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Comment utiliser les tendances du marché pour créer de nouvelles opportunités d'affaires ? Cette présentation Recherche de Marché fournit des outils qui organisent, présentent et évaluent les informations sur le marché qui pourraient conduire aux prochaines grandes idées.

Matrice BCG

Pour tout marché qui intéresse votre organisation, il est essentiel de savoir comment vous vous positionnez par rapport aux principaux concurrents. Développée par le Boston Consulting Group, la matrice BCG est un outil polyvalent et éprouvé qui peut être utilisé pour tracer le paysage concurrentiel du marché. Le graphique met en évidence la position de chaque entreprise en fonction de leur part de marché et de leur croissance de marché. (Diapositive 13)

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Growth inhibitors are factors that can limit or slow down the growth of a business. They can be internal or external.

Internal growth inhibitors can include lack of strategic planning, poor management, inadequate skills or resources, or a weak company culture.

External growth inhibitors can include market saturation, strong competition, economic downturns, regulatory restrictions, or changes in consumer behavior or technology.

In the context of the BCG Matrix, a company in a low growth, low market share quadrant (often referred to as 'dogs') may face many growth inhibitors such as intense competition, low market attractiveness, or lack of differentiation.

It's important for businesses to identify and address these inhibitors to ensure sustainable growth.

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Efuel, or synthetic fuel, is a type of energy that is gaining traction worldwide, including in Namibia. However, the Namibian market is still in the early stages of adopting efuel energy. The country is rich in renewable energy resources, particularly solar and wind, which can be harnessed to produce efuel.

However, the infrastructure for efuel production and distribution is not yet fully developed in Namibia. The government and private sector are working together to establish policies and investments to promote the use of efuel and other renewable energy sources.

Please note that the specific market share and growth of efuel in Namibia may vary and is subject to changes in government policy, technological advancements, and market demand.

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Les entreprises ayant une part de marché élevée et une croissance élevée sont appelées Stars. Ce sont généralement les acteurs les plus performants. Donc, si vous avez des concurrents qui se situent dans cette gamme, surveillez leurs capacités de base. Mais que faire si vous voulez cibler un public plus niche ? Dans ce cas, gardez un œil sur les concurrents qui ont une faible part de marché mais une croissance élevée. Ces joueurs Question Mark peuvent ne pas sembler cibler beaucoup de consommateurs, mais l'unicité de leur offre peut vraiment les distinguer et accélérer leur croissance.

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A 'Question Mark' player in the business world is a company with low market share but high growth potential. They are often innovative startups that have found a unique niche in the market. Some examples include:

1. Uber: When it first started, Uber was a 'Question Mark' player in the transportation industry. It had a low market share but high growth potential due to its innovative business model.

2. Airbnb: Similarly, Airbnb was a 'Question Mark' player in the hospitality industry. Despite having a low market share initially, its unique business model allowed it to grow rapidly.

3. Tesla: In the automobile industry, Tesla started as a 'Question Mark' player. Despite having a low market share, its focus on electric vehicles set it apart from competitors and allowed for high growth.

Companies can use several strategies to target niche audiences apart from observing 'Question Mark' players. They can conduct detailed market research to understand the unique needs and preferences of the niche audience. They can also develop specialized products or services that cater specifically to this audience. Additionally, companies can use targeted marketing and advertising strategies, such as social media campaigns or influencer marketing, that resonate with the niche audience. Lastly, companies can build strong relationships with the niche audience by providing excellent customer service and engaging with them on a regular basis.

Global companies like Apple and Google can identify and leverage their 'Star' status in the market by capitalizing on their high market share and growth. They can do this by continuously innovating and improving their products and services to maintain their market position. They can also leverage their 'Star' status by expanding into new markets, creating new business opportunities, and attracting more customers. Furthermore, they can use their reputation and influence to negotiate better deals with suppliers and partners, and attract top talent.

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Facteurs de croissance vs. inhibiteurs

Dans chaque secteur, il existe des facteurs macro qui aideront ou entraveront votre stratégie de croissance. Il vous appartient de les utiliser à votre avantage, ou de réduire leur impact néfaste.Les éléments de cette comparaison des moteurs et des inhibiteurs sont à votre disposition pour les modifier et les vérifier au fur et à mesure qu'ils se produisent dans la réalité. (Diapositive 8)

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One example of a company that successfully used macro factors to their advantage is Starbucks. In the early 2000s, Starbucks noticed a growing trend towards health and wellness. They capitalized on this macro trend by introducing healthier options, such as sugar-free syrups and low-fat milk, into their menu. This allowed them to attract health-conscious consumers and expand their customer base.

Some alternative strategies to using macro factors for growth in the tech industry include focusing on micro factors such as improving product quality, enhancing customer service, and investing in research and development. Companies can also leverage technology to streamline operations and reduce costs. Additionally, businesses can explore new markets, form strategic partnerships, and diversify their product offerings. It's also crucial to stay updated with the latest industry trends and consumer preferences.

Global companies like Apple and Google can use macro factors in their industry to their advantage by understanding and adapting to these factors. Macro factors include economic, social, technological, environmental, and political factors. These companies can use economic factors by understanding the economic conditions of the markets they operate in and adjusting their strategies accordingly. They can use social factors by understanding the social trends and consumer behaviors in different markets. Technological factors can be used by staying at the forefront of technological advancements and innovation. Environmental factors can be used by adopting sustainable practices that not only benefit the environment but also enhance their brand image. Political factors can be used by understanding and complying with the regulations in different markets and using them to their advantage.

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Les moteurs de marché, également connus sous le nom de vents arrière, sont des conditions favorables qui aident à pousser vers vos objectifs stratégiques. Les inhibiteurs de marché, ou vents contraires, sont des obstacles potentiels qui pourraient ralentir ou dérailler vos efforts. Par exemple, si votre entreprise fabrique des voitures électriques, un vent arrière pourrait être des subventions gouvernementales élevées ; tandis qu'un vent contraire pourrait être une instabilité de la chaîne d'approvisionnement.

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A real-world example of a company successfully navigating a market inhibitor is Tesla's approach to the electric vehicle market. Initially, the electric vehicle market faced several inhibitors such as high production costs, limited battery life, and lack of charging infrastructure. Tesla navigated these inhibitors by investing heavily in research and development to improve battery technology, reduce production costs, and build its own network of charging stations. This strategic approach allowed Tesla to overcome these market inhibitors and become a leader in the electric vehicle market.

Companies can use several strategies to overcome market inhibitors. They can diversify their product or service offerings to reduce dependency on a single market. They can also invest in research and development to innovate and stay ahead of market trends. Additionally, companies can form strategic partnerships or alliances to leverage resources and capabilities. Lastly, companies can focus on improving their supply chain management to mitigate risks associated with unstable supply chains.

Global companies like Tesla can use market drivers and inhibitors to their advantage in strategic planning by identifying and leveraging these factors. Market drivers, or tailwinds, are favorable conditions that can be used to push towards strategic goals. For Tesla, this could be the increasing global interest in sustainable energy and electric vehicles, government subsidies for electric vehicles, or advancements in battery technology. On the other hand, market inhibitors, or headwinds, are potential obstacles that might slow down or derail efforts. Tesla could strategize to mitigate these inhibitors. For instance, if supply chain instability is a headwind, Tesla could invest in strengthening its supply chain or diversifying its supplier base. By understanding these market drivers and inhibitors, Tesla can make informed strategic decisions to drive growth and mitigate risks.

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Régions de croissance

Dans un monde de plus en plus numérisé, il est désormais plus réalisable que jamais d'étendre les offres commerciales à une nouvelle région. Utilisez cette carte des régions de croissance pour mettre en évidence les lieux qui ont le plus de potentiel de croissance. Souvent, ce sont des zones qui montrent une nette augmentation de la demande pour des besoins non satisfaits des clients. (Diapositive 6)

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Netflix is a prime example of a company that successfully expanded its business offerings to new regions using market research. They meticulously studied viewing habits and preferences of audiences in different countries before launching their services. This allowed them to tailor their content to suit the tastes of local audiences, contributing to their global success.

Alternative strategies to using a Growth Regions map for identifying areas with unfulfilled customer needs could include:

1. Market Surveys: Conducting surveys to understand customer needs and preferences.

2. Social Media Analysis: Monitoring social media platforms to identify trending needs or complaints.

3. Competitor Analysis: Studying competitors' offerings and customer feedback can highlight gaps in the market.

4. Customer Feedback: Direct feedback from customers can provide insights into unfulfilled needs.

5. Industry Reports: These can provide a broader view of market trends and potential opportunities.

Global companies like Apple and Google can use the Growth Regions map to identify potential markets for expansion by analyzing the areas that show a clear increase in demand for unfulfilled customer needs. These areas, highlighted on the map, represent regions with the most growth potential. By focusing on these regions, companies can strategically plan their expansion to meet the rising demands and tap into new customer bases.

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Disons que vous êtes une banque numérique qui souhaite toucher la population non bancarisée en Amérique du Sud. Sur la droite, tracez la croissance d'une année sur l'autre de l'industrie fintech. Ensuite, décomposez ce nombre pour voir quelle partie de cette croissance provient des régions que vous visez. Les données confirment-elles vos hypothèses ?

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Based on year-over-year growth data, predictions about the future trends of the fintech industry can be made. For instance, if the data shows a consistent increase in growth, it could indicate a positive trend and potential for expansion in the industry. This could be further broken down into regions to identify where the growth is most significant. However, it's important to note that while past trends can provide insights, they do not guarantee future performance. Factors such as regulatory changes, technological advancements, and market demand can significantly influence future trends.

Alternative methods to evaluate market insights in the fintech industry include:

1. Surveys and Interviews: These can provide direct insights from customers, potential customers, and industry experts.

2. Social Media Analysis: Social media platforms can be a rich source of data on customer preferences and trends.

3. Competitor Analysis: Understanding what competitors are doing can provide valuable insights.

4. Market Segmentation: This involves dividing the market into distinct groups of customers to better understand and target them.

5. Predictive Analytics: Using statistical techniques and AI to analyze current and historical facts to make predictions about future trends.

Global companies like Google or Apple can apply market research strategies to tap into the unbanked population in different regions by first understanding the specific needs and behaviors of this demographic. They can conduct surveys, interviews, and focus groups to gather qualitative data. They can also analyze existing data on the unbanked population's financial habits, preferences, and challenges. Based on these insights, they can develop products and services that meet the unique needs of the unbanked population. They can also partner with local businesses and organizations to gain trust and better understand the local culture and economic conditions.

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Renseignement concurrentiel

Semblable à la matrice BCG, le tableau de renseignement concurrentiel peut être utilisé pour voir comment votre entreprise se compare aux concurrents sur des indicateurs clés.Comme toujours, vous pouvez modifier ces indicateurs clés en fonction de ce qui compte le plus pour le succès de votre entreprise. Les scores peuvent également être ajustés. En un coup d'œil, la visualisation en heatmap permet de repérer facilement les domaines que votre entreprise devrait exploiter. Dans cet exemple, la qualité du produit est votre plus grand différenciateur. Utilisez-le donc pour positionner votre valeur. (Diapositive 12)

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The Competitive Intelligence table can be used to predict future trends in the business market by analyzing and comparing key metrics of your company and its competitors. This table provides a visual representation of these metrics, making it easier to identify areas where your company excels or needs improvement. By understanding these metrics and how they change over time, you can anticipate market trends and adjust your business strategies accordingly. For instance, if product quality is your biggest differentiator, you can leverage this to position your value in the market.

There are several alternative strategies to the Competitive Intelligence table for evaluating a company's performance against key metrics. These include SWOT Analysis, PESTEL Analysis, and Porter's Five Forces Analysis. SWOT Analysis helps in identifying the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats of a company. PESTEL Analysis provides a broad view of the company's external environment including political, economic, social, technological, environmental, and legal factors. Porter's Five Forces Analysis helps in understanding the competitive forces within the industry including competition, potential of new entrants, power of suppliers, power of customers, and threat of substitute products. These strategies can provide a comprehensive view of the company's performance and competitive position.

Global companies like Apple and Google can use tools like the Competitive Intelligence table to leverage their unique strengths by comparing their performance on key metrics with their competitors. This tool allows them to identify their biggest differentiators, such as product quality, and use them to position their value. They can adjust the scores and metrics based on what matters most to their business's success. The heatmap visualization of the table makes it easy to identify the areas they should leverage.

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Segmentation du marché

Faire le bon produit pour les bonnes personnes est essentiel pour l'adéquation produit-marché. Alors, gardez un œil sur qui utilise votre produit et comment ils pensent et agissent. L'outil de segmentation du marché peut être utilisé pour délimiter votre base d'utilisateurs cibles et tracer soigneusement les résultats.

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Comme le montre ce tableau de bord, des facteurs tels que les emplacements des utilisateurs sont des informations démographiques standard. Alors que les détails psychographiques, tels que les "Sujets qui suscitent l'engagement", creusent le "pourquoi" derrière les comportements des utilisateurs. (Diapositive 17)

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Si quelques facteurs se démarquent vraiment pour vous et signalent potentiellement une tendance plus profonde, assurez-vous de donner plus de temps et d'espace pour que cette information prenne le devant de la scène lorsque vous présentez aux parties prenantes et exprimez son importance. (Diapositive 18)

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Prévision de croissance du marché

Dans une perspective plus large, les projections de l'industrie sont une partie vitale de toute recherche de marché.Il vous permet de positionner votre entreprise dans le contexte de la trajectoire globale du marché. Sur cette diapositive de Prévision de Croissance du Marché, le graphique à barres énumère des données réelles pour prouver que votre intuition initiale sur les zones de croissance vaut la peine d'être explorée. (Diapositive 7)

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There are several strategies that can be employed to align a company with the overall trajectory of the market. First, conduct thorough market research to understand the current trends and future projections. This will help you identify growth areas worth exploring. Second, align your company's products or services with these trends and projections. This could involve innovating new products or modifying existing ones to meet the changing demands. Third, use marketing strategies to position your company as a leader in these growth areas. Finally, continuously monitor the market and adjust your strategies as needed.

The Market Growth Forecast slide aids in understanding the overall market trajectory by providing a visual representation of industry projections. These projections are a vital part of market research as they allow you to place your company within the context of the overall market trajectory. The bar chart on the slide enlists real-life data to validate your initial assumptions about potential growth areas. This can help in identifying new business opportunities and strategizing accordingly.

Real-life data plays a crucial role in validating growth areas in market research. It provides empirical evidence that supports or refutes assumptions about potential growth areas. By analyzing real-life data, businesses can identify trends, patterns, and insights that can validate their initial hunch about growth areas. This data-driven approach helps in making informed decisions, reducing risks, and increasing the chances of success in the market.

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Dans cet exemple, les barres verticales représentent la croissance du marché sur des périodes de temps. Et chaque nuance de couleur représente une catégorie de produit ou de service dans ce secteur. Utilisez cet outil pour cartographier les données de l'industrie, secteur par secteur, afin que vous puissiez faire des suggestions de produits intelligentes — et obtenir le soutien du reste de l'équipe pour votre idée.

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Échelle de Likert

Les enquêtes et les questionnaires sont un moyen courant de recueillir les sentiments des clients. Pour organiser et tracer les réponses aux enquêtes, utilisez l'Échelle de Likert. Pour chaque question, les réponses collectives des clients se voient attribuer un score. Plus le score est élevé, meilleure est la moyenne des sentiments. (Diapositive 25)

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De plus, lorsque vous avez une taille d'échantillon suffisamment grande, décomposez les réponses aux enquêtes pour voir combien de personnes ont répondu quoi. Par exemple, en répondant si la rotation de l'image est utile pour visualiser les produits sous différents angles, plus de la moitié des répondants ont répondu extrêmement positivement.

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