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This book will not teach you how to beat the market. However, it will teach you how to reduce risk, protect your capital from loss and reliably generate sustainable returns over the long run. Warren Buffett calls the Intelligent Investor ""by far the best book on investing ever written.""

Benjamin's proven value investing approach replaces risky attempts to project future share prices with sound investments based on the underlying value of the company's tangible assets.

The Intelligent Investor by Benjamin Graham gives you everything you need to equip yourself with the investor's mindset necessary to avoid the panic of market fluctuations that plague the ordinary investor. Don't be ordinary. Be intelligent.

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Top 20 insights

  1. There are two kinds of investors. Defensive investors aim to protect their capital from losses, generate decent returns and minimize frequent decisions. Enterprising investors devote most of their time to manage their portfolios actively. An enterprising investor does not take more risks than a defensive investor but invests more in stock selection.
  2. Part-time investors should stick to defensive investment strategies. Defensive investors can achieve a decent result with minimum effort and capability. However, even a marginal improvement from this result is challenging and requires extraordinary knowledge and skill. An attempt to outsmart the market by spending a little extra time and effort will primarily result in below-average gains.
  3. Confusing speculation with investment can be a costly mistake. Speculators buy hot stocks based on future growth prospects. In contrast, investment is made on a thorough analysis of the underlying business to ensure the safety of principal and adequate — but not extraordinary — gain. Invest in a stock only when you can comfortably own it without following its daily share price.
  4. If you cannot resist the urge to bet on the next big growth stock, set strict limits on speculation. Keep a separate speculative account with less than 10% of your capital for speculative activities. Never mix money from the investment account and speculation account.
  5. It's a risky idea to speculate on high-growth industries, and high-growth stocks are a risky idea. The growth prospects for a business do not necessarily result in profits for investors. Because these stocks are often overpriced, growth may not result in proportional returns. Only eight of the largest 150 companies on the Fortune 500 list managed to grow earnings by at least 15% over two decades.
  6. Graham strongly urges investors to stay away from Initial Public Offerings. IPOs often happen in bull markets and lead to inflated valuations. When the bear market begins, these overheated speculative stocks are the first to crash and cause severe losses. An investor who bought every IPO at its public closing price and held on for three years, from 1980 to 2001, would have underperformed the market by 23% annually. A sure way to predict the end of a bull market is when the stocks of new nondescript small businesses are priced higher than reputed medium-sized companies. The bull run of the 1980s saw over 4000 stocks created. This lead to the 1987 crash. IPOs dried up between 1988 to 1990, which lead to the 90's bull market. During this time, over 5000 new stocks were created, which led to the 2001 crash of the dot com bubble.
  7. It is dangerous for ordinary investors to time the market. Value investors instead identify and invest in large, conservatively financed companies whose present value as estimated by tangible assets is substantially below their current stock prices. There is no attempt to predict an uncertain future, and there is enough margin to absorb unfavorable developments.
  8. Never buy any security far above its tangible asset value. Though outstanding companies are often worth several times their tangible asset value, the investor becomes too dependent on stock market fluctuations. In contrast, an investor who purchases stocks close to tangible asset value can ignore market fluctuations, confident that he has bought an interest in a sound business for a reasonable price.
  9. Price and value are two different concepts. Think of Mr. Market as an irrational investor in a business you also invested in. He frequently changes his mind and quotes wildly different prices for your share. His behavior will hardly change your fundamental perception about the value of the business. However, you would gladly buy when his price is far lower than the business value and sell when his price is far higher than the business value.
  10. The start of a bear market is good news for intelligent investors. They recognize that stocks become riskier as their prices rise and less risky as their prices crash. A bear market is a considerably safer time to buy stocks close to their asset value and build sustainable wealth.
  11. A defensive investor's portfolio must have 50% in high-grade bonds and 50% in common stocks irrespective of market conditions. Doing so will prevent them from buying excess shares in a bull market and rushing into bonds in the bear market. Once they set up their portfolio, the defensive investor checks every six months to rebalance it if market change alters this ratio by over 5%.
  12. Enterprising investors' confidence in their professional analysis may reduce their stock component to 25% when the markets are dangerously high and raise their stock component to 75% at the bottom of a bear market. However, a minimum of 25% in bonds is essential as it will give investors the cushion to hold on to stocks even through the worst bear markets.
  13. Purchase only tax-free municipal bonds unless you fall in the lowest tax bracket. Choose bonds that mature in five to 10 years as they remain relatively stable with interest rate fluctuations. Bond funds are an excellent choice for individual investors as they offer cheap and easy diversification to minimize risk.
  14. Both Graham and Warren Buffet recommend index funds as the best long-term bet for defensive investors. Index funds own a cross-section of the entire market without any stock selection. While they may be unglamorous and show steady returns compared to more aggressive funds, index funds have low risk and have historically outperformed most mutual funds over 20 year periods.
  15. If you enjoy stock selection, make the index fund the foundation of your portfolio and experiment with around 10% of funds. Buy only stocks priced below 22.5 times the average 12-month earnings. The stock price must not be higher than 1.5 times the book value. If the book value multiplier is low, the earnings multiplier can be higher. But the product of the multiplier of earnings and multiplier of book value should not exceed 22.5.
  16. Do not be swayed by home bias. Familiarity often prevents investors from doing the required due diligence before picking a stock. Many average investors make the mistake of buying familiar stocks or stocks of their own companies. On average, 401(k) investors keep between 25% to 30% of their retirement assets in their company's stock.
  17. Graham insists on using a multi-year average of past returns to calculate Price/Earnings ratio. Consider a company that earned $0.50 per share over six years but earned $3 over the last 12 months. At 25 times the P/E ratio based on the last year, the stock would be valued at $75. In contrast, valued at 25 times the average earnings over the past seven years, the stock would be valued at just $21.43.
  18. Prevention of losses takes priority over improving gains. Assume an investor buys a stock at the peak of a bull market that can generate 5% above average market returns. The bull market ends, and the stock drops by 50% the following year. Even if the stock gains 10% every year, it will take beyond 16 years to overtake market returns.
  19. The margin of safety is essential to ensure against loss and improve upside potential. The stock price must be substantially lower than its underlying tangible asset value. In 1973, Warren Buffet invested in The Washington Post when it was priced at $83 million, and its assets were worth at least $400 million. The investment had both a substantial margin of safety and massive growth potential.
  20. Graham designed his approach to craft a reliable portfolio that requires minimum maintenance and offers maximum odds of a steady return. By sticking to a formula for investment decisions, the defensive investor gives up the risk of speculating on stock movements and gains steady returns. After the initial curation, if the investor trades more than twice a year, it is a clear sign something has gone wrong.
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The Intelligent Investor differentiates between speculation and investment based on the approach and the analysis involved. Speculation involves buying stocks based on future growth prospects, often without thorough analysis of the underlying business. It's more about betting on potential rather than concrete analysis. On the other hand, investment involves a thorough analysis of the underlying business to ensure the safety of principal and adequate returns. It's about making informed decisions based on solid evidence and analysis.

The principles of The Intelligent Investor can be applied to minimize risk and generate sustainable returns in today's volatile market by following a defensive investment strategy. This involves protecting your capital from losses, generating decent returns, and minimizing frequent decisions. It's important to not confuse speculation with investment. Speculation involves buying hot stocks based on future growth prospects, while investment is made on a thorough analysis of the underlying business to ensure the safety of principal and adequate returns. Attempting to outsmart the market by spending a little extra time and effort will primarily result in below-average gains.

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Price and value are two different concepts, and stock prices frequently don't reflect a company's actual value. More risk does not necessarily correlate with more gain. On the contrary, a substantial margin of safety and the difference between stock price and fundamental asset value can protect against loss while improving potential upside. Value investing can help you create a core portfolio that frees you from the need to track market prices and guarantee maximum odds of a steady return.

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The key takeaways from The Intelligent Investor that can be actionable for investors are:

1. Understanding the difference between price and value: The price of a stock doesn't always reflect its actual value. Investors should focus on the fundamental asset value rather than the current market price.

2. Risk and gain are not directly proportional: More risk does not necessarily mean more gain. It's important to maintain a substantial margin of safety to protect against potential losses.

3. Value investing: This strategy can help create a core portfolio that doesn't require constant tracking of market prices and can provide steady returns.

The concept of 'Margin of Safety' in 'The Intelligent Investor' refers to the difference between the intrinsic value of a stock and its market price. This principle suggests that an investor should only purchase a security when its market price is significantly below its intrinsic value. This difference creates a 'safety margin' and can protect investors against poor decisions, bad luck, or market downturns. It's a risk management strategy that helps to ensure a steady return on investment by minimizing potential losses.

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Graham's value investing approach is a reliable, risk-free path to protecting one's investments and generating decent stock market returns. It replaces risky speculation on future stock prices with a systematic way to derisk investments and build wealth.

Investors and speculators

It is essential to distinguish investment from speculation. An investment, according to Graham, is based on thorough analysis that promises both safeties of principal and an adequate return. Three components of this definition are essential:

  1. Base purchases on a thorough analysis of a company's underlying businesses.
  2. Focus on preventing severe losses.
  3. Seek "adequate" and not extraordinary gains.

Speculators, on the other hand, buy stocks based on projected future growth in price. Every nonprofessional who operates on margin or buys "hot" stocks is effectively speculating or gambling. Speculation lowers the odds of building wealth. Do not speculate under the illusion that you are making an investment decision. If you wish to speculate, put aside a small portion of the capital (below 10%) in a separate fund.

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The principles from The Intelligent Investor can be applied to modern investment scenarios by focusing on long-term investment strategies, avoiding speculation, and investing in companies with solid fundamentals. It's important to understand the difference between investing and speculating. Investing involves buying stocks of companies with strong fundamentals and holding them for a long period of time. Speculating, on the other hand, involves buying stocks based on projected future growth in price, which is more risky. Therefore, one should avoid speculation and focus on investing. Additionally, one should not invest more than 10% of their capital in speculative stocks.

The Intelligent Investor advises against speculation, which is buying stocks based on projected future growth in price. Instead, it encourages investment decisions based on reducing risk and protecting capital. If you wish to speculate, it suggests setting aside a small portion of your capital (below 10%) in a separate fund. This approach can help avoid panic during market fluctuations as your majority investment is not at high risk.

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Speculative approaches that don't work

1. Betting on growth stocks

Many investors fall for the allure of growth stocks. Just because a growth stock performed better than average in the past and is projected to do so into the future doesn't mean it will — it's a risk.

  • There is no foolproof way to select and concentrate on the most promising companies in the most reliable industries.
  • Common stocks with good records sell for a corresponding premium. The investor may be right about the company's prospects and yet not benefit because he has probably overpaid for the stock.
  • Unusually rapid growth cannot continue forever because the increase in size makes subsequent growth more difficult. From 1960 to 1999, only 8 of the largest 150 companies on the Fortune 500 list managed to grow earnings by at least 15% over two decades. Between 1992 to December 2002, funds investing in large growth companies underperformed the stock market by an average of 3.7 percentage points every year.
  • Growth stocks swing wildly, giving rise to a highly speculative risk element. The more the stock advances, the higher the frenzy, the riskier it becomes. Experienced investors have had their investments wiped out speculating on hot Airline stocks in the 1950s and booming Internet stocks during the Dotcom Bubble.
  • Avoiding a loss takes priority over improving gains. To make up for a 95% loss in value requires the investor to make an astounding gain of 1900%.
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The lessons from "The Intelligent Investor" can be applied in today's business environment in several ways. Firstly, it emphasizes the importance of not overpaying for a stock, even if the company's prospects are promising. This can be applied by carefully analyzing a company's valuation before investing. Secondly, the book highlights that unusually rapid growth cannot continue forever, which is a crucial consideration in today's fast-paced business environment. Investors should be wary of companies that have grown rapidly and should not expect this growth to continue indefinitely. Lastly, the book warns against the speculative risk element in growth stocks. This lesson can be applied by avoiding investment in stocks that have become risky due to high speculation.

1. Avoid overpaying for stocks: Even if a company's prospects are good, overpaying for its stock may not yield benefits.

2. Understand that rapid growth cannot continue indefinitely: As a company grows in size, subsequent growth becomes more challenging.

3. Be wary of speculative risk: Growth stocks can swing wildly, increasing the risk of speculation.

4. Learn from past mistakes: Historical trends, such as the airline stocks in the 1950s and internet stocks in the 1990s, show that speculative investments can lead to significant losses.

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2. Initial public offerings

Graham warns investors to avoid purchasing Initial Public Offerings (IPOs), particularly in bull markets — for two reasons. First, IPOs offer a higher built-in commission, leading to a harder sell. Second, new issues are nearly always sold near the peak of a bull market. The initial IPOs in a rising market lead to profits fuelling a frenzy for subsequent IPOs. A clear sign of the end of a bull market is when IPOs of small and nondescript companies have stock values higher than medium-sized enterprises with a long history. Since the prices of these new stocks usually crash to new lows, Graham warns investors to stay away from this kind of costly speculation.

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'The Intelligent Investor' by Benjamin Graham has significantly influenced corporate investment strategies. The book emphasizes the importance of value investing, a strategy of buying stocks at less than their intrinsic value. It also warns against the risks of investing in Initial Public Offerings (IPOs), especially during bull markets, due to their higher built-in commission and tendency to be sold at the peak of the market. These principles have guided many corporations in their investment decisions, promoting a more cautious and long-term approach to investing.

'The Intelligent Investor' challenges the existing paradigms about investing in IPOs by warning investors to avoid them, especially during bull markets. The book argues that IPOs often have higher built-in commissions, leading to a harder sell. Additionally, new issues are typically sold near the peak of a bull market, which can lead to a frenzy for subsequent IPOs. This often results in the prices of these new stocks crashing to new lows. Therefore, the book advises investors to stay away from this kind of costly speculation.

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In the 1980's bull market, 4000 stocks flooded the market, leading to the crash of 1987. IPOs dried up between 1988 -1990, contributing to the 90's bull market where nearly 5000 new stocks were listed. After the Dotcom bubble, only 88 companies issued IPOs in 2001. An investor who bought every IPO at its public closing price from 1980 to 2001 would have underperformed the market by more than 23% annually.

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An investor in a traditional sector like manufacturing or retail can apply the investment approaches discussed in The Intelligent Investor by focusing on long-term investment strategies. This includes investing in companies with solid financials and a proven track record, rather than chasing after the latest market trends or IPOs. The investor should also aim to reduce risk and protect their capital from loss, which can be achieved by diversifying their portfolio and not putting all their eggs in one basket. It's also important to regularly review and adjust the investment portfolio based on market conditions and the performance of individual investments.

The ideas from The Intelligent Investor can be implemented in real-world investment scenarios by focusing on long-term investment strategies, rather than trying to beat the market in the short term. This includes investing in companies that are undervalued but have strong fundamentals, diversifying your portfolio to reduce risk, and reinvesting dividends to compound returns. It's also important to have a margin of safety, which means buying at a price that is significantly below the estimated intrinsic value of a company. This provides a buffer against potential losses.

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Defensive and enterprising investors

There are two types of investors, according to Graham: Defensive and Enterprising Investors.

Defensive investors primarily seek to avoid losses, generate a decent return and minimize time spent on the stock market by creating a portfolio that virtually runs on autopilot.

The Enterprising investor is willing to devote more time and effort to researching securities, hoping to make a better average return than the passive investor over the long term. Graham's enterprising investor is not someone willing to take more risks than the defensive investor. Playing with risk is the domain of a speculator. The enterprising investor must have sufficient knowledge of securities to consider his investments equivalent to a full-time business.

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A small business can use the principles of The Intelligent Investor to grow by applying the concepts of risk reduction and sustainable returns. This can be done by making informed decisions based on thorough research and analysis, much like an enterprising investor. The business should avoid unnecessary risks and focus on long-term growth rather than short-term gains. It's also important to treat investments as a full-time business, dedicating time and effort to understand the market and make strategic decisions.

The themes of "The Intelligent Investor" are highly relevant to contemporary issues and debates in investment. The book emphasizes the importance of risk management, capital protection, and long-term sustainable returns, which are all critical aspects in today's investment landscape. It also distinguishes between investing and speculating, a distinction that remains crucial in current discussions about investment strategies and approaches.

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The enterprising approach is physically and intellectually taxing, while the passive approach is emotionally demanding, asking the investor to do nothing for years. There is no room for a middle ground between a defensive and enterprising investor. An ordinary investor can achieve a decent result with minimal effort, but even a marginal improvement on this result requires extraordinary knowledge and skill. Putting a little more time and effort to improve outcomes through stock selection is sure to result in below-average returns. Therefore, most investors must recognize that they are defensive investors and should use suitable strategies.

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Defensive and enterprising investors are two types of investors as explained in the book 'The Intelligent Investor'. A defensive investor is one who aims to preserve their capital and earn a reasonable return, with minimal effort and capability. They typically invest in large, prominent, and conservatively financed companies with a record of continuous dividend payments. On the other hand, an enterprising investor is willing to devote time and effort to select securities that are less than top-grade. They are ready to assume more risk for more profit. They actively manage their portfolio, constantly looking for bargains and potentially profitable investments. The book suggests that most investors must recognize that they are defensive investors and should use suitable strategies.

'The Intelligent Investor' by Benjamin Graham has had a profound influence on investment strategies and business models. It introduced the concept of 'value investing', which involves buying stocks at less than their intrinsic value. This strategy has been adopted by many successful investors, including Warren Buffett. The book also differentiates between 'defensive' and 'enterprising' investors, encouraging the former to focus on preserving capital and earning a steady return, while the latter can take on more risk for potentially higher returns. These principles have shaped many modern investment strategies and business models.

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Principles of value investing

The predictive and protective approaches

Investors can take advantage of market swings in two ways. Prediction involves estimating the future growth of a company's earnings through mathematical methods. Speculators attempt to time the market by buying based on growth predictions and selling based on predicted declines. Projection is dangerous because the future is uncertain, and inflation, economic recessions, pandemics and geopolitical upheavals often arrive without warning. Graham argues that it is a fool's errand for an ordinary investor to attempt making money by timing the market.

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Prediction and projection as investment strategies, as discussed in 'The Intelligent Investor', have their own implications. Prediction involves estimating the future growth of a company's earnings through mathematical methods. This strategy can be risky as it relies heavily on the accuracy of the prediction. Incorrect predictions can lead to financial losses. On the other hand, projection involves anticipating future market trends based on current data. This strategy is also risky as it is subject to unforeseen market changes such as inflation, economic recessions, pandemics, and geopolitical upheavals. The book argues that it is a fool's errand for an ordinary investor to attempt making money by timing the market.

Market timing, as explained in 'The Intelligent Investor', refers to the strategy of making buy or sell decisions of financial assets (often stocks) by attempting to predict future market price movements. The prediction may be based on an outlook of market or economic conditions resulting from technical or fundamental analysis. This is seen as a risky and unwise strategy for novice or average investors. The book argues that it's nearly impossible to accurately predict the market's movements and that attempts to do so can lead to costly investing mistakes. Instead, it advocates for a more passive and long-term approach.

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Graham advocates for a protection-based approach that does not try to time the market. Value investors should identify and invest in large, conservatively financed companies whose present value (as estimated by tangible assets) is substantially below their current stock prices. A protection-based approach creates a margin to absorb unfavorable developments in the future. The focus is on ensuring tangible value in purchasing the stock at current prices

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Ensuring tangible value in purchasing the stock at current prices is significant as it forms the basis of a protection-based approach in value investing. This approach does not attempt to time the market but focuses on identifying and investing in large, conservatively financed companies whose present value, estimated by tangible assets, is substantially below their current stock prices. This creates a margin to absorb any unfavorable developments in the future, thereby reducing risk and protecting the investor's capital.

Value investors can identify and invest in large, conservatively financed companies by focusing on companies whose present value, estimated by tangible assets, is substantially below their current stock prices. This approach creates a margin to absorb unfavorable developments in the future. Investors should not try to time the market but rather focus on ensuring tangible value in purchasing the stock at current prices. It's also important to conduct thorough research on the company's financial health, management, and market position.

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Think like a partner

A shareholder can see themselves as the buyer and seller of shares whose prices vary by the moment or as a minority partner in a private business whose value depends on the assets and profits of the enterprise. While many companies are worth far more than their net assets, the buyers of their stock become dependent on the stock market fluctuations.

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1. View yourself as a partner in the business, not just a buyer of stocks. This perspective will help you make more informed decisions.

2. Don't rely solely on market fluctuations. The value of a company often goes beyond its net assets.

3. Focus on reducing risk and protecting your capital. Sustainable returns over the long run are more important than beating the market.

A small-scale investor can use the key topics or framework covered in The Intelligent Investor to grow their portfolio by adopting a long-term investment strategy. This involves seeing oneself as a minority partner in a private business rather than a buyer and seller of shares. The value of the investment should be based on the assets and profits of the enterprise, not on stock market fluctuations. This approach reduces risk, protects capital from loss, and generates sustainable returns over the long run.

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Investors should limit themselves to securities currently selling for not that far above their tangible asset value for both practical and psychological reasons. When an investor pays well above net asset value for a share, they become a speculator dependent on the vagaries of the stock market to generate a profit. However, an investor who buys shares near the net-asset value of a company can consider themselves the part-owner of a sound and expanding business acquired at a reasonable price. Unlike the speculator who paid high multiples of earnings and tangible assets, they can take a detached view and ignore stock market fluctuations. This conservative policy is likely to work out better than risky investments based on anticipated growth.

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The principles of The Intelligent Investor can be applied by small businesses in several ways. Firstly, businesses should focus on value investing, which means investing in assets that are undervalued by the market. This could be in the form of tangible assets like property, equipment, or inventory. Secondly, businesses should avoid speculation and instead focus on long-term sustainable growth. This means investing in areas that will generate steady returns over time, rather than chasing quick profits. Lastly, businesses should maintain a detached view and ignore market fluctuations. Instead, they should focus on their own performance and growth.

The ideas presented in The Intelligent Investor have significant potential to be implemented in real-world investment scenarios. The book emphasizes the importance of buying shares near the net-asset value of a company, which allows an investor to consider themselves the part-owner of a sound and expanding business acquired at a reasonable price. This approach reduces dependence on stock market fluctuations and promotes a more conservative, less risky investment strategy. It's important to note that while this strategy may not always lead to quick profits, it is designed to generate sustainable returns over the long run.

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Meet Mr. Market

Graham gives the allegory of Mr. Market to illustrate the investor's ideal attitude to the stock market. Imagine you paid $1000 to buy a small share in a private business. One of the partners, Mr. Market, tells you every day what your share is worth and offers to buy or sell additional interest in the business. Unlike a private buyer, Mr. Market often quotes exuberantly high values or absurdly low ones. Given this situation, there is no way a sensible investor will rely on Mr. Market to understand the underlying value of their shareholding. However, they would be more than happy to buy from Mr. Market when he quotes meager rates and sell to Mr. Market when he quotes relatively high rates.

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The Intelligent Investor suggests dealing with market fluctuations by adopting the allegory of Mr. Market. This concept encourages investors not to rely on the market to understand the underlying value of their shareholding. Instead, they should take advantage of the market's irrational behavior. When the market quotes exuberantly high values, it's a good time to sell, and when it quotes absurdly low ones, it's an opportunity to buy. This approach helps to reduce risk, protect capital from loss, and generate sustainable returns over the long run.

Understanding the underlying value of shareholding is significant as it allows investors to make informed decisions independent of market fluctuations. In the book, the author uses the allegory of Mr. Market to illustrate this concept. Mr. Market often quotes exuberantly high or absurdly low values for shares. A sensible investor should not rely on these quotes to understand the real value of their shares. Instead, they should understand the underlying value of their shareholding and use this knowledge to buy when Mr. Market quotes low rates and sell when he quotes high rates. This approach helps reduce risk, protect capital from loss, and generate sustainable returns over the long run.

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Similarly, a defensive investor who has made a value-based investment based on sound business fundamentals will ignore the stock market valuation apart from taking advantage of its swings. Graham goes so far as to say that the single biggest reason investors fail is that they pay too much attention to what the stock market is currently doing. Intelligent investors should be comfortable holding their stocks even if they don't see the daily stock market prices for years. Experiments have shown that investors who received frequent news updates about their stocks earned half the returns of investors who received no information at all.

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'The Intelligent Investor' addresses contemporary issues and debates in the field of investment by emphasizing the importance of value-based investing and ignoring market fluctuations. It argues that the biggest reason investors fail is that they pay too much attention to what the stock market is currently doing. The book suggests that intelligent investors should be comfortable holding their stocks even if they don't see the daily stock market prices for years. This approach reduces risk, protects capital from loss, and generates sustainable returns over the long run.

The Intelligent Investor has significant potential for implementation in real-world investment scenarios. It provides a framework for investing that prioritizes risk reduction, capital protection, and sustainable returns over the long run. The book emphasizes the importance of value-based investments and discourages over-reliance on stock market fluctuations. It suggests that intelligent investors should be comfortable holding their stocks without constantly monitoring the market. This approach can be applied in real-world scenarios to make informed investment decisions and potentially achieve reliable returns.

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A defensive investor's stock portfolio

Asset allocation

Graham suggests a mechanical 50-50 split between stocks and bonds for defensive investors to guard against over-purchasing shares in a bull market and rushing into bonds in a bear market. The only action they should take is to rebalance their portfolio every six months if market developments alter this 50-50 ratio by over 5%.

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'The Intelligent Investor' by Benjamin Graham, has significantly influenced strategies for managing market fluctuations. It suggests a balanced approach of a 50-50 split between stocks and bonds for defensive investors. This strategy helps guard against over-purchasing shares in a bull market and rushing into bonds in a bear market. The only action investors should take is to rebalance their portfolio every six months if market developments alter this 50-50 ratio by over 5%. This approach reduces risk, protects capital from loss, and generates sustainable returns over the long run.

While specific names of investors who have successfully implemented the 50-50 split strategy are not mentioned in the book 'The Intelligent Investor', it's a well-known strategy used by many defensive investors. This strategy, suggested by Benjamin Graham, is designed to guard against over-purchasing shares in a bull market and rushing into bonds in a bear market. It's a method of balancing risk and reward by allocating 50% of the portfolio to stocks and 50% to bonds, and rebalancing it every six months if market developments alter this ratio by over 5%.

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On the other hand, enterprising investors can increase their stocks up to 75% when markets are low and reduce it up to 25% when markets are at their peak. However, a minimum of 25% in bonds is necessary to give investors the peace of mind to hold onto stocks in the worst bear markets.


Unless investors are in the lowest tax bracket, they should purchase only tax-free municipal bonds. The only place to own taxable bonds is inside the 401(k) account. As interest rates rise, short-term bonds fall less than long-term bonds. But when interest rates fall, a long-term bond will outperform short-term ones. Therefore, to avoid guessing interest rates, it's best to buy bonds that mature in five to 10 years as they remain relatively stable. Bond funds are a better idea than individual bonds as they offer an easy way to diversify and reduce risk.

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The themes of The Intelligent Investor are highly relevant to contemporary issues and debates in the financial market. The book emphasizes the importance of investing with a margin of safety, which is a concept that is still widely debated today. It also discusses the idea of value investing, which is the practice of buying securities that appear underpriced by some form of fundamental analysis. This is particularly relevant in today's market where there is a constant debate between value and growth investing. Furthermore, the book's focus on behavioral finance, understanding market and individual investor psychology, is a hot topic in today's financial world.

A manufacturing company can apply the bond investment approaches discussed in The Intelligent Investor in several ways. Firstly, they can invest in tax-free municipal bonds unless they are in the lowest tax bracket. Secondly, they can own taxable bonds inside their 401(k) account. Thirdly, they can invest in bonds that mature in five to ten years to avoid guessing interest rates and maintain stability. Lastly, they can invest in bond funds instead of individual bonds to diversify and reduce risk.

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Mutual funds

A defensive investor can follow two approaches to stock selection. First, they can rely on a diversified cross-section of the market through an index fund. Second, they can create a quantitatively tested portfolio of reliable stocks.

Mutual funds are a fantastic way for a defensive investor to capture the upside of diversified stock ownership without the effort of actively monitoring one's portfolio. A defensive investor's best long-term bet is to invest in index funds that own all stocks in the market without trying to select the "best" stocks. The low trading costs and operating expenditures mean that an index fund will outperform most mutual funds over the long run. Both Graham and Warren Buffet recommend index funds as the best choice for individual investors to own stocks. Take advantage of dollar-cost averaging by investing the same amount every month in a portfolio of index funds. This simple practice ensures that you buy more shares when the markets are low than when it is high.

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Mutual funds, particularly index funds, are considered a good option for defensive investors because they allow for diversified stock ownership without the need for active portfolio monitoring. They typically have low trading costs and operating expenditures, which means they often outperform other types of mutual funds in the long run. Additionally, investing a consistent amount in index funds each month, a practice known as dollar-cost averaging, ensures that more shares are purchased when market prices are low than when they are high. This strategy can help to reduce risk and generate sustainable returns over time.

Dollar-cost averaging is a strategy used in investing where you invest a fixed amount of money in an asset, like an index fund, at regular intervals. This means you buy more shares when prices are low and fewer shares when prices are high. Over time, this can reduce the impact of volatility on the overall cost of your investments, as the average cost per share will be lower. This strategy is particularly beneficial for long-term investments as it mitigates the risk of making a substantial investment in an asset just before its price falls.

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Stock selection

If you enjoy the intellectual challenge of picking stocks, you can make the index fund the foundation of your portfolio and experiment with a small portion of funds (~10%) on stocks. Here are Graham's rules for the defensive investor's stock portfolio:

  1. There should be adequate diversification with a minimum of ten stocks and a maximum of 30. Avoid overexposure to a single industry.
  2. Each company selected must be significant, prominent and conservatively financed.
  3. Each company must have ten years of continuous dividend payments.
  4. The investor must not pay more than 25 times the average earnings over seven years and not more than 20 times the average earnings of the last year.
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A startup can use the principles of The Intelligent Investor to grow by applying the concept of risk reduction and sustainable returns. This can be done by diversifying their product or service offerings to avoid over-reliance on a single revenue stream. They should also ensure they are financially conservative, avoiding unnecessary debt and ensuring they have a sustainable business model. Additionally, they should focus on long-term growth rather than short-term gains, similar to the principle of not paying more than 25 times the average earnings over seven years.

The actionable takeaways for entrepreneurs from The Intelligent Investor include understanding the importance of diversification, investing in significant and conservatively financed companies, and not overpaying for a stock. Entrepreneurs can apply these principles to their own businesses by ensuring they have diversified revenue streams, maintaining conservative financial practices, and making sure they are not overvalued.

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Investors must not look for better than average returns by investing in growth stocks. They carry too much risk due to the high speculative element in their prices. Instead, they must confine themselves to large established companies with a history of profitable operations, stable financial conditions and reasonable profit/earnings ratio.

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'The Intelligent Investor' challenges existing investment paradigms by advocating for a conservative and long-term approach to investing. Instead of chasing high returns through risky growth stocks, the book suggests investing in large, established companies with a history of profitability and stable financial conditions. This approach reduces risk and protects capital, generating sustainable returns over the long run.

The Intelligent Investor presents several surprising insights. One of them is the idea that investors should not aim for better than average returns by investing in growth stocks, as they carry too much risk due to the high speculative element in their prices. Instead, they should focus on large, established companies with a history of profitable operations, stable financial conditions, and reasonable profit/earnings ratio. This approach helps to reduce risk, protect capital from loss, and generate sustainable returns over the long run.

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Wall Street calculates the Price/Earnings ratio primarily on next year's earnings. However, Graham insists on calculating the Price/Earnings Ratio based on a multi-year average of past returns, which lowers the odds that an investor will overvalue the company simply because it had an odd profitable year or has high revenue projections. Let's say a company has earned $0.50 per share over six years but earned $3 over the last 12 months. At 25 times the P/E ratio (based on the last year), the stock would be valued at $75. In contrast, valued at 25 times the average earnings over the past seven years, and the stock would be valued at just $21.43.

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The method of calculating Price/Earnings ratio presented in The Intelligent Investor challenges existing practices by insisting on calculating the P/E ratio based on a multi-year average of past returns, rather than primarily on next year's earnings as is commonly done on Wall Street. This approach reduces the likelihood of overvaluing a company due to an unusually profitable year or high revenue projections. For example, if a company has earned $0.50 per share over six years but earned $3 over the last 12 months, using the traditional method, the stock would be valued at $75 at 25 times the P/E ratio. However, if valued at 25 times the average earnings over the past seven years, the stock would be valued at just $21.43.

The Price/Earnings (P/E) ratio is a financial metric used to evaluate the valuation of a company. It's calculated by dividing the market value per share by the earnings per share (EPS). In The Intelligent Investor, Graham suggests calculating the P/E ratio based on a multi-year average of past returns, rather than just the next year's projected earnings. This approach reduces the risk of overvaluing a company due to an unusually profitable year or optimistic revenue projections. For example, if a company has earned $0.50 per share over six years but earned $3 over the last 12 months, the P/E ratio based on the last year would value the stock at $75 (at 25 times the P/E ratio). However, if the P/E ratio is calculated based on the average earnings over the past seven years, the stock would be valued at just $21.43 (also at 25 times the P/E ratio). This method provides a more conservative and potentially more accurate valuation.

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Stock analysis for defensive investors

Here are Graham's criteria for stock selection:

  1. Size of the Enterprise:
  2. Choose companies with at least $2 billion in annual assets to ensure they are large enough to avoid high volatility in stock prices.

  3. Strong Financials
  4. The company's current assets must be twice the current liabilities to ensure a cushion for difficult times. Long-term debt must not exceed working capital. In 2003, about 120 of the S&P 500 companies met this ratio.

  5. Earnings Stability:
  6. There must be some earnings for the common stock over the past ten years. 86% of companies in the S&P index had positive earnings every year from 1993 to 2002.

  7. Dividend Record:
  8. They should have processed uninterrupted payments for at least 20 years. Over 255 companies had paid dividends from 1993 to 2002.

  9. Earnings Growth:
  10. The company should show a minimum increase of at least 33% in per-share earnings over the past ten years. Over 260 companies met this standard as of 2002.

  11. Moderate Price/Earnings Ratio:
  12. The stock's current price should not be more than 15 times the average earnings of the past three years. This multiple, adjusted for 2002 levels, is 22.5 times the average earnings of the past three years.

  13. Moderate Ratio of Price to Assets:
  14. The stock price must not be more than 1.5 times the last book value. If the multiplier of earnings is below 15, it can justify a higher multiplier of assets.

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1. Choose companies with at least $2 billion in annual assets to avoid high volatility in stock prices.

2. The company's current assets must be twice the current liabilities to ensure a cushion for difficult times. Long-term debt must not exceed working capital.

3. There must be some earnings for the common stock over the past ten years.

4. They should have processed uninterrupted payments for at least 20 years.

5. The company should show a minimum increase of at least 33% in per-share earnings over the past ten years.

6. The stock's current price should not be more than 15 times the average earnings.

Earnings Stability is a crucial factor in assessing a company's financial health and investment potential. It refers to the consistency of a company's earnings over a certain period, typically ten years. A company with stable earnings is seen as reliable and less risky as it indicates the company's ability to generate profit consistently, even during economic downturns. This stability can protect investors from severe losses and provide a steady stream of returns. In 'The Intelligent Investor', it is suggested that there must be some earnings for the common stock over the past ten years, indicating the importance of Earnings Stability in investment decisions.

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Graham's rule of thumb is that the company's total multiplier of earnings and multiplier of book value should not exceed 22.5. The overall portfolio of stocks must have an earnings/price ratio at least as high as the current bond rate. If you find this degree of analysis difficult, avoid stock picking and invest entirely in index funds.

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The theme of "The Intelligent Investor" is highly relevant to contemporary issues and debates in the investment world. The book emphasizes the importance of value investing, a strategy that involves buying securities that appear underpriced by some form of fundamental analysis. This approach is in contrast to speculative or momentum investing, which are often subject to market volatility and bubbles. The book's teachings on risk management, capital protection, and long-term sustainable returns are also pertinent in today's investment climate, where short-term gains are often prioritized over long-term stability. Furthermore, the book's endorsement of index funds over stock picking resonates with ongoing debates on active versus passive investing.

The "multiplier of earnings" and "multiplier of book value" are valuation metrics used in investing. The multiplier of earnings, also known as the Price/Earnings (P/E) ratio, is calculated by dividing the market value per share by the earnings per share (EPS). It indicates how much investors are willing to pay per dollar of earnings. A high P/E ratio could mean that a stock's price is high relative to earnings and possibly overvalued. Conversely, a low P/E might indicate that the current stock price is low relative to earnings.

The multiplier of book value, also known as the Price/Book (P/B) ratio, is calculated by dividing the market price per share by the book value per share. The book value is the value of an asset as it appears on a company's balance sheet. A low P/B ratio could mean that the stock is undervalued. However, it could also mean something is fundamentally wrong with the company.

As per Graham's rule in "The Intelligent Investor", the total of a company's P/E and P/B ratios should not exceed 22.5. This is a conservative approach to avoid overpaying for stocks.

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Graham designed this approach to create a core portfolio that requires minimal maintenance and a maximal chance of a steady return. After curating the initial portfolio, if the investor is trading more than twice a year, it is a clear sign something has gone wrong. The defensive investor wins the race by sitting still. By sticking to an autopilot formula for investment decisions, the defensive investor gives up the risk of speculating on stock movements and worrying about market swings.

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The Intelligent Investor doesn't provide specific case studies or examples. Instead, it outlines a philosophy of investing. One key concept is the idea of the defensive investor. This investor creates a portfolio that requires minimal maintenance and has a high chance of steady returns. They trade infrequently, with more than two trades a year being a sign of trouble. The defensive investor avoids speculation and doesn't worry about market swings. This approach reduces risk and protects capital, leading to sustainable returns over the long run.

Companies might face several obstacles when applying the investment concepts from The Intelligent Investor. One of the main challenges could be the temptation to trade frequently due to market fluctuations, which goes against the book's advice of minimal trading. Overcoming this requires discipline and adherence to the book's principles. Another obstacle could be the difficulty in creating a diversified portfolio that requires minimal maintenance. This can be overcome by thorough research and careful selection of investments. Lastly, the book's concepts might not be suitable for all types of businesses, especially those in volatile markets or industries. In such cases, companies might need to adapt the principles to their specific circumstances or seek professional advice.

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Margin of safety

An investor must insist on a margin of safety in every investment to absorb negative changes. This margin of safety is the difference between the percentage of earnings at the price paid and the interest rate on bonds. The price at which you acquire the stock is the crucial determinant of being a good or a bad buy. You should skip even the best company if the price goes too high and consider even the worst company if its stock goes low enough to create a substantial margin of safety.

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A startup can use the key topics covered in The Intelligent Investor to generate sustainable returns by insisting on a margin of safety in every investment to absorb negative changes. This margin of safety is the difference between the percentage of earnings at the price paid and the interest rate on bonds. The price at which the startup acquires the stock is the crucial determinant of being a good or a bad buy. The startup should skip even the best company if the price goes too high and consider even the worst company if its stock goes low enough to create a substantial margin of safety.

The lessons from "The Intelligent Investor" can be applied in today's investment environment by insisting on a margin of safety in every investment to absorb negative changes. This margin of safety is the difference between the percentage of earnings at the price paid and the interest rate on bonds. The price at which you acquire the stock is the crucial determinant of being a good or a bad buy. You should skip even the best company if the price goes too high and consider even the worst company if its stock goes low enough to create a substantial margin of safety.

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Assume an investor buys a stock that can grow at 10% per year at a time when the market grows 5% annually — but it's at the height of a bull market, and the stock drops by 50% the following year. Even if the stock continues to perform at 5% above market value, it will take the investor more than 16 years to overtake the market. All because they bought at the wrong price. By refusing to overpay, you minimize chances of wealth destruction.

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The principles in The Intelligent Investor can help in generating sustainable returns over the long run by teaching you how to reduce risk and protect your capital from loss. One of the key principles is not overpaying for a stock, even if it's expected to grow at a rate above the market. Buying at the right price can minimize chances of wealth destruction. Another principle is to focus on long-term investment rather than short-term market fluctuations. This approach can lead to reliable and sustainable returns.

Buying stocks at the height of a bull market can be risky. If the market drops significantly, as it often does after reaching a peak, the value of the stocks can decrease drastically. For instance, if a stock drops by 50% following a bull market, it would take a significant amount of time for the investor to recoup their initial investment, even if the stock continues to perform above market value. This is because the investor bought the stock at an inflated price. By refusing to overpay for stocks, investors can minimize the chances of wealth destruction.

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With value investing, you can achieve satisfactory investment results over the long run with reduced risk and without losing sleep over periodic market fluctuations. All it requires is the discipline to never purchase far above tangible asset value, resist the urge to invest in glamorous growth stocks and replace the mindset of a speculator with the investment approach of a partner.

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The product of the book value and earnings multiplier, also known as the Price/Earnings to Growth (PEG) ratio, should not be higher than 22.5 as a general rule of thumb in value investing. This is based on Benjamin Graham's formula for valuing stocks. The number 22.5 is derived from multiplying 15 (a reasonable P/E ratio for a no-growth company) by 1.5 (an appropriate price/book ratio). If the product is higher than 22.5, it may indicate that the stock is overvalued, suggesting a higher risk of investment. However, this is a guideline, not a hard rule, and other factors should also be considered in investment decisions.

Yes, there are several companies that have successfully applied the investment approach of a partner as outlined in the Intelligent Investor. One of the most notable examples is Berkshire Hathaway, led by Warren Buffett. Buffett, a student of Benjamin Graham (the author of The Intelligent Investor), has consistently applied the principles of value investing throughout his career. Other examples include companies like Tweedy, Browne Company and Sequoia Fund.

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