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Besoin d'un plan d'affaires pour les projections et la planification des scénarios? Ce Mobile App Business Plan entièrement personnalisable peut prévoir de nouvelles lignes d'affaires, produits ou stratégies de prix, que le modèle de revenus soit basé sur des abonnements, des publicités ou des achats intégrés à l'application. Prend en compte le CapEx, les frais généraux et les coûts de vente et de marketing. Nous avons créé ce modèle de feuille de calcul Mobile App Business Plan en Excel et Google Sheets que vous pouvez utiliser pour planifier votre prochaine application mobile.

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While the specific names of businesses that have used this business plan for their mobile apps are not disclosed due to confidentiality, many successful mobile app businesses have used similar strategies. These include subscription models, ad-based revenue, and in-app purchases. Companies like Spotify, Netflix, and Candy Crush have all used these models to great success. Spotify and Netflix use a subscription model where users pay a monthly fee for access to their content. Candy Crush, on the other hand, uses in-app purchases where users can buy additional features or content within the app.

Some alternative strategies to subscription, ads, or in-app purchases as revenue models could include:

1. Freemium model: This is where basic services are provided for free but users have to pay for premium features.

2. Sponsorship: This involves partnering with other companies for mutual benefit.

3. Crowdfunding: This involves raising small amounts of money from a large number of people, typically via the Internet.

4. Licensing: This involves selling the rights to use your product or service to another company.

5. Direct sales: This involves selling your product or service directly to the customer, bypassing any third-party retailers or wholesalers.

Global companies like Apple and Google can utilize this business plan for their new product lines by using it as a tool for projections and scenario planning. The plan can help them forecast new business lines, products, or price strategies, whether the revenue model is based on subscriptions, ads, or in-app purchases. It also accounts for CapEx, overhead, and sales and marketing costs. This can be particularly useful for these companies as they often launch new products and need to plan their strategies effectively.

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Que votre modèle de revenus soit basé sur des abonnements, des publicités ou des achats intégrés à l'application, ce modèle Mobile App Business Plan a tout ce dont vous avez besoin pour des prévisions et des projections avec des graphiques et des graphiques. Le meilleur de tout, la feuille de calcul Mobile App Business Plan est entièrement personnalisable et n'est pas seulement pour les applications mobiles. Toute entreprise peut l'utiliser pour prévoir les profits et les dépenses potentiels, quel que soit leur modèle de revenus. Nous allons maintenant montrer comment utiliser le modèle de feuille de calcul Mobile App Business Plan pour les projections, les prévisions et la planification des scénarios, quel que soit le stade d'une entreprise.

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I'm sorry, but as a language model AI, I don't have access to specific real-world examples of businesses using this spreadsheet template for their financial projections. However, many businesses across various industries use similar templates for their financial planning. These templates help in forecasting revenues, expenses, and profitability, which are crucial for strategic planning and decision making.

Some alternative methods for forecasting and scenario planning in business strategy include the use of financial models, trend analysis, and predictive analytics. Financial models can help businesses project future revenues and expenses based on historical data and assumptions. Trend analysis involves examining historical data to identify patterns and trends that can inform future business decisions. Predictive analytics uses statistical algorithms and machine learning techniques to predict future outcomes based on historical data. These methods can be used individually or in combination to provide a comprehensive view of potential future scenarios.

Global companies like Apple and Google can utilize this spreadsheet template for their revenue model projections by customizing it according to their specific business models. They can input their data related to subscriptions, ads, or in-app purchases, and the template will provide forecasts and projections. It can also be used for scenario planning, allowing these companies to prepare for different business situations. The template is versatile and can be adapted to any business type, not just mobile apps.

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Définissez vos champs d'applications mobiles d'entreprise

Pour commencer votre plan de projet de développement d'application mobile, commencez par l'onglet Champs. Entrez d'abord toutes les entrées statiques telles que le nom de l'entreprise, la date de début et l'horizon en mois à prévoir. Ce modèle est plafonné à 121 mois (ou 10 ans). Avec les facteurs macroéconomiques tels qu'ils sont en 2023, de nombreuses variables changent rapidement. Une prévision de 12 mois, trois ans et cinq ans est généralement suffisant pour la planification des scénarios. Cependant, comme 91% des PDG prévoient une récession dans les 12 prochains mois, il est actuellement conseillé d'augmenter la quantité de piste que les startups ont mise de côté par rapport aux 18 mois typiques à 36 mois - c'est vrai, trois ans de valeur.

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The implications of a majority of CEOs planning for a recession in the next 12 months on the mobile app industry could be significant. It could lead to a slowdown in the development of new apps as companies tighten their budgets and focus on maintaining their current operations. There might also be a shift towards more conservative business strategies, with less risk-taking in terms of innovation and expansion. Furthermore, consumer spending on apps could decrease, affecting the revenue of app developers. However, it could also present opportunities for apps that offer cost-saving or value-adding solutions during tough economic times.

Alternative strategies for scenario planning in mobile app development could include:

1. Agile Development: This approach allows for flexibility and adaptability, with regular iterations and feedback loops.

2. Lean Development: This strategy focuses on developing a minimum viable product (MVP) to test market reactions before investing heavily.

3. Outsourcing: If the in-house team lacks certain skills or resources, parts of the development process can be outsourced.

4. User-Centered Design: This strategy involves designing the app based on user needs and preferences, which can be identified through user research and testing.

5. Cross-Platform Development: Developing an app that can run on multiple platforms (like Android and iOS) can increase market reach and ROI.

6. Security-Focused Development: With increasing concerns about data privacy and security, incorporating strong security measures in the app development process can be a strategic move.

Companies like Apple or Google would adapt their mobile app development project plans in response to macroeconomic changes by adjusting their strategies and forecasts. They would likely increase their focus on scenario planning, considering various potential economic situations and their potential impact on the business. This could involve adjusting their product lines, pricing strategies, or revenue models. They may also increase the amount of 'runway' they have saved, to ensure they can weather any potential economic downturns. It's also likely they would closely monitor changes in the macroeconomic environment and adjust their plans as necessary.

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Ensuite, ajustez tous les impôts sur le revenu, les taxes sur la paie ou les frais de transaction tels que les frais de marché ou les frais de carte de crédit dus lors de la transaction. En dessous de cela, ajustez tous les frais d'inventaire et de retour, tels que le coût de stockage de tous les biens physiques, toutes les réductions d'articles de revente, les coûts de traitement des retours et le taux moyen de retours. Et en bas, le taux d'inflation est défini comme une entrée dynamique qui peut être saisie manuellement pour chaque année de votre période d'horizon. C'est incroyablement important, car l'inflation est un facteur critique qui impactera chaque entreprise pour un avenir prévisible.

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Inflation can impact a business like Tesla in several ways. Firstly, it can increase the cost of raw materials and components, which can lead to higher production costs. This can either reduce the company's profit margins or force it to increase its prices, which could potentially reduce demand for its products. Secondly, inflation can erode the purchasing power of consumers, which could also lead to a decrease in demand. Lastly, inflation can increase the cost of borrowing, which could impact Tesla's ability to finance its operations and growth strategies.

There are several strategies to manage inventory and return fees in a business. One strategy is to implement an efficient inventory management system that can track and monitor inventory levels in real time, reducing the risk of overstocking or understocking. Another strategy is to negotiate with suppliers for better return policies or discounts on bulk purchases. Businesses can also consider dropshipping, where the supplier handles the inventory and shipping, reducing the need for physical storage. Lastly, implementing a strict return policy can help minimize return costs. It's important to note that these strategies should be tailored to the specific needs and circumstances of the business.

Google, like many global companies, has a sophisticated financial infrastructure to manage transaction fees. They negotiate with credit card companies and banks to get the best possible rates. They also have systems in place to minimize fraud and chargebacks, which can add to transaction costs. Additionally, Google has a diversified revenue model, which includes advertising, cloud services, and hardware sales, among others. This diversification helps to offset the costs of transaction fees. However, the specifics of Google's arrangements are proprietary and not publicly disclosed.

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Définir les revenus pour les applications d'affaires mobiles

Ensuite, le revenu de votre application mobile peut être projeté comme des abonnements, des produits vendus ou des publicités affichées.Ce plan d'affaires compare les trois flux entre eux pour analyse : Pour une entreprise basée sur l'abonnement, l'onglet Abonnements peut évaluer jusqu'à dix plans d'abonnement à comparer. Définissez la fréquence des paiements, la période de vie (ou combien de temps l'utilisateur moyen reste abonné), la valeur à vie (ou combien ils paient pendant leur vie) et les nouvelles prévisions d'abonnements mensuels pour chaque niveau de prix. Le modèle projette ensuite les nouveaux abonnements par mois, les abonnements actifs par mois et les revenus prévus par mois de chacun de vos niveaux d'abonnement.

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I'm sorry, but as an AI, I don't have the ability to provide real-world examples. However, many successful mobile apps use a combination of subscription, product sales, and ad revenue models. For instance, Spotify uses a subscription model for premium users and ad revenue for free users. Similarly, mobile games like Candy Crush generate revenue through in-app purchases (product sales) and ads. It's important to note that the success of these models depends on various factors such as the target audience, market trends, and the unique value proposition of the app.

There are several alternative strategies to subscriptions, products sold, or ads displayed for generating revenue in mobile apps. These include in-app purchases, freemium upsell, sponsorships, partnerships, and affiliate marketing. In-app purchases allow users to buy virtual or physical goods within the app. Freemium upsell involves offering basic services for free while charging for premium features or content. Sponsorships involve partnering with advertisers who provide users with rewards for completing certain in-app actions. Partnerships can be formed with other companies to offer bundled services. Affiliate marketing involves promoting other businesses' products or services and earning a commission for any sales made.

Global companies like Apple or Google can apply this mobile app business plan for their new product lines by first identifying the revenue streams for their new apps. These could be subscriptions, products sold, or ads displayed. They can then use the business plan to compare these revenue streams against each other for analysis. For a subscription-based business, they can assess up to ten subscription plans to compare. They can define the frequency of the payments, the lifetime period, lifetime value, and new monthly subscriptions forecasted for each price tier. The model then projects the new subscriptions per month, active subscriptions per month, and forecasted revenues per month of each subscription tier.

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L'onglet Produits évalue jusqu'à 10 types et tailles de produits différents, leur prix, les ventes par mois et le taux de croissance des ventes mensuelles. Pour une application mobile, cela pourrait être des achats intégrés à l'application ou différents points de prix pour l'application elle-même à tester les uns contre les autres. Comme mentionné au début, ce plan d'affaires n'a pas besoin d'être utilisé uniquement pour les applications mobiles : toute entreprise peut l'utiliser pour planifier différents produits et points de prix, comme si vous avez besoin d'un plan d'affaires pour un restaurant avec un site web ou un plan d'affaires pour une entreprise de camionnage qui effectue des ventes en ligne.

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This business plan model can be applied in various ways in the restaurant and trucking industry. For a restaurant, it can be used to plan different menu items at various price points, assess their sales per month, and calculate the monthly sales growth rate. It can also be used to forecast the revenue from online orders or delivery services. For a trucking company, this model can be used to plan different services like freight, logistics, or transportation at different price points. It can also help in forecasting the sales of these services per month and their growth rate.

Scenario planning strategies can vary across different industries. However, some common strategies include:

1. Trend Analysis: This involves identifying and analyzing trends that could impact the industry in the future.

2. PESTEL Analysis: This involves analyzing Political, Economic, Social, Technological, Environmental, and Legal factors that could affect the industry.

3. SWOT Analysis: This involves identifying Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats in the industry.

4. Delphi Technique: This involves gathering expert opinions and using them to predict future scenarios.

5. Simulation Models: This involves creating computer models to simulate different scenarios and their potential outcomes.

6. Cross-Impact Analysis: This involves analyzing how different events could impact each other and the industry as a whole.

Remember, the choice of strategy depends on the specific industry and the nature of the business.

Global companies like Apple or Google can use this business plan model to scenario-plan different products and price points by assessing various product types and sizes, their prices, sales per month, and monthly sales growth rate. They can use this model to test different price-points against each other. This can help them in forecasting new product lines or price strategies for various revenue models. It can also help in accounting for CapEx, overhead, and sales.

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L'onglet Publicités évalue jusqu'à 10 types de publicités ainsi que le nombre total d'utilisateurs actifs mensuels (MAU) de départ de la plateforme et sa croissance.Il fonctionne pour trouver le pourcentage total, le CPM et les revenus de toutes les impressions de plateforme

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N'oubliez pas, si vous souhaitez utiliser cette feuille de calcul Mobile App Business Plan , vous pouvez la télécharger et la personnaliser dès maintenant. En parlant de personnalisation - une caractéristique essentielle de tous ces tableaux de prévision est la possibilité de remplacer n'importe quel mois que vous souhaitez. Cette substitution ajustera toutes les périodes suivantes, mais pour la ramener à la normale, copiez et faites glisser la cellule à gauche de celle-ci, et le reste des formules reviendra.

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I'm sorry, but as an AI, I don't have access to specific real-world examples of companies that have used this spreadsheet for their business projections. However, many businesses across various industries use similar tools for financial forecasting and scenario planning.

One method to adjust the forecast tables back to normal is to copy and drag the cell to the left of the overridden cell. This action will revert the rest of the formulas. If you have made multiple changes and want to revert all of them, you might need to re-download the spreadsheet and start fresh. Always remember to save a backup copy before making changes to your forecast tables.

Businesses like Google or Apple can customize this spreadsheet for their unique needs by utilizing the override feature. This feature allows them to adjust any month they want, which will then adjust all the following periods. If they want to revert it back to normal, they simply need to copy and drag the cell to the left of it, and the rest of the formulas will revert. This allows for flexibility and customization based on the specific needs and projections of the business.

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Prévisions financières pour les dépenses d'entreprise

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Ensuite, les dépenses sont évaluées dans quatre domaines clés : CapEx, opérations, frais généraux et marketing et ventes. CapEx calcule tous les coûts d'investissement en capital en fonction de leur fréquence, d'une seule fois à tous les 10 ans.

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Opérations calcule toutes les dépenses liées aux différents niveaux d'abonnement ou produits, et couvre le coût des marchandises vendues, les frais d'emballage et d'expédition, et tous les coûts de retour. Marketing et ventes calcule les dépenses de marketing pour chaque abonnement et produit, suivi par les coûts de vente tels que les frais de transaction, qui sont calculés sur l'onglet Fields. Frais généraux calcule les dépenses de personnel par rôle, et le salaire, les primes, les taxes sur les salaires, les coûts d'équipement et les commodités par tête pour trouver le coût total par employé.Les frais généraux spécifiques à l'entreprise sont répertoriés en dessous, qui peuvent être définis par leur nom, leur fréquence, leur coût par unité et leur coût par mois.

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A mobile app business plan plays a crucial role in managing CapEx, overhead, and sales and marketing expenses. It helps in forecasting and planning for these expenses. For CapEx, it can help in planning for investments in infrastructure or equipment. Overhead expenses like salaries, bonuses, payroll taxes, equipment costs, and amenities per employee can be calculated and managed effectively. The plan also aids in calculating marketing expenses for each subscription and product, and sales costs such as transaction fees. Thus, a well-structured business plan can help in efficient financial management and in making informed business decisions.

A mobile app business plan can help in forecasting new product lines or price strategies by providing a structured approach to identify and evaluate potential opportunities. It allows you to project the costs associated with different subscription tiers or products, including cost of goods sold, packaging and shipping fees, and return costs. It also helps in calculating marketing expenses for each subscription and product, as well as sales costs such as transaction fees. This information can be used to develop pricing strategies that maximize profitability. Furthermore, the plan can account for overhead costs, including headcount expenses by role, and company-specific overhead, which can impact pricing decisions.

The components of overhead calculation in a mobile app business plan typically include headcount expenses by role, and salary, bonuses, payroll taxes, equipment costs and amenities per head to find the total cost per employee. Additionally, company-specific overhead is also considered, which can be defined by their name, frequency, dollar per unit, and cost per month.

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Tableau de bord récapitulatif des prévisions financières du plan d'affaires de l'application mobile

Toutes ces prévisions sont ensuite résumées dans l'onglet Résumé. Le tableau des revenus totaux comprend des filtres pour mettre en évidence un abonnement spécifique, un type de publicité ou un produit. Les totaux des dépenses sont répertoriés en dessous de cela dans la section des dépenses. En bas, le revenu total et les dépenses sont calculés pour trouver le bénéfice net ou la perte pour chaque mois, avant et après impôts, afin de trouver le TRI de ce plan d'affaires. Le TRI est une mesure critique pour estimer la rentabilité des investissements potentiels et aide à évaluer si cet investissement commercial en vaudra la peine. Plus le pourcentage est élevé, plus l'investissement est souhaitable.

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Le Tableau de bord visualise ensuite les données de tous ces tableaux pour montrer les revenus totaux, les dépenses et la différence entre les revenus et le bénéfice de votre plan d'affaires. Avec des graphiques faciles à lire qui visualisent vos prévisions financières, ce tableau de bord est parfait pour l'analyse interne ou les présentations externes.

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Pour l'analyse nécessaire pour prendre de meilleures décisions d'investissement, téléchargez et personnalisez ce modèle de feuille de calcul Mobile App Business Plan dans Microsoft Excel ou Google Sheets maintenant. Ensuite, allez consulter notre modèle de feuille de calcul Sales Pipeline pour visualiser et prévoir les prochaines leads et projections de ventes, ou notre autre modèle Plan d'affaires et feuille de calcul Forme Pro Ultimatum pour les Startups pour plus d'exemples de plans d'affaires. Pour plus d'outils pour partager votre plan d'affaires avec des investisseurs potentiels, consultez notre modèle de présentation Ultimate Pitch Deck (Part 4). Nous avons de nombreux exemples de présentations dans notre bibliothèque, donc si vous êtes intéressé par plus, rejoignez notre service Plus aujourd'hui.

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