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Need a way to manage brand image and improve public perception? Our PR Strategy presentation provides a comprehensive suite of tools to craft the best approach that elevates any business's PR effort.

PR maturity index

To start, use the PR Maturity Index to plot your brand's strengths and weaknesses. This slide shows a customizable radio chart based on your scoring. In this example, the score is based on these common factors: Media awareness, brand positioning, internal support, expertise, process, and media relationships. You can edit these factors or add and delete more based on what matters the most to your organization. On the right, plot the scores and their average on a scale of 1 to 5. (Slide 22)

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Alternative strategies to the PR Maturity Index for managing brand image and improving public perception could include:

1. Social Media Engagement: Utilizing social media platforms to engage with the audience, respond to their queries, and share valuable content.

2. Influencer Marketing: Collaborating with influencers who can help promote the brand to their followers.

3. Content Marketing: Creating and sharing valuable content that resonates with the audience and positions the brand as a thought leader.

4. Community Involvement: Participating in community events or initiatives to show the brand's commitment to social responsibility.

5. Crisis Management: Having a plan in place to handle any potential PR crises that could negatively impact the brand's image.

The PR Maturity Index can be used to predict future trends in a company's public relations strategy by identifying the company's strengths and weaknesses in key areas such as media awareness, brand positioning, internal support, expertise, process, and media relationships. By plotting these scores on a scale of 1 to 5, companies can identify areas where they excel and areas that need improvement. This can guide future PR strategies by focusing on enhancing strengths and addressing weaknesses. It's important to note that the factors used in the PR Maturity Index should be relevant to the company's specific needs and goals.

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Brand message mapping

A brand voice scale weighs and balances the important aspects of your brand's tone. These adjectives determine how the public perceives the brand. On this brand scale slide, move the point of each aspect to the sweet spot for your brand. (Slide 3)

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Alternatively, use a message mapping graph to contextualize your brand's message. This map assesses the messaging's resonance and effectiveness. And the bubble sizes represent the credibility of each message. (Slide 4)

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The PR Strategy presentation is designed to be in line with industry standards and benchmarks in public relations. It provides a comprehensive suite of tools to manage brand image and improve public perception, which are key aspects of any successful PR strategy. The presentation includes a brand voice scale and a message mapping graph, both of which are widely used in the industry to assess and improve the effectiveness of a brand's messaging. However, the exact comparison with industry standards or benchmarks would depend on the specific details and quality of the implementation.

The PR Strategy presentation content is tailored for varying expertise levels within the audience by using a variety of tools and methods. For beginners, the presentation may start with basic concepts such as the importance of brand image and public perception. It can use visual aids like a brand voice scale or a message mapping graph to make complex ideas more understandable. For more advanced audience members, the presentation can delve into more complex topics such as assessing the resonance and effectiveness of a brand's message. The presentation can also be interactive, allowing audience members to move points on the brand scale slide or adjust the bubble sizes on the message mapping graph, providing a hands-on learning experience.

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PR content map

Nowadays, content is king. Even legacy brands need to have a robust content strategy to stay relevant and afloat. The PR content map is an easy way to see how to make content work for you and what different types of content achieve. (Slide 15)

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Some activations are needed to increase initial brand awareness. Some drive sales, some appeal to rationality, while others appeal to emotion. For example, a celebrity endorsement is likely to appeal to consumer emotion and inspire purchase intent. Trend reports appeal to the more rational side, and are more effective at educating potential customers and creating brand awareness.

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Trend reports are often used in various industries to educate potential customers and create brand awareness. For instance, in the fashion industry, trend reports are used to inform customers about the latest styles and designs, thereby creating awareness about the brand's offerings. Similarly, in the technology sector, companies often release trend reports highlighting the latest advancements and future predictions, which not only educates the customers but also positions the brand as a thought leader in the industry. In the financial sector, trend reports on market movements and investment strategies are used to educate potential investors and create brand awareness.

There are several alternative strategies to celebrity endorsements that can effectively increase brand awareness. These include:

1. Influencer Marketing: Collaborating with influencers who have a significant following on social media platforms can help reach a wider audience.

2. Content Marketing: Creating and sharing valuable content can attract and engage an audience, thereby increasing brand awareness.

3. Social Media Marketing: Utilizing social media platforms to promote a brand can help reach a large number of people.

4. Search Engine Optimization (SEO): By optimizing a website's content for search engines, a brand can increase its visibility online.

5. Public Relations (PR): PR activities such as press releases, events, and community involvement can help increase brand visibility and awareness.

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Media channels

An effective PR strategy makes the most out of a three-pronged approach of media channels. The intersection of all three on the Venn diagram below would be the sweet spot to aim for. (Slide 11)

  • Earned media refers to brand awareness generated through organic means, such as online reviews and social media mentions. In other words, good PR that is earned.
  • Owned media includes channels that are managed by the brand. Such as company website and social-media profiles.
  • Paid media refers to external marketing efforts paid for by the company. Such as  influencer marketing and online ads.
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Yes, there are several examples of successful PR strategies that effectively utilized earned, owned, and paid media.

1. Dove's Real Beauty campaign is a great example of earned media. The campaign, which aimed to redefine beauty standards, generated a lot of organic buzz and social media mentions.

2. Coca-Cola's Share a Coke campaign is an example of owned media. The company personalized Coke bottles with people's names and encouraged them to share their experiences on Coca-Cola's website and social media profiles.

3. Old Spice's The Man Your Man Could Smell Like campaign is an example of paid media. The company paid for a series of humorous ads featuring a charismatic spokesman, which were then shared widely on social media.

Alternative strategies to earned, owned, and paid media in managing a brand's image could include direct engagement with customers through events or experiential marketing, partnerships with other brands or influencers, and community building. It's also important to have a strong customer service strategy, as this can greatly influence a brand's image. Additionally, thought leadership, such as speaking at conferences or publishing industry-related content, can help to establish a brand's reputation and credibility.

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Then, use this slide to indicate the return on investment for each media channel. This helps to see which channels to double down on, and which ones to de-prioritize if they are consistently ineffective. (Slides 12-13)

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Campaign timeline

Use a campaign timeline to align PR and marketing efforts before, during, and after the launch of a major campaign. PR and marketing units often work hand in hand. So it's helpful to have a blueprint that gets everyone on the same page and working toward the same goal. This current example is based on months. But if a campaign is more of-the-moment or urgent, you can customize the cadence to weeks, or even days. Add any key task deadlines or milestones to look out for throughout this timeline. (Slide 9)

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One real-world example of a successful PR campaign that utilized a timeline for coordination is the "Share a Coke" campaign by Coca-Cola. The campaign was meticulously planned and executed over several months. It started with teasing the campaign, followed by the official launch, and then sustained marketing efforts to keep the momentum going. The timeline included key milestones such as the start of the campaign, the introduction of new names on bottles, and the launch of related TV commercials. This timeline helped in coordinating the efforts of various teams and ensured the campaign's success.

Some alternative strategies to using a campaign timeline for coordinating PR and marketing units include:

1. Regular meetings: Regular meetings can ensure that all team members are on the same page and understand the goals and objectives of the campaign.

2. Project management tools: These tools can help in tracking the progress of the campaign and ensure that all tasks are completed on time.

3. Communication platforms: Platforms like Slack or Microsoft Teams can be used for real-time communication and collaboration among team members.

4. Shared documents: Google Docs or similar tools can be used to create shared documents where everyone can see the progress and make updates as needed.

5. Agile methodologies: Agile methodologies like Scrum or Kanban can be used to manage the campaign in a more flexible and efficient manner.

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Sentiment analysis

Words and information now travel faster than ever. Even if there's no PR fire to put out, it's critical to constantly be on the lookout for changes in public sentiments. To measure how any intended or unintended PR efforts affect your company, use sentiment analysis.

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Here, responses collected from the public not only tells the what, but also the why. Specifically, why consumers feel the way they do. From there, come up with tactics that answer how you can tackle these sentiment. (Slide 27)

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Worst case scenario, if there is indeed a major PR crisis, monitor the public sentiment over time. If the crisis has been skillfully handled, the percentage of negative sentiment should go down over time. (Slide 29)

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Yes, a notable example is the Tylenol crisis in 1982. Johnson & Johnson, the parent company of Tylenol, faced a major PR crisis when seven people in Chicago died after taking Tylenol capsules that had been laced with cyanide. The company's response is often cited as an example of excellent crisis management. They immediately pulled 31 million bottles of Tylenol off the shelves, which cost them more than $100 million. They also introduced tamper-proof packaging and ran an extensive media campaign to restore public trust. As a result, they successfully managed to rebuild their brand and regain consumer trust.

There are several alternative methods to handle a major PR crisis and monitor public sentiment over time. One of the most effective methods is to use social listening tools to track public sentiment in real time. This can help you understand the public's perception of your brand and respond to any negative sentiment quickly and effectively. Another method is to use crisis management software, which can help you manage and respond to a crisis in a timely and organized manner. Additionally, conducting regular surveys and focus groups can also provide valuable insights into public sentiment. Finally, maintaining open and transparent communication with the public during a crisis can help to rebuild trust and improve public perception over time.

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