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Need better visualizations to analyze and report top KPIs? Use the KPI Charts spreadsheet template to input up to a million rows of raw data. Then filter a subset to view and the board automatically generate premade charts to visualize the data for reports and analysis. This could be sales data, bug or issues data, a project to-do list, features to implement, or even stock market analysis. Rename and customize up to two date ranges, two numeric values, and five drop-down values to filter and compare against each other. Then create beautiful KPI charts for analysis and reports.

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The process of creating KPI charts for analysis and reports involves several steps. First, you need to input your raw data into the spreadsheet template. This data can be anything from sales data, bug or issues data, a project to-do list, features to implement, or even stock market analysis. The template can handle up to a million rows of raw data. After inputting the data, you filter a subset to view. The board will then automatically generate premade charts to visualize the data for reports and analysis. You can rename and customize up to two date ranges, two numeric values, and five drop-down values to filter and compare against each other. This way, you can create beautiful KPI charts for your analysis and reports.

The KPI Charts template can be customized for different data sets by renaming and customizing up to two date ranges, two numeric values, and five drop-down values to filter and compare against each other. This allows you to input and analyze a wide range of data, from sales data to bug or issues data, a project to-do list, features to implement, or even stock market analysis. The template can handle up to a million rows of raw data, which can then be filtered to generate premade charts for reports and analysis.

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To provide an example of how you could use this KPI Charts spreadsheet, we'll first explain the formula Spotify and similar companies use to calculate the return on ad spend (ROAS) for a subscription service. Then, we'll show how you could use a key performance indicator template like ours to visualize your top KPIs like ROAS or customer lifetime value (LTV) and calculate which ad platform gave a higher ROAS over time. But this is just one example of how you could use the KPI Charts spreadsheet model. If you want to learn more about how the KPI Charts spreadsheet template works, scroll below to the explainer section.

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The KPI Charts spreadsheet can be customized to suit different business needs and data sets by inputting the relevant data into the spreadsheet. The spreadsheet is designed to handle up to a million rows of raw data. Once the data is inputted, you can filter a subset to view and the board will automatically generate premade charts to visualize the data for reports and analysis. This allows for flexibility and customization based on the specific KPIs and data sets that a business is working with.

The KPI Charts spreadsheet model is versatile and can be used in various ways beyond the given example. It can be used to track and visualize any key performance indicators relevant to your business, not just ROAS or LTV. For instance, it can be used to track sales performance, customer satisfaction, operational efficiency, or employee performance. It can also be used to compare the performance of different departments, teams, or campaigns. Furthermore, it can be used to identify trends and patterns over time, which can help in strategic planning and decision making.

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How does Spotify calculate its return on ad spend?

As of January 2022, Spotify controlled 31% of the subscription music streaming market, with double the share of Apple Music. This dominance comes with large customer acquisition costs. As a growth stock, Spotify is assessed by new subscriber growth. But for a subscription company with a freemium business model, each new subscriber takes an upfront cost to acquire, while the revenue brought in comes over a longer time horizon.

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The KPI Charts framework is a powerful tool for visualizing key performance indicators (KPIs). It allows for the input of up to a million rows of raw data, which can then be filtered to generate premade charts for reports and analysis. This makes it a highly versatile and scalable solution for businesses of all sizes. Comparatively, other business visualization frameworks may offer similar functionalities but might not be as user-friendly or capable of handling such large volumes of data. However, the best choice of framework ultimately depends on the specific needs and requirements of your business.

Spotify, a subscription-based music streaming company, could greatly benefit from using KPI Charts. They could use these charts to visualize their customer acquisition costs and new subscriber growth, which are key performance indicators for them. By doing so, they can better understand the effectiveness of their freemium business model and make data-driven decisions to improve their business strategies.

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To calculate return on ad spend, companies need to know how much they spent to acquire each customer, and the customer's lifetime value, which is how much the customer will spend on average over their lifetime as a customer. So Spotify has to calculate a customer's lifetime value a little differently. Here's how the tech strategist Anuj Shah broke it down: the LTV of a Spotify subscriber depends on the average revenue per user, or how much of its subscription fee Spotify charges on average per subscriber. This is subtracted by the cost of revenue, or how much Spotify spends on average per subscriber.

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The use of KPI Charts aligns with digital transformation initiatives in the field of data analysis and reporting by providing a digital platform for visualizing and analyzing key performance indicators. These charts allow for the input of large amounts of raw data, which can then be filtered and visualized in a user-friendly manner. This not only enhances the efficiency of data analysis but also improves the accuracy of reporting. Furthermore, the digital nature of KPI Charts supports the shift towards digitalization in business operations.

The main components of KPI Charts that are crucial in calculating return on ad spend (ROAS) include:

1. Ad Spend: This is the total amount spent on advertising. It's the primary input in the ROAS calculation.

2. Revenue: This is the income generated from the ads. It's the primary output in the ROAS calculation.

3. Cost Per Acquisition (CPA): This is the cost to acquire each customer. It's used to determine the efficiency of the advertising spend.

4. Lifetime Value (LTV): This is the projected revenue that a customer will generate during their lifetime. It's used to assess the long-term value of each customer acquired through the ads.

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These numbers are divided by the churn rate. Back in 2019, Spotify's average revenue per user was $5.4 dollars, while the cost of revenue per user according to Shah's calculations came out to $3.9 dollars. Divided by an average 4.5% monthly churn rate, this came out to an average LTV of $31.1 dollars. Now we have to determine Spotify's subscriber acquisition costs. To determine the true cost per subscriber acquisition, the cost to support the free product also needs to be considered.

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While KPI charts are primarily used for tracking the performance of a business against its key performance indicators, they can also be used for stock market analysis. However, it's important to note that stock market analysis requires a different set of indicators such as price trends, trading volume, and moving averages. Therefore, while KPI charts can provide a visual representation of these indicators, they would need to be customized accordingly.

KPI Charts can be customized for different types of data analysis by adjusting the parameters and filters according to the specific data set. You can input up to a million rows of raw data and then filter a subset to view. The board will automatically generate premade charts to visualize the data for reports and analysis. You can customize the charts by selecting different KPIs, changing the time period, or adjusting other settings to better suit your analysis needs.

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Shah calculated Spotify's total sales and marketing cost per new gross subscriber and the cost of revenue to support free users divided by the total free users to find Spotify's CAC: $16.2 dollars per user. According to Shah's calculations, Spotify made $14.9 dollars from every subscriber in 2019, which made Spotify's LTV to CAC ratio approximately 2.2. For reference, 3 and above is what you want. Back then Spotify had 116 million free users and 94 million paid users. As of Q1 2022, Spotify has basically doubled those numbers.

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KPI Charts offer several benefits for analyzing and reporting top KPIs. They provide a visual representation of data, making it easier to understand and interpret. This can help in identifying trends, patterns, and anomalies in the data. KPI Charts also allow for easy comparison of data over different periods or between different groups. They can handle large volumes of data, up to a million rows, and automatically generate premade charts. This saves time and effort in data analysis and report generation. Lastly, they allow for filtering of data, enabling users to focus on specific subsets of data.

KPI Charts can be used to analyze the effectiveness of a company's marketing strategies by providing a visual representation of key performance indicators (KPIs). These charts can help identify trends, track progress towards goals, and highlight areas of strength and weakness. For example, a company could use a KPI Chart to track the cost of acquiring new customers (CAC) and the lifetime value of a customer (LTV). By comparing these two metrics, the company can determine if their marketing strategies are cost-effective. If the LTV is significantly higher than the CAC, it indicates that the marketing strategies are effective.

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But in 2021, the company spent over a billion on sales and marketing, largely due to advertising costs for its marketing campaigns increasing. According to its Q1 filings, the company's already spent nearly $300 million on sales and marketing to gain 16 million new free users in 2022.

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So what if Spotify wanted to cut back on its ad spend in Q2 of 2022, and optimize its acquisition efforts? It could figure out how many of those new users came from which ad platform and optimize accordingly.

Below, we show you how to do exactly that with the fully customizable KPI template we created. We'll use it to compare our customer acquisition data to determine which ad platform gave us the highest return on ad spend.


Customize the template

So the first thing is to update the Inputs tab to match your report. As with any You Exec spreadsheet, the text in blue is a user input for you to change. Since we'll assess our ad spend, we'll change the inputs to track when a user joined as a free member and the date they paid as a paid subscriber.

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While specific case studies are not mentioned in the content provided, the effectiveness of KPI Charts in data analysis and reporting is widely recognized in the business world. They allow for the input of large amounts of raw data, which can then be filtered and visualized in a way that makes analysis and reporting more efficient and effective. This can be particularly useful in tracking metrics such as ad spend, membership sign-ups, and subscription conversions, as mentioned in the content.

Common challenges in applying KPI Charts include data overload, choosing the wrong KPIs, lack of real-time data, and difficulty in interpreting the charts. These can be overcome by:

1. Prioritizing relevant KPIs: Focus on key performance indicators that align with your business goals.

2. Using real-time data: Update your charts regularly to reflect the most current data.

3. Training: Ensure that the team understands how to interpret and use the charts effectively.

4. Using a good KPI chart tool: A good tool can handle large data sets, provide real-time updates, and present data in an easy-to-understand format.

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Then we'll update our numerics to track how much the user spent as a subscriber and how much it cost to acquire them. And last we'll update our dropdown fields to cover our most important metrics about the user.

In this case, the metric we care about the most is the ad platform. Don't forget to check off each box as it's edited to validate to the rest of the team that it's been updated to match your report specifications.

Define your filters

Next up, enter the dropdown values to be assessed. For example, the five dropdown fields to be assessed could be location data from all the regions we acquired subscribers, the type of ad that captured them, the platform they were acquired from, the device they use, and the gender of the user.

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Once these values are updated, the filter function and charts will know which values to search for. If a value is not defined here, it won't appear in either the Filter or Dashboard tabs.

Filter and query any data

After the dropdown values are defined, enter the data in the Raw Data tab. To determine the return on ad spend of a particular platform, these two numbers are most important: the "Total Spent" on your product or service by the customer, or their lifetime value; and the "Acquisition Cost" that was spent by you to acquire that user. The goal is to compare each user's acquisition cost versus their lifetime value across each platform.

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KPI Charts enhance business strategy by providing a visual representation of key performance indicators. This allows businesses to easily analyze and report on their performance. By inputting raw data, businesses can filter and view subsets of data, which are then automatically visualized in premade charts. This makes it easier to understand the data and make strategic decisions. For example, businesses can compare the acquisition cost versus the lifetime value of each user across different platforms, helping them to determine the return on ad spend.

Yes, there are numerous case studies that demonstrate the effectiveness of KPI Charts. They are widely used in various industries for performance measurement, strategic planning, and decision making. These charts provide a visual representation of key performance indicators, making it easier to understand complex data and track progress towards goals. However, the specific case studies are not mentioned in the provided content.

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To accomplish this, go to the Filter tab, where the blue fields can be edited to define the search query. Edit the date fields to match the period of time you want to analyze, then set the numeric fields to match your ideal range. For example, if you want to set a minimum LTV of the ideal customer, you could filter the range to only show customers that have spent over $40. But the real filter to set is the acquisition costs, which should be capped at your breakeven point. The dropdown filters can also be edited and updated with the dropdown menus below, but aren't applied until the box next to each field is checked. Below the filters, all the data that matches the filter query is shown.

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Below the filters in KPI Charts, all the data that matches the filter query is shown. This means that after you apply a filter query, the system will display only the data that meets the criteria you've set in the filters.

The dropdown filters in KPI Charts are applied when the box next to each field is checked. After defining your search query and editing the fields as per your requirements, you need to check the box next to each field for the filters to take effect.

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Get insights and graphs

What we really want is to visualize our filter data so it's easy to analyze and report. On the Dashboard tab, the dashboard provides a high-level overview of the data in the search filter, separated by graphs dedicated to the "Date1" field, "Date2" field, dropdown fields, and both numeric fields. These graphs reveal the customer acquisition costs and total lifetime value per platform to analyze which platform provided the highest value at the lowest cost of acquisition.

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KPI Charts help in analyzing customer acquisition costs and total lifetime value per platform by providing visualizations of the data. These charts can input up to a million rows of raw data, which can then be filtered to view specific subsets. The board automatically generates premade charts to visualize the data for reports and analysis. On the Dashboard tab, the dashboard provides a high-level overview of the data in the search filter, separated by graphs dedicated to different fields. These graphs reveal the customer acquisition costs and total lifetime value per platform, making it easier to analyze which platform provided the highest value at the lowest cost of acquisition.

Graphs in KPI Charts enhance business strategy by providing a visual representation of key performance indicators. They allow for easy analysis and reporting of data. By visualizing the data, businesses can identify trends, patterns, and anomalies more easily. This can help in making informed decisions and strategizing effectively. For instance, the graphs can reveal customer acquisition costs and total lifetime value per platform, helping to analyze which platform provided the highest value at the lowest cost of acquisition.

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To further refine your search, just go back to the Filter tab, edit the values you want to change, then recheck the dashboard and the dashboards will updated accordingly. Once you've defined your ideal return on ad spend, you can analyze which platforms gave you the closest to your goal to prioritize your efforts where they are best rewarded.

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KPI Charts can be instrumental in achieving an ideal return on ad spend by providing a visual representation of key performance indicators. They allow you to input large amounts of raw data, which can then be filtered to view specific subsets. This can help you analyze which advertising platforms are yielding the closest returns to your set goals, enabling you to prioritize your efforts where they are most rewarded. Furthermore, the ability to edit values and see updated results on the dashboard allows for continuous refinement of your advertising strategy.

The dashboard update feature in KPI Charts works by allowing you to refine your search. You can go back to the Filter tab, edit the values you want to change, and then recheck the dashboard. The dashboards will update accordingly based on the changes you made in the Filter tab. This allows you to analyze which platforms gave you the closest to your goal and prioritize your efforts where they are best rewarded.

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Fully customizable dashboard for any use-case

Remember - the KPI Charts model is meant to be an abstract KPI template spreadsheet that can be updated to match any inputs and dropdown values you define with a broad dashboard of charts. Sales data, issue tracker data, stock price data - you name it.

For more tools like this to help improve and report on your customer acquisition efforts, download the Customer Acquisition Toolbox presentation template. For more specific analysis, check out the Marketing Dashboard spreadsheet, which provides a similar generic and fully-customizable dashboard that defines "budget versus actual" and "actual spent versus revenues." And for a similar spreadsheet tool specific to sales data, you can download our other KPI Sales Dashboard to streamline KPI reports for sales teams and track your top sales metrics all in one place.

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KPI Charts can significantly enhance the visualization of raw data for reports and analysis. They allow for the input of large amounts of raw data, up to a million rows, which can then be filtered to view specific subsets. This data is then automatically transformed into pre-made charts, providing a visual representation that is easier to understand and interpret. This visual format can help to highlight trends, patterns, and outliers in the data, making it easier to draw meaningful conclusions and make informed decisions. Furthermore, these charts can be customized to suit specific needs, making them a versatile tool for data analysis.

KPI Charts in sales data analysis have several practical applications. They provide a visual representation of key performance indicators (KPIs), making it easier to understand and interpret complex data. This can help in identifying trends, patterns, and anomalies in sales data. KPI Charts can also be used to track and monitor sales performance over time, compare actual sales against targets or benchmarks, and evaluate the effectiveness of sales strategies and initiatives. They can also facilitate reporting and communication of sales performance to stakeholders.

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