can enhance their skills and improve sales planning. Implementing a robust CRM system can also help in tracking customer interactions and managing leads effectively. Lastly, setting clear and realistic sales targets and regularly reviewing and adjusting these targets can also improve sales planning.

A sales team can ensure their pipeline is fully customizable by using a Kanban-style pipeline. This type of pipeline can be tailored to any sales workflow specifications. It also includes a dashboard to track top KPI metrics. This tool can be used by sales teams, individual reps, or sales managers who collect and track everyone's data all in one place. When everyone has visibility into an up-to-date sales funnel, estimated revenues are more accurate, managers can better plan ahead, and reps can better manage their funnels to win more deals.

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Customize your sales process

First, the user will go to the Fields tab to input their sales pipeline preferences. Input your static inputs, like your sales report name, year, company name, and the event you are tracking - in most cases this will be sales, leads, or however you refer to it internally. Then, chose the pipeline data formatting, including preferred currency and date formats. Now, two input sections impact the look of the rest of the pipeline: the pipeline display and the input fields. The pipeline display indicates what lead information is to be displayed on the pipeline. Anything checked in these boxes will appear on the pipeline visualization.

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The pipeline display contributes to the pipeline visualization by indicating what lead information is to be displayed on the pipeline. Anything checked in these boxes will appear on the pipeline visualization.

The pipeline display indicates what lead information is to be displayed on the pipeline. Anything checked in these boxes will appear on the pipeline visualization.

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The input fields indicate the stages of your sales funnel, unique to each sales team, as well as the status of a given lead and the sales rep in your company. Keep in mind the stage and status fields are capped at 15 inputs, so choose your most important stages or lead status. Up to 120 sales reps can be added, but if you need more, simply add new rows below.

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Alternatives to using a kanban board visualization in sales could include Gantt charts, pipeline dashboards, or CRM systems that provide a visual representation of the sales process. These tools can also help to track the progress of leads and manage sales reps.

A sales rep can manage their funnel to win more deals by effectively tracking and managing the stages of their sales funnel. This includes understanding the status of each lead and prioritizing the most important stages or lead statuses. Additionally, they should be aware of their position within the sales team and continuously strive to improve their performance.

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Manage your funnel

Now that you've established all your customizations, it's time to input your leads. Go to the sales funnel, where all lead and prospective customer information can be added. Make sure to include all relevant data, including the status of the lead, the stage of the lead, and their priority level as these inputs will be critical to the pipeline and dashboard.

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The priority level of a lead can significantly affect the sales strategy. High-priority leads are those that are most likely to convert into customers, so they should be given more attention and resources. This could mean more frequent communication, personalized offers, or faster response times. On the other hand, lower priority leads might not require as much immediate attention, but they should still be nurtured with regular communication and follow-ups. By prioritizing leads, sales teams can more effectively allocate their time and resources, ultimately improving conversion rates and sales performance.

Common KPIs tracked in a sales dashboard may include the number of new leads, lead conversion rate, sales revenue, sales growth, average deal size, sales by region, sales by product, and sales target achievement. However, the specific KPIs tracked can vary depending on the company's goals and strategies.

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When you enter the Sales deal value and commission (if applicable), the commission amount will be automatically generated. And any notes about that particular lead can be added in the right-most column.

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While sales managers and reps will use the pipeline and dashboard to keep track of their funnels, both need to adjust the leads as they progress through the pipeline. So remember to update their status and stage.

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Sales managers and reps can effectively manage their funnels using a sales dashboard by regularly updating the status and stage of their leads. This allows for real-time tracking of the sales pipeline. The dashboard can be used to visualize the sales pipeline, track top KPIs, and manage lead funnels. It's also important to enter the sales deal value and commission, if applicable, for automatic generation of the commission amount. Any notes about a particular lead can be added for reference. The dashboard should be fully customizable to fit any sales workflow specifications.

The main components of a sales pipeline in a kanban board visualization typically include stages of the sales process, leads or opportunities at each stage, and information about each lead such as deal value and commission. It's important to regularly update the status and stage of each lead as they progress through the pipeline.

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Visualize your pipeline

Now, with all your leads placed in your funnel, and all your customization fields set, you can go to the pipeline and view the visual version of your funnel. Filters at the top allow reps and managers alike to filter leads by date, deal value, deal priority, and status so that every aspect of the funnel can be managed at a macro and micro level. To filter by date, simply double-click the calendar fields, and you'll be able to select a date from the dropdown easily. If it's easier, each sales rep can create their own copy of this sheet to manage their funnels separately. They just have to make sure to share their individual lead data with the sales manager at various checkpoints so the manager can view everyone's data in one place.

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To filter leads in the sales pipeline by date, deal value, deal priority, and status, follow these steps:

1. Go to the pipeline where all your leads are placed.
2. Look for the filters at the top of the pipeline.
3. To filter by date, double-click the calendar fields. A dropdown will appear where you can select a date.
4. To filter by deal value, deal priority, and status, select the appropriate options from the filters.

Remember, each sales rep can create their own copy of the sheet to manage their funnels separately. They just have to share their individual lead data with the sales manager at various checkpoints.

Sales managers and reps can utilize the customization fields in the sales funnel to manage leads and visualize sales pipelines effectively. They can filter leads by date, deal value, deal priority, and status, allowing for management at both macro and micro levels. This helps in tracking and analyzing every aspect of the sales funnel. Additionally, each sales rep can create their own copy of the sheet to manage their funnels separately, ensuring individual lead data is shared with the sales manager at various checkpoints for a consolidated view.

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Monitor your team

Now, let's say the manager or individual reps are working off the same sheet. Everyone can go to the sales dashboard to view the most important metrics for their sales team. First, filter inputs at the top allow you to sort your data by month, stage, rep, or status. A sales overview counts the overall deal value of the last three months, while sales by month show all the sales of the last year.

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The filter inputs on the sales dashboard allow you to sort your data based on different parameters. These parameters can include month, stage, rep, or status. By using these filters, you can customize the view of your data to better understand your sales metrics. For example, you could filter by month to see how your sales have changed over time, or by rep to see which of your salespeople are performing the best. These filters are a powerful tool for analyzing your sales data and making informed decisions.

A sales dashboard improves the accuracy of estimated revenues by providing a real-time overview of key sales metrics. It allows sales teams to track the overall deal value, sales by month, and other important indicators. By sorting data by month, stage, rep, or status, teams can identify trends, monitor progress, and make accurate revenue forecasts. This visibility helps in making informed decisions, thus improving the accuracy of estimated revenues.

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The "Sales by status" charts first count how many sales from the filter data are either won, lost, open, on hold, or whatever other status you attribute to your customized funnel. The chart below counts the deal value of leads across each status based on the filter data. The "Opportunities vs won sales" chart counts how many opportunities resulted in won sales over the last year and the last week.

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The "Sales by stages" section counts how many sales have reached each relevant stage of the sales pipeline for the given filter parameters. And the chart below tracks how many total sales by deal volume are there across each of your sales pipeline stages, again based on the filter inputs above. Finally, the "Top five salespeople" section tracks what every manager (and rep) wants to know: who the top five sales reps are for a given period. The reps are sorted by total sales volume, but the table also counts the number of sales leads and their average sales amount. If any of this data or calculations need to be edited or assessed, simply unhide the analysis tab and you can look at all the calculations there.

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The Sales Pipeline spreadsheet can be customized to suit different sales workflows by editing the data or calculations. This can be done by unhiding the analysis tab where all the calculations are located. Here, you can modify the parameters to align with your specific sales workflow. For instance, you can adjust the stages of the sales pipeline, the filter parameters, or the metrics used to track sales performance. Remember, any changes should reflect your sales process and the key performance indicators (KPIs) that are most relevant to your team.

The 'Top five salespeople' section in the Sales Pipeline spreadsheet is a valuable tool for sales management. It tracks the top five sales reps for a given period, sorted by total sales volume. This allows managers to identify their most successful salespeople, which can be useful for recognizing and rewarding top performers, as well as for identifying successful sales strategies that could be replicated across the team. The section also counts the number of sales leads and their average sales amount for each rep, providing further insight into their performance.

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Sales pipelines are valuable tools for reps and managers alike. When everyone has the same access and visibility to data on an easy-to-read pipeline, estimated revenues are more accurate, managers can better plan ahead, and reps can better manage their individual funnels to win more deals. Remember, you can download and customize this Sales Pipeline spreadsheet for your own sales team. Now, for additional insights and resources to plan out your sales strategy and report your sales data to stakeholders, check out our Sales Strategies Toolkit presentation template right now.

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