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Interrupções no fluxo de trabalho, falhas de comunicação entre equipes ou membros da equipe, orçamento ineficaz, mão de obra mal alocada e falta de relatórios estão entre os problemas mais comuns dos gerentes de projeto. Com o nosso Coleção de Painéis de Projeto, você tem acesso a diferentes maneiras de apresentar um painel de projeto aos seus stakeholders e garantir que os processos, interações, fundos e alocação de mão de obra e atualizações estejam sempre em ordem. Além disso, aprenda que tipo de painel foi usado para rastrear a disseminação da COVID-19 na Casa Branca.

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The Project Dashboard Collection can improve communication and reporting in project management by providing a centralized platform where all project-related information is displayed. This includes processes, interactions, funds, and labor allocation. It allows for real-time updates and visibility, which enhances communication among team members and stakeholders. It also facilitates effective reporting as it provides a clear and concise view of the project's status, progress, and any issues that may arise. This can lead to more informed decision-making and better project outcomes.

The White House used a data-driven dashboard to track the spread of COVID-19. This dashboard was likely developed using data visualization tools and integrated with real-time data sources to provide up-to-date information on the pandemic. The same principles can be applied to other projects. For instance, a project manager could use a similar dashboard to track project progress, resource allocation, and budget utilization. The key is to identify the critical metrics that need to be tracked and ensure that the data sources feeding into the dashboard are reliable and updated in real-time.

The Project Dashboard Collection can assist in ensuring that processes, interactions, funds, and labor allocation are always in check by providing a visual representation of these aspects. It allows project managers to easily monitor and control these elements, thereby preventing workflow disruptions, miscommunication, ineffective budgeting, and misallocated labor. It also facilitates effective reporting and communication with stakeholders. For instance, a similar dashboard was used to track COVID-19 spread in the White House.

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Destaques do slide

Observe que este slide tem uma seção onde você pode exibir os nomes dos membros da equipe do projeto, bem como títulos e fotos, se desejar. Esta visão do painel e informações adicionais podem ajudar a melhorar a responsabilidade e a transparência.

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Se você precisa incluir alguns ou muitos dados geográficos em seu painel, este slide será útil. Ele permite que você insira um mapa e apresente uma divisão por região. Para mais opções, confira nossa Coleção Definitiva de Mapas.

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There are several ways to present project status to stakeholders using a project dashboard. Some of them include:

1. Gantt Chart: This is a visual view of tasks scheduled over time. It's a useful tool for planning and scheduling projects.

2. Risk Matrix: This can help stakeholders understand the various risks involved in the project and their severity.

3. Resource Allocation: This shows what resources are being used where, which can be helpful in understanding if resources are being utilized effectively.

4. Budget Overview: This gives stakeholders a clear picture of the financial health of the project.

5. Milestone Timeline: This provides a high-level view of the project's progress towards its key milestones.

6. Project Health Card: This provides a quick overview of the project's overall health, including schedule, budget, risks, and issues.

Remember, the key is to tailor the dashboard to the needs of the stakeholders.

A project dashboard can assist in effective budgeting and labor allocation in several ways. Firstly, it provides a visual representation of the project's status, including budget and labor allocation, which can help in identifying any discrepancies or areas of concern. Secondly, it can track the progress of tasks and the resources allocated to them, ensuring that labor and budget are being used efficiently. Thirdly, it can provide real-time updates, allowing for quick adjustments and decision-making. Lastly, it can improve transparency and accountability among team members, as everyone can see how resources are being used.

A project dashboard can improve transparency and accountability among team members in several ways. Firstly, it provides a visual representation of the project's progress, which makes it easier for everyone to understand the current status and what needs to be done next. Secondly, it can display individual tasks and responsibilities, making it clear who is accountable for what. This can help to prevent misunderstandings and ensure that everyone knows what they are supposed to be doing. Lastly, a project dashboard can also include performance metrics, which can help to hold team members accountable for their performance and encourage them to do their best.

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Conselho de especialista

GetApp descobriu que 97% dos gerentes de projeto usam mais de uma ferramenta para gerenciar seus projetos, relata a Harvard Business Review (HBR). "As pessoas simplesmente gostam de organizar seu trabalho digital de muitas maneiras diferentes, assim como você pode escolher escrever suas tarefas semanais em post-its enquanto seu colega de escritório gosta de escrevê-las em um quadro branco", diz Alexandra Samuel, palestrante, pesquisadora e escritora em seu artigo. Os painéis são uma ferramenta poderosa no gerenciamento de projetos, mas antes de começar a construir um novo quadro, faça uso desses cinco princípios recomendados por Samuel:

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According to the Harvard Business Review, dashboards play a significant role in project management. They serve as a powerful tool for organizing digital work in various ways. However, before building a new dashboard, it's recommended to follow certain principles to ensure its effectiveness.

Project Dashboards can ensure effective budgeting and labor allocation by providing a visual representation of all project-related data in one place. This allows project managers to easily track and monitor the project's progress, budget, and resource allocation in real-time. They can quickly identify any issues or discrepancies, such as overspending or underutilization of resources, and take corrective action promptly. Furthermore, dashboards can be customized to display the most relevant information, making it easier for project managers to make informed decisions and ensure the project stays on track and within budget.

According to GetApp, 97% of project managers use more than one tool to manage their projects.

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  1. Conheça o(s) problema(s) que você está tentando resolver – insatisfações que você está experimentando com as ferramentas que está usando atualmente são os melhores indicadores do que você precisa mudar ou adicionar aos seus painéis, diz Samuel. Comece escrevendo-os e encontrando soluções para esses problemas específicos.
  2. Comece pequeno – para descobrir se uma ferramenta de gerenciamento de projetos é adequada para você, comece a usá-la. "Então, mesmo que você tenha grandes planos para um painel realmente elaborado que automatizará várias partes do seu trabalho, comece com algo fácil, como uma lista de tarefas que você personaliza para que reflita as diferentes maneiras de categorizar e visualizar suas tarefas", diz Samuel.
  3. Crie painéis separados para diferentes tipos de projetos– a boa notícia é que você não precisa usar a mesma configuração para cada projeto. Samuel diz que, dependendo do projeto e da equipe, às vezes você pode precisar de uma lista de tarefas simples e um caderno digital, e outras vezes você precisará de um conjunto mais elaborado de planilhas com alguma automação incorporada.
  4. Procure por integrações–automatize partes do seu trabalho se puder, mas lembre-se que a automação provavelmente depende de quão bem a ferramenta escolhida se integra com as outras ferramentas que você usa.
  5. Faça um plano de fuga–experimente retirar seus dados de uma ferramenta quando começar a usá-la. Preserve não apenas o texto, mas também a estrutura e organização das tarefas, notas e histórico de contato. "Mesmo que seja uma questão de copiar e colar manualmente seu trabalho árduo em um conjunto de planilhas, certifique-se de que há uma maneira de exportar seu trabalho, e faça questão de fazê-lo regularmente, mesmo que apenas como um backup", diz Samuel.
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Automation in a project dashboard can include features like automatic updates of task statuses, real-time tracking of project progress, automated generation of reports, and alerts or notifications for important milestones or deadlines. It can also include automated workflows that streamline processes, such as task assignment and approval processes. Additionally, automation can be used to integrate the dashboard with other tools or platforms, allowing for seamless data exchange and reducing the need for manual data entry.

Project dashboards can be customized for different types of projects by first identifying the problems you're trying to solve with your current tools. Once you've identified these issues, you can start small by using a project management tool to create a simple task list that reflects your preferred categorization and view of tasks. As you become more comfortable with the tool, you can start to create more elaborate dashboards that automate various parts of your work. Importantly, you don't have to use the same setup for each project. Depending on the project and the team, you might need a simple task list and digital notebook for some projects, and a more elaborate set of spreadsheets with some automation for others.

1. Identify the problems you're trying to solve with the new tool. Understand what issues you're facing with your current tools and what you need to change or add.

2. Start small. Begin by using the tool on a smaller scale to understand if it's right for you. You can gradually scale up as you get comfortable with it.

3. Create separate dashboards for different types of projects. Depending on the project and the team, you might need different setups. Customize the tool to suit the needs of each project.

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Covid-19 na Casa Branca

Quando se tornou conhecido que o Presidente Trump, e várias figuras em sua órbita, incluindo a presidente do RNC, Ronna McDaniel, pelo menos três senadores republicanos e a Primeira Dama tiveram COVID-19 em outubro de 2020, especialistas em dados usaram um banco de dados colaborativo "para rastrear quem na órbita do Presidente Trump testou para o coronavírus" e criaram um painel ao vivo disponível ao público, Fast Company relatou.

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Organizations can implement a live dashboard in their operations to track health-related data by first identifying the key health metrics they need to monitor. These could include data on employee health, customer health, or public health data relevant to the organization's operations. Once these metrics are identified, they can use data visualization tools or software to create a live dashboard. This dashboard should be designed to update in real-time or at regular intervals, pulling data from reliable sources. It's also important to ensure that the dashboard is accessible to all relevant team members and decision-makers within the organization.

Live dashboards in the healthcare industry have several practical applications. They can provide real-time tracking and updates on patient health data, which can be crucial in monitoring disease outbreaks or managing chronic conditions. They can also be used for resource allocation, ensuring that staff, equipment, and facilities are used efficiently. Additionally, live dashboards can facilitate communication between different healthcare teams, improving coordination and patient care. Lastly, they can be used for reporting purposes, providing valuable data for decision-making and strategy development.

The main components of a live dashboard for tracking a specific event or situation include: data visualization tools such as charts, graphs, and maps to represent the data in a comprehensible way; real-time data feeds to keep the dashboard updated; filters and search functions to allow users to customize the view; and interactive elements to enable users to drill down into the data for more details.

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Um painel "COVID-19 na Casa Branca - Relatórios Públicos" foi criado pelo Tableau Public – uma plataforma gratuita para compartilhar publicamente e explorar visualizações de dados online. O painel é um ótimo exemplo de uma ferramenta útil da qual você pode se inspirar. Ele exibe o Dash de Visão Geral com os nomes de todos que interagiram com o presidente; Test Grid que mostra todas as informações mais recentes sobre quem testou positivo ou negativo e aqueles cujo status ainda é desconhecido. Você também pode ver datas e eventos chave (como preparação para o debate e presença no debate) e explorar uma "visão de cluster" que mostra contatos de primeira e segunda ordem. Todos os dados colaborativos foram verificados antes de serem colocados no painel.

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